why be happy about having Trump?

If a person is against an abortion then they have the right to not have one. Your so-called libertarian philosophy would preclude the state from forcing this kind of decision on them. Roe V Wade was not about states rights, it was about people's rights and a woman's right to make her own medical decisions. Personal rights.

I believe that a woman and her doctor (who would be state licensed) have the right to decide whatever they want to do. I want the government out of it you want the government regulating it.

Who is for personal rights? Oh yeah, I am.....
over 30% and approaching 50% diabetes rate. This will bankrupt the system. uniquely American problem. Must be the excellent health care.
I believe that a woman and her doctor (who would be state licensed) have the right to decide whatever they want to do. I want the government out of it you want the government regulating it.

Who is for personal rights? Oh yeah, I am.....
Ok then, that's what Roe V Wade established. Which is what Trump says he will appoint judges to erase.
Awmm let me see here who won the presdiential election ??? Democrats or Republican ??? congress is republican, senate is republican

This was a land slide Victory for the republicans

Why do you think Obama took the law into his own hands by signing executive orders

Obama continues to take the law into his own hands often bypassing Congress with the stroke of a pen.

With over 164 Executive Orders under his belt Obama should have no problem catching up to Billy Clinton’s 364, putting him in the top 10 of Executive Order writing Presidents. Franklin D. Roosevelt holds the all-time record with 3,522.

Trump was a registered Democrat for most of his life. The GOP spent more time and money trying to get him out of the race rather than help him get elected. Maybe I should have said he is not part of the political establishment for it to be more clear.

Obama chose to go around congress which makes his executive orders subject to reversal by the next president and not by congress. That is how it works.

I dont know how much trouble Trump is going to have with the Republican establisment which isnt something we would be facing with about 15 of the other candidates.
dude, he said it quite clearly during the third debate.

WALLACE: But what I'm asking you, sir, is, do you want to see the court overturn -- you just said you want to see the court protect the Second Amendment. Do you want to see the court overturn Roe v. Wade?

TRUMP: Well, if we put another two or perhaps three justice on, that's really what's going to be -- that will happen. And that'll happen automatically, in my opinion, because I am putting pro-life justices on the court. I will say this: It will go back to the states, and the states will then make a determination.
Then Justin should have stated that, I asked for facts he didn't deliver
Less food stamps less fat people in America Time for Democrats to wake up get a job and stop relying on Government hand outs

Free loaders not only are they un happy there now costing tax payers money from there vandalism across America

PS thank you democrats keep causing problems my stocks are rising keep up the good work my bank account is climbing :)

Thanks for the concern but I am getting ready to retire with a pension and social security. I hope you youngsters see it. Maybe Trump will help.
Ok then, that's what Roe V Wade established. Which is what Trump says he will appoint judges to erase.

I dont want the government involved. You dont seem to understand how to conceptualize that. Each state medical board would decide what procedures are approved and which are not. But I want government out of all medicine so this would include euthanasia, cosmetic mutilation, etc. When you choose freedom you should be prepared to be offended by what other people do with it.
Then Justin should have stated that, I asked for facts he didn't deliver
I was speaking for myself on this open forum in a reply to your post. Justin called you out in his own way. If you have a problem with his mode of communication, take it up with him. He did call you a moron or something like that. That I had to spell out to you exactly what Trump said may not mean you were a moron but it's a good indication that you are. Could be you just weren't paying attention. In either case, you formed your opinion without knowing the facts. Not unusual unfortunately.
I was speaking for myself on this open forum in a reply to your post. Justin called you out in his own way. If you have a problem with his mode of communication, take it up with him. He did call you a moron or something like that. That I had to spell out to you exactly what Trump said may not mean you were a moron but it's a good indication that you are. Could be you just weren't paying attention. In either case, you formed your opinion without knowing the facts. Not unusual unfortunately.
You're still going by what he has said, and if you truly believe everything that people say during a presidential campaign I feel sorry. It's not really a fact since he hasn't taken office. If he stands by his convictions I'll swallow my pride and say I was wrong. I doubt I will be though, have a good rest of your day
You're still going by what he has said, and if you truly believe everything that people say during a presidential campaign I feel sorry. It's not really a fact since he hasn't taken office. If he stands by his convictions I'll swallow my pride and say I was wrong. I doubt I will be though, have a good rest of your day
"You're still going by what he has said" LOL Yes, I am.

I don't know if you voted for Trump or not. Are you telling me that you or most people voted for him because "convictions" but didn't listen to what he was saying? He says he's anti choice and he will appoint judges who are anti choice. How else can one interpret this but as one of his convictions?
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Trump is a raciest FAIL

Are you kidding Trump will never be president Fail

Trump is unfit to be president ?? Fail obviously the peoples as in You think he is our best choice other wise we would not be here right fucking now discussing it lol

How is Trump is racist fail? And we haven't seen how fit he really is yet. But that's subjective any way I mean a bright teen-ager could be fit or half the population for that matter but will they be good at it? And we shall see
How is Trump is racist fail? And we haven't seen how fit he really is yet. But that's subjective any way I mean a bright teen-ager could be fit or half the population for that matter but will they be good at it? And we shall see
I was being sarcastic lol I think trump will be just fine TBH i think he will bring back work i think we will see the economy get better

With Hillary it be stagnant same way it has been last 8 years right
I mean obama did do a stimulus to make it look better but end result has it really he screams that he has lowered the debt by 2/3 ??? yet when he took office it was 10 plus trillion what is it today ???
over 1 trillion a year we have gone into the red since he has been in office

2/3 lol non sense
I got a gut feeling that's there's not going to much to laugh about coming up. I mean, come on, whats so funny about a train wreck, especially one that you know will happen any moment and probably will. I'm done laughing for awhile, personally
There will be a surge of
Reggae and punk
When someone can drop $500,000 on a Rolls Royce because they can, and any one of us could live off of that for maybe 2 generations there is a problem. Capitalism in our country is fucked, there's no American dream anymore.

Is it the capitalism or the aristocracy?
Not entirely, but there definitely needs to be regulations on how big you can get, how much you control, etc. I know there's laws about monopolizing and everything, but look at how Walmart ran mom and pop pharmacies, grocery stores, even auto stores out of business.

That has to be done at the city county level
First of all, it isnt a limited pool of money. Someone being rich does not mean you have to be poor, you could be rich or poor and their wealth doesnt matter.

Secondly, you talk about the rich like they are different from politicians. If you would take a moment to look around, all the politicians are rich...

It's not so much a limited pool of money . There has to be someone lower class for our current economy and infrastructure. That's just the way it works but the working class can be afforded a much higher wage with out upsetting the balance of power. If evey one had the same wages of CEO s there would need to be more money printed prices would go up the odollar would not trade as high so in essence would devalue. We could try this as a bold new venture we would still have access to all we have access to that makes our standard of living high but people at the top don't want that kind of equality and fear where it would leave us internationally and then there would be no leverage or dispute save the ideological and then we would be inclined to help poorer nations because what ideological leverage is there against that .?. Only personal power and money stops those that could help build a better world