why be happy about having Trump?

I just got done reading The Art of The Deal, great book. He has what it takes to be the best real estate developer in New York at a young age, I have no doubt he is the smartest President we've ever had. Very ambitious with killer instincts.


Reported for being too retarded to post.

“I put lipstick on a pig,” he said. “I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.” He went on, “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.”

Fuck, I am still having my James Brown moment. I don't know where to start! I just feel so good!! I have to let the goodness salivate for awhile before I talk about all the goodies that are coming!!! POTUS TRUMP!
Put on a robe.
It would be funnier if he really couldn't breathe at the end but that will come thanks for the post.
Have some patience , You are acting like a kid that wants to open presents before christmas . Relax you will get some goodies.
I can't wait so I medicate. No but really if you just put a list of the goodies here we can look back and see. I have no doubt he will do something and it will further someones agenda. And he will do other stuff and it will cause set backs to say the civil rights movement but we shall see.
I just got done reading The Art of The Deal, great book. He has what it takes to be the best real estate developer in New York at a young age, I have no doubt he is the smartest President we've ever had. Very ambitious with killer instincts.
Tony shwartz wrote the art of the deal.
I had the opportunity today to meet someone who actually voted for Trump. I was buying groceries for the house and was checking out. The cashier said Hello and asked me how I'm doing today". I said "fine, but I wished we were having our first female president." She said "not me" and the told me she voted to make American great again and it was time to drain the swamp. She went on to say we have to much corruption in America.
I was stunned that she felt this comfortable telling me this, but I guess Trumpers are embolden right now. I wanted to understand her a little better so I asked her does she go to school and/or what other work she does. Come to find out this cashier job is her main source of income, but she also works at Burger King. I asked her how much Trump is going to raise the minimum wage. She told me she was unsure. I gave her my funny look and a raise of an eyebrow. I left her to do her minimum wage job at minimum wage pay without any knowledge of an increase. People deserve what they vote for.
We don't need to raise the minimum wage, that's a bunch of b.s. Most people wanting to raise the minimum wage are people too lazy to work & put forth effort to get raises, a better job, etc. I have friends from high school with only
A high school education that started working at wal mart pushing carts for minimum wage and now are making 80-100k as managers. Hard work & dedication.. Gotta do what others aren't willing to do if you want to be successful. Most are just to lazy and want easy money they can get while doing a half ass job, texting on the job, being social, etc. To someone that works 18 hours a day 7 days a week in order to actually go somewhere in life, it is frustrating seeing all the lazy people wanting to increase the minimum so they can still be lazy at work doing a half ass job while making a good living.. That's not how this world works. Gotta be willing to do what others won't in order to have what others don't.
We don't need to raise the minimum wage, that's a bunch of b.s. Most people wanting to raise the minimum wage are people too lazy to work & put forth effort to get raises, a better job, etc. I have friends from high school with only
A high school education that started working at wal mart pushing carts for minimum wage and now are making 80-100k as managers. Hard work & dedication.. Gotta do what others aren't willing to do if you want to be successful. Most are just to lazy and want easy money they can get while doing a half ass job, texting on the job, being social, etc. To someone that works 18 hours a day 7 days a week in order to actually go somewhere in life, it is frustrating seeing all the lazy people wanting to increase the minimum so they can still be lazy at work doing a half ass job while making a good living.. That's not how this world works. Gotta be willing to do what others won't in order to have what others don't.
Typical opinion of someone who lacks empathy. I am fine my friends are fine so if your not fine something is wrong with you.
It is not as simple as you make it sound. Some people will deserve a raise and not get one if they even score a job. Some people will not be able to do the management or better jobs cause they are low IQ or disabled or work other jobs or go to school so can only give so much to the job IMO they should not be underpaid. You proly think people in wheel chairs are lazy cause they don't walk , cause This world works perfectly and the only problem is those that won't fall in line
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Personally, I like mexicans. made alot of money with them. but you have to secure your borders.
The preface is not a basis for your insularly premise.
and this bullshit about american's not wanting the jobs, I've been in factories where it was tons of illegals and Americans could have used the work. and they drive down the pay . so maybe it would force companies to take better care of their workers. assuming he can actually deport.
If an actual humane deportation process were to actually work, I think your underlying premise here is right. And I agree.
When you start in with the everyone is immigrants shit it's pretty dumb. you don't just let unlimited homeless people in your house until it's ruined and now you're homeless. maybe it's not fair but that's life. you have to secure the borders. common sense. turning it into a race issue is not fair. it's a real issue.
Again, the preface is not a basis for you insularly premise. In fact I'd go as far to say, you are completely off base. This nation, with the exception of Native Americans, in its entirety is comprised of immigrants. Your argument here is, ignorant.
Also I don't like Muslims too much. you can see this politically correct bullshit all over the world and look at france. they are over run with idiot Muslims that believe in myth and are blowing shit up over some imaginary god. it's crazy. keep them in the desert
There is a stark difference between being politically correct and being prejudice. You are being prejudice and ignorant. Not surprising?
The preface is not a basis for Your argument here is, ignorant.

