why be happy about having Trump?

Why would trump reschedule marijuana?

I think you guys are mistaken about him. he is not a far right religious nut.
Ted Cruz would have been way scarier . or Huckabee or any of those types.

Now I see dumb Fucks on Facebook acting like abortion will be illegal all of a sudden.

I don't think he is going to focus on taking our liberties. it's going to be more about trade and business. and we need that.
Why would trump reschedule marijuana?

I think you guys are mistaken about him. he is not a far right religious nut.
Ted Cruz would have been way scarier . or Huckabee or any of those types.

Now I see dumb Fucks on Facebook acting like abortion will be illegal all of a sudden.

I don't think he is going to focus on taking our liberties. it's going to be more about trade and business. and we need that.

Dumb, da da dumb dumb. Dumbbbb. I don't think he's going to take any civil lerberties, lol. You can men's wharehouse that shit, retarded racist
Schedule two, schedule 1. It's already a schedule 1 making it completely illegal to have yet we have recreational pot.

So he may make it a schedule 2 and that means it's gone? Ok then...
this was way less racist then the first way you said it. its cool you sound more like some one who struggles to overcome ones own racism wich is something i dont hear talked about but that is important or maybe i am projecting
@bgmike8 said it perfectly, black culture was the wrong term to use. I don't actually care how people dress or the music they listen to. I respect your right to talk that way, I just prefer plain old English. Mainly because I don't even understand the slang lol.
Why would trump reschedule marijuana?

I think you guys are mistaken about him. he is not a far right religious nut.
Ted Cruz would have been way scarier . or Huckabee or any of those types.

Now I see dumb Fucks on Facebook acting like abortion will be illegal all of a sudden.

I don't think he is going to focus on taking our liberties. it's going to be more about trade and business. and we need that.
You gotta take the abortion thing with a grain of salt, I feel he's going to try and make some of the small promises like abobos, marijuana, and big ones like repealing Obamacare, tightening border security. Try to lock in certain groups before the second election.
So how can you explain why people who win the lottery don't seem to stay rick. lottery winners seem to end up penniless in short order. It must take some skill/discipline/work to stay rich... ;)
Well when you win the lottery you have most of it taken out for taxes (as I'm sure you know) so what they're left with is mediocre wealth, maybe 2,000,000 idk. With how our culture is based on spending, most people just burn through it. The 1% have more money than the 99% combined. Lottery money is a joke compared to what they got
Trump is not a true Republican or Democrat. He is not beholding to any group. He has the freedom to make decisions for the people instead of the historic decision making for the parties and special interests. I am cautiously optimistic that he will at a minimum get us on a different path. He is also strong enough and scrappy enough to be forceful at fighting the Republican and democrat agenda. I don't expect miracles but I am hopeful he can make positive changes to stem the tide of corruption and stalemate in both parties.
Awm let me see here More women voted for Trump then Hillary Yup grab them by the pussy really worked out good for you

Awm bring in the Hispanics and illegals Yup that worked very Very well Again more voted for Trump then Hillary

Now if i were you i would seriously get a hold of a immagration lawyer Rumour has it , back logs are starting
And god forbid you get booted out of this country before you see one

Cry on son You been Schooled come clean and legit
Insurance companies
Big Pharma

These are entities that both clinton and trump would more align themselves with rather than change. Like the banking industry. Too powerful to fight. I won't be surprised if more riots and violence happens. I hope it does.

Wouldn't it be cool if the government were afraid of the citizens?
Maybe he can get medical costs under control.
I wonder about this. if you want good docs you gotta pay them. but if they're too expensive then what do the regular people do? i don't want free medical because I think I'll get what I pay for
Insurance companies
Big Pharma

These are entities that both clinton and trump would more align themselves with rather than change. Like the banking industry. Too powerful to fight. I won't be surprised if more riots and violence happens. I hope it does.

Wouldn't it be cool if the government were afraid of the citizens?

They're supposed to be afraid. or at least respectful. how did we get where we are? apathy and ignorance ?