why be happy about having Trump?

We are mostly on the same page. I want a flat tax because again, if you have an income tax then you are going to have to prove to the government what you make.

Think about not having to file income taxes... Ever... Wouldnt that be nice?

If your employees make a dime and you make a dollar you both get to keep or spend your money as you wish. What is more free and fair than that? If you spend 50 cents of your money then you have to pay 10 cents of it in taxes. If you save and invest that dollar then you get the rewards tax free.... Well, until you try to spend them.
Then the rich who can afford to save get get more rich and can just buy everything on Amazon from other countries and avoid paying tax at all
instead of saying the rich why not the smart people that knew how to manage money rather then you know them rich people living paycheck by paycheck and blaming the rich

No body said saving was going to be fun but hey the new era is living on the edge never mind tomorrow but live for today.
Many people came here penniless and retired Rich how did they do it yet many can not ..
I know its called living well beyond there means
Suck it up cupcake
Yeah tell the Indians or Africans that. Seems like when a certain type showed up. Bad things go on. Is it in the blood to rape , steal, murder,spread diseases and lie ????
It's how they where raised what they where exposed to what information they had access to . The more you go back in history you can see the times and places such things where sequestered more esp around times of conflict
The people looked alike cause of where they came from. And if it was in their culture to stay together and they where raised exposed to this sequestered strings of experience they tend to breed similar offspring.
Awmm let me see here who won the presdiential election ??? Democrats or Republican ??? congress is republican, senate is republican

This was a land slide Victory for the republicans

Why do you think Obama took the law into his own hands by signing executive orders

Obama continues to take the law into his own hands often bypassing Congress with the stroke of a pen.

With over 164 Executive Orders under his belt Obama should have no problem catching up to Billy Clinton’s 364, putting him in the top 10 of Executive Order writing Presidents. Franklin D. Roosevelt holds the all-time record with 3,522.
If 60% of Americans think you should go off a cliff does that make it the right thing?
this is the first time i have to agree with you , Since when is it Gov or state that decides for you to carry or not carry a FECES that has no right being its not even born yet
Now i agree there should be a time limit so many weeks or months before dead line get it ? Dead line has passed

I do not care what anyone says that right should be up to both parents with out prejudiced
Actually, the woman has the right to make her medical decisions. The father should be consulted and opinion considered if he's around but it's not his decision. At all.

But hey, we are really really close to agreeing about one thing. In about three years, maybe we'll even agree about Trump.
There will be a surge of
Reggae and punk

Is it the capitalism or the aristocracy?

That has to be done at the city county level
Capitalism is flawed but could be fixed, it's the general disregard for other people. Maybe it's just me idk, but if I were as rich as some of the people in this world I would do so much for the rest of the population. Why have billions when you just drop it on expensive useless things? Fuck, you could help an African village have clean water, food, a good education, so many different things
Yeah tell the Indians or Africans that. Seems like when a certain type showed up. Bad things go on. Is it in the blood to rape , steal, murder,spread diseases and lie ????

I think people should be judged as individuals not on their race. Although sometimes cultural conditioning / indoctrination can lean a person in a direction they might not have gone, but for the conditioning.

Are you saying all white people or all black people should be held accountable for the actions of other people who aren't them, but are of the same race ?
I think people should be judged as individuals not on their race. Although sometimes cultural conditioning / indoctrination can lean a person in a direction they might not have gone, but for the conditioning.

Are you saying all white people or all black people should be held accountable for the actions of other people who aren't them, but are of the same race ?
Nope not saying that at all. I do say that once a person shows me who they are, I believe them.
Anyone who hates another based on race is one fucked up individual. NO ONE owns this land this land is for us all,, so we ALL must learn to live as one. History tells me this will never be done because of hatred , racism , and overall bullshit.
over 30% and approaching 50% diabetes rate. This will bankrupt the system. uniquely American problem. Must be the excellent health care.
I have diabetes, it is not a uniquely American problem and it has nothing to do with the health care system.
The problem there is your mouth hole has a far larger diameter than your butthole.
That shows your mouth goes off without engaging your brain and ignorance of diabetes, I have always been normal weight. There is a professor who is a long distance runner who has diabetes.
America's fault? WTF are you talking about? I don't suffer fools (and trolls) gladly so you're on ignore.
You're trying to imply it's someone else's fault you've diabetes based on anecdotal evidence of you and someone you know.

Too bad, so sad sunshine.
I believe that a woman and her doctor (who would be state licensed) have the right to decide whatever they want to do. I want the government out of it you want the government regulating it.

Who is for personal rights? Oh yeah, I am.....

I just read that you and foghat both have the same basic view of abortion just wanted to point that out. You both say a women should choose
This is the kind of propaganda the right stole from the old revolution to win this election . The Democratic party was stared by racists and was the preferred party back in the day now there has been a reversal in what politics go with what party. Furthermore people choose there party based on a few core values and they don't always understand the rest of the party's policies but people join the Democratic party for Obama's and Clintons and Kennedy's and even Beries views and they join r Pr bushes and Reagans not abe Lincolns these days