There is a stark difference between being politically correct and being prejudice. You are being prejudice and ignorant. Not surprising?
Definitely one can be politically correct and still be accurate. Racist fucks always have a problem being pc cause it involves being correct
Ok tell us the factories that had tons of illegals working. Please state the name of said factory. I say you bullshitting and lying.
Even with a win you people can't fucking keep the conversation honest. Damn is lying in yall fucking blood.

Instead of calling him out for lying, which I suspect you are correct, maybe stay with their premise and agree that paying citizens of this country a fair wage and not allowing illegal immigrants to work is the right thing to do?

I feel like a lot of push back rational people get from "Trump supporters" is they get their feelings hurt when we call them stupid and irrational. Like when a child throws a tantrum, we don't tell the kid he's a whiny little bitch, we tell him to please stop and offer him something in exchange. Then we pat that little child on the head and tell him it will all be ok.
Definitely one can be politically correct and still be accurate. Racist fucks always have a problem being pc cause it involves being correct

I actually agree in part with "the dark side", in that radical Muslim practitioners are people we don't want in our country and that "normal" Muslim practitioners need to stand up and fight against those who are casting a poor light on the Muslim religion as a whole. We need to stop being politically correct about it, and start calling it out for what it is, but at the same time, be cognizant of the fact that there are over a billion Muslims and the VAST majority of them are peaceful people.
Instead of calling him out for lying, which I suspect you are correct, maybe stay with their premise and agree that paying citizens of this country a fair wage and not allowing illegal immigrants to work is the right thing to do?

I feel like a lot of push back rational people get from "Trump supporters" is they get their feelings hurt when we call them stupid and irrational. Like when a child throws a tantrum, we don't tell the kid he's a whiny little bitch, we tell him to please stop and offer him something in exchange. Then we pat that little child on the head and tell him it will all be ok.
Maybe he disagrees with the idea that undocumented immigrants should be able to work. I do. I think if someone is somewhere they need work an there is a job available it's a human right to work not an American right. I would like to be able to get a job in another country if I am stuck there or traveling or maybe I will want to immagrate latter . Or what if I want to immagrate but have obstacles keeping me from doing it legally should I sell drugs or my body. Or should I go somewhere dangerous because I am not wanted in the nicer neighborhood.
I actually agree in part with "the dark side", in that radical Muslim practitioners are people we don't want in our country and that "normal" Muslim practitioners need to stand up and fight against those who are casting a poor light on the Muslim religion as a whole. We need to stop being politically correct about it, and start calling it out for what it is, but at the same time, be cognizant of the fact that there are over a billion Muslims and the VAST majority of them are peaceful people.
The "dark side" doesn't make the distinction between a terrorist and someone in a normal religion. Muslims and Christians have been fighting for how many centuries? I think if there was no holy war there wouldn't be as much anti Muslim propaganda

I also don't think every Muslim has to come out against radicalized individuals.
But I guess we could add a line to the national anthem for everyone to sing ; one nation under God against all radical religions with liberty and justice for Christians and those of other religions who denounce those that would do violence in the name of there beliefs.
Like really should white kids have to denounce and stand against Dave caresh and the Columbine kids. ?
Like it's on me that the kkk hang blacks.
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Maybe he disagrees with the idea that undocumented immigrants should be able to work. I do. I think if someone is somewhere they need work an there is a job available it's a human right to work not an American right. I would like to be able to get a job in another country if I am stuck there or traveling or maybe I will want to immagrate latter . Or what if I want to immagrate but have obstacles keeping me from doing it legally should I sell drugs or my body. Or should I go somewhere dangerous because I am not wanted in the nicer neighborhood.

We disagree on this topic. Just as I don't think it would be fair for me to move to France, not speak French and take a someone's job who has lived in France all their life, paid their taxes and contributed to their society, I don't think it's fair for someone from another country, Mexico, Germany, Russia, et al, to come here and take a job from someone who was born here, contributed to society and paid their taxes. It is a matter of fairness.

Now if the immigrant chose to go through the proper channels and get their citizenship "fairly", spoke English and go along in society, I've got no problem with them finding work and competing with natural born citizens. Immigration is what made this country great. They just need to play by the rules.

That being said, I suspect the problems are not nearly as bad as the right purports. However, anecdotally, I can say that if Arizona were to deport 'all' the illegal immigrants there would be a massive hiring phase of landscapers and construction day laborers. Which may be good for the community? Who knows.
The "dark side" doesn't make the distinction between a terrorist and someone in a normal religion. Muslims and Christians have been fighting for how many centuries? I think if there was no holy war there wouldn't be as much anti Muslim propaganda

I also don't think every Muslim has to come out against radicalized individuals.
But I guess we could add a line to the national anthem for everyone to sing ; one nation under God against all radical religions with liberty and justice for Christians and those of other religions who denounce those that would do violence in the name of there beliefs.
Like really should white kids have to denounce and stand against Dave caresh and the Columbine kids. ?
Like it's on me that the kkk hang blacks.

Well that's a debate on religion as a whole. And I'd be happy to discuss that.

Focusing solely on Muslims, the dark side has a hard time making distinctions on much of anything. It's difficult to pin them down on anything because most of the shit they say is loose-lipped and factually inaccurate. So where do you even start? In order to have a rational debate, there must be common ground to start from. The alt-right is good at what they do because their premise is so far off base there is no common ground to start.

This country has become lazy with social media and getting 'information' at a flick of the wrist on their smart phones. They can't be bothered to actually research shit themselves and take pride in finding the truth in things. Our education system has let down this country and we are paying for it now.
I actually agree in part with "the dark side", in that radical Muslim practitioners are people we don't want in our country and that "normal" Muslim practitioners need to stand up and fight against those who are casting a poor light on the Muslim religion as a whole. We need to stop being politically correct about it, and start calling it out for what it is, but at the same time, be cognizant of the fact that there are over a billion Muslims and the VAST majority of them are peaceful people.
Hate crimes way up last year. 17% of those crimes were religious in nature. Most of those crimes were against Jews or Muslims. Christians account for about 77% of the population. Muslims account for about 5%. Why don't we expect Christians to "stand up and fight" against hate crimes?

In any case, the US Muslim community IS actively reporting concerns. The Orlando shooter was reported by a friend in his Mosque, investigated and determined not to be a threat. France and Belgium are looking to the US for advice because we have a much more alert and proactive Muslim population in terms of reporting concerns. European countries think one reason for their own problems is that their Muslim populations have been much more marginalized than the US. US has been more inclusive up until now.
The trouble is that, in a big country like America, there is a need to be united - a la "The UNITED States of America". But, America is also purported to be "The Land of the Free"....which means that even the dumbest of all dumbass dumbasses has the right to be dumb if they choose to.

And there are liberals who are so liberal that they feel obligated to liberate everyone else, too -no matter what. In this particular election, the liberals felt so infringed upon by the candidate choices that many decided to exercise their right and not participate in the election at all. They somehow saw themselves as making their own miniature stand against the tyranny of the system. They believed that ALL (or at least both) candidates were criminals and, thus, did not feel obligated to vote for a criminal.

But, guess what? Those dumbass dumbasses did one thing that the super smart intellectuals didn't -they UNITED in their cause. All their individual voices (which normally mean nothing in the big scheme of things) coalesced and made one large firecracker -instead of a bunch of self-aggrandizing, self-serving little farts who couldn't be arsed to get up off the couch and away from their PlayStation and, instead, play a much more serious game for the sake of their own country -spoiled "individuals" who were all too smart to be bothered with any of it....sheeesh.

People now think that being free means getting to do whatever the fuck you want and no one can make you do anything...and just like a 2 year-old, every time they are asked to do something , the answer is "no!"..."No I don't want to vote." "No, I don't participate in this broken system...." etc. In essence, people are free to fuck up their freedom if they want.

So, this is what we get. Shame on all the smart people who didn't vote because they thought they were too smart. Not enough of them were smart enough to see how many united dumbasses were out there. Now, the dumbasses of the world have a champion -a team of champions, in fact...Sarah-Palin-like champions! It's like the Justice League of America; Sarah Palin with her super vision -can see Russia from her house. Skeletor Giuliani aka "The Punisher"... and a Lex Luther type strategist, Bannon....and so on....all led by MAGAman. whooooosh! It really is starting to look like a comic book...cool, huh?

If this was Bizarro Earth, it would all make sense...

...IS this Bizarro Earth?

Another definition of "dumb" is when someone can't speak -or has no voice. Who, then, really are the dumb ones in this election scenario? It was the smart ones who didn't vote who were the dumb ones this time...and the dumb ones were the smart ones...Bizarro Earth, I tells ya! :)

Maybe the smart people can unite next election....? hmmmmm...
The trouble is that, in a big country like America, there is a need to be united - a la "The UNITED States of America". But, America is also purported to be "The Land of the Free"....which means that even the dumbest of all dumbass dumbasses has the right to be dumb if they choose to.
But, guess what? Those dumbass dumbasses did one thing that the super smart intellectuals didn't -they UNITED in their cause. All their individual voices (which normally mean nothing in the big scheme of things) coalesced and made one large firecracker -instead of a bunch of self-aggrandizing, self-serving little farts who couldn't be arsed to get up off the couch and away from their PlayStation and, instead, play a much more serious game for the sake of their own country -spoiled "individuals" who were all too smart to be bothered with any of it....sheeesh.

How did the right unite better than the left if Hillary has more votes? That doesn't make sense, neither does the Electoral College.