why be happy about having Trump?

I'm constantly torn by that myself. I fucking hate walmart but I fucking love walmart. where else can you get a gallon of milk toe nail clippers an extension cord and a hoodie at 3am. and good prices?
not to mention the most brilliant idea of having a retard say hi and bye to you
It's a double edged sword lol, but in reality nothing that makes sense will be put into place. It's all a big chess game to the rich. The pieces are policies, laws, taxes, regulations, wars. This is just some conspiracy shit, but i firmly believe it's all just smoke and mirrors
Fuck I'm sure I won't like him in a year but I'm honestly happy that there is still a white America left and the millenials and minorities haven't won just yet.
I don't see millennials or minorities as the problem. You guys raised us to be this way, we just took on all of the bullshit while older generations blamed us for trying to fix it. The old way of doing things is with aggression and intimidation, when you think of alien races you don't think the grey ones are less than the blue ones. Humanity as a whole is going nowhere but backward, we need to look at the big picture if we plan to get off of this rock
It's a double edged sword lol, but in reality nothing that makes sense will be put into place. It's all a big chess game to the rich. The pieces are policies, laws, taxes, regulations, wars. This is just some conspiracy shit, but i firmly believe it's all just smoke and mirrors
I don't think much will change.

I was gonna say, I do believe howard stern when he said donald isn't against abortion. he's probably paid for a ton of them.

If he doesn't get involved in the religious agenda and does something about foreign trade and losing jobs overseas then maybe it won't be so bad
It's a double edged sword lol, but in reality nothing that makes sense will be put into place. It's all a big chess game to the rich. The pieces are policies, laws, taxes, regulations, wars. This is just some conspiracy shit, but i firmly believe it's all just smoke and mirrors

First of all, it isnt a limited pool of money. Someone being rich does not mean you have to be poor, you could be rich or poor and their wealth doesnt matter.

Secondly, you talk about the rich like they are different from politicians. If you would take a moment to look around, all the politicians are rich...
I don't see millennials or minorities as the problem. You guys raised us to be this way, we just took on all of the bullshit while older generations blamed us for trying to fix it. The old way of doing things is with aggression and intimidation, when you think of alien races you don't think the grey ones are less than the blue ones. Humanity as a whole is going nowhere but backward, we need to look at the big picture if we plan to get off of this rock

I see these young kids just blindly supporting shit they know nothing about. I saw it with obama. every black guy in the joint was all about Obama bit couldn't tell you anything about him or what he was going to do specifically . and with social media ... fuck. .. these kids believe whatever they see on Facebook and whatnot. and they get to vote
First of all, it isnt a limited pool of money. Someone being rich does not mean you have to be poor, you could be rich or poor and their wealth doesnt matter.

Secondly, you talk about the rich like they are different from politicians. If you would take a moment to look around, all the politicians are rich...
Well wouldn't that mean politicians and the rich go hand in hand? We have nothing behind our money, the federal government issues a bond to the federal reserve to print X amount of money. When the rich keep it all that means we get less. The more they print the less we get, follow me there? So when we have to print more money because they have it all we are putting ourselves into debt even more.
I see these young kids just blindly supporting shit they know nothing about. I saw it with obama. every black guy in the joint was all about Obama bit couldn't tell you anything about him or what he was going to do specifically . and with social media ... fuck. .. these kids believe whatever they see on Facebook and whatnot. and they get to vote
Now I get what you mean, well I can assure you we're not all mindless sheep. Most of us are, I actually just saw a friend share a post saying welfare recipients will get drug tested. The post was a year old and for Wisconsin, we live on the east coast.....
I don't see millennials or minorities as the problem. You guys raised us to be this way, we just took on all of the bullshit while older generations blamed us for trying to fix it. The old way of doing things is with aggression and intimidation, when you think of alien races you don't think the grey ones are less than the blue ones. Humanity as a whole is going nowhere but backward, we need to look at the big picture if we plan to get off of this rock

Oh. I'm high. the minority thing... so Clinton was all about locking these guys up. mandatory sentencing and shit. and her husband signed the PLRA into law making it super hard to sue the prisons for conditions and shit. this all affected the blacks alot. there are tons of guys still locked up from crack sales in the 90s
Oh. I'm high. the minority thing... so Clinton was all about locking these guys up. mandatory sentencing and shit. and her husband signed the PLRA into law making it super hard to sue the prisons for conditions and shit. this all affected the blacks alot. there are tons of guys still locked up from crack sales in the 90s
Is this with State and federal prisons or privatized ones?
Well wouldn't that mean politicians and the rich go hand in hand? We have nothing behind our money, the federal government issues a bond to the federal reserve to print X amount of money. When the rich keep it all that means we get less. The more they print the less we get, follow me there? So when we have to print more money because they have it all we are putting ourselves into debt even more.

You are correct the monetary system is a representation of wealth.

Wealth is in land, property, assets, etc....

If you spend 50,000 on labor and materials and create a house worth 100,000 you have created value. Value is what currency is based upon. Anyone can create value, you dont have to be rich or well connected to do it.

The government is overspending and devaluing our currency by manipulating the markets and attempting to force 2% inflation per year. Which means after 50 years your money is worth 100% less than what it was before. The government is doing it because of the massive size of the debt. For almost a decade now the government has artificially