why be happy about having Trump?

Tell us why you are excited. What good are you expecting to come from the president elect in the next 4-8 years to forever.
I don't understand and I want to be optimistic.

Fuck, I am still having my James Brown moment. I don't know where to start! I just feel so good!! I have to let the goodness salivate for awhile before I talk about all the goodies that are coming!!! POTUS TRUMP!
Maybe he can get medical costs under control.

One way to reduce consumer costs is thru more suppliers of a given product or service to exist, which creates a more competitive market / lower prices.

That would mean a free market, not a protected crony capital market.

Question protectionism
Insurance companies
Big Pharma

These are entities that both clinton and trump would more align themselves with rather than change. Like the banking industry. Too powerful to fight. I won't be surprised if more riots and violence happens. I hope it does.

Wouldn't it be cool if the government were afraid of the citizens?

Actually I think cutting out wasted spending on Viagra and penis pumps for the elderly would help. My wife works for a Doctor in rural Appalachia and you wouldn't believe what medicare and Medicaid will pay for. And ebt cards
This is the kind of propaganda the right stole from the old revolution to win this election . The Democratic party was stared by racists and was the preferred party back in the day now there has been a reversal in what politics go with what party. Furthermore people choose there party based on a few core values and they don't always understand the rest of the party's policies but people join the Democratic party for Obama's and Clintons and Kennedy's and even Beries views and they join r Pr bushes and Reagans not abe Lincolns these days

In the political realm, there are two kinds of people.

Those who fall under the flag of "we have a right to rule you". That group includes, Republicans, Democrats, Whigs, Tories, Communists, Socialists, Big L libertarians, Socialists, Fascists, Presidents, Kings, Emperors, Prime Ministers, Progressives, Social conservatives, etc.

The other kind are those that don't think they have a right to rule you....Panarchists, Voluntarists etc.
Actually I think cutting out wasted spending on Viagra and penis pumps for the elderly would help. My wife works for a Doctor in rural Appalachia and you wouldn't believe what medicare and Medicaid will pay for. And ebt cards

Everybody has a right to having their own hard on, but nobody has a right to make somebody else pay for it.
I was being sarcastic lol I think trump will be just fine TBH i think he will bring back work i think we will see the economy get better

With Hillary it be stagnant same way it has been last 8 years right
I mean obama did do a stimulus to make it look better but end result has it really he screams that he has lowered the debt by 2/3 ??? yet when he took office it was 10 plus trillion what is it today ???
over 1 trillion a year we have gone into the red since he has been in office

2/3 lol non sense

Considering the republicans have blocked jobs bills for 6 years or so I hope so....

What I see happening is the republicans trying to ram through and remove everything they want on the back of Trump.

Obama's overall debt it attached to all that money spent to recover the economy and wars, some bush tax cuts, and the banks bailout money........all caused from the giant recession because the republicans screwed the pooch.

They will piss off the people again....because thats what republicans do..... over reach...

When one party will say and do anything to retain power and control the government the system is broken.

Blocking Supreme Court Judges and 99 other Federal judges appointments.....comon.

Until the republicans stop playing everyone vote only for what we want or nothing....we are screwed.
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Actually I think cutting out wasted spending on Viagra and penis pumps for the elderly would help. My wife works for a Doctor in rural Appalachia and you wouldn't believe what medicare and Medicaid will pay for. And ebt cards
Are you saying that an unfulfilled sex life isn't potentially detrimental to a relationship, and therefore a life? I don't really see an issue with the Viagra thing. Some people need help keeping balance in their marriage.
I don't use prescription drugs, or intend to ask for permission to ingest anything that I do like.

I mean who would be slavish enough to do that ?
When you refuse to take your meds you lose day-room time. Do you like being lock in your room? You can't just masturbate all day.
The choice is always yours, but the consequences...
and don't forget your Seroquel.
My first 25mg dose of that particular neuroleptic/second generation (or atypical) antipsychotic, I slept for 23 straight hours.

I used to stay up for 3-5 days on speed or glass, take one 200mg Seroquel to sleep for a day, then repeat. Did that shit for 3 years straight. Surprised my heart's still intact.

When you wake up, though, it seriously feels like you've been lobotomized. It's difficult to speak and I have such a problem formulating thoughts sometimes that I get pretty pissed if someone even asks me a question.

So glad to be off that shit. Although that was the best sleep I ever had.
My first 25mg dose of that particular neuroleptic/second generation (or atypical) antipsychotic, I slept for 23 straight hours.

I used to stay up for 3-5 days on speed or glass, take one 200mg Seroquel to sleep for a day, then repeat. Did that shit for 3 years straight. Surprised my heart's still intact.

When you wake up, though, it seriously feels like you've been lobotomized. It's difficult to speak and I have such a problem formulating thoughts sometime that I get pretty pissed if someone even asks me a question.

So glad to be off that shit. Although that was the best sleep I ever had.
I'm glad you off that shit too. I just like fucking with rob roy.
He is like my pet project
My first 25mg dose of that particular neuroleptic/second generation (or atypical) antipsychotic, I slept for 23 straight hours.

I used to stay up for 3-5 days on speed or glass, take one 200mg Seroquel to sleep for a day, then repeat. Did that shit for 3 years straight. Surprised my heart's still intact.

When you wake up, though, it seriously feels like you've been lobotomized. It's difficult to speak and I have such a problem formulating thoughts sometimes that I get pretty pissed if someone even asks me a question.

So glad to be off that shit. Although that was the best sleep I ever had.

yeah the harder stuff is rough.......esp the down.