You are correct the monetary system is a representation of wealth.
Wealth is in land, property, assets, etc....
If you spend 50,000 on labor and materials and create a house worth 100,000 you have created value. Value is what currency is based upon. Anyone can create value, you dont have to be rich or well connected to do it.
The government is overspending and devaluing our currency by manipulating the markets and attempting to force 2% inflation per year. Which means after 50 years your money is worth 100% less than what it was before. The government is doing it because of the massive size of the debt. For almost a decade now the government has artificially forced interest rates to be near 0%. How is a poor person supposed to get ahead when they cant get any interest on their savings and their money is depreciating by 2% per year?
We have to print money because the government is overspending. The federal government took in record revenues last year. It isnt an income problem, it is a spending problem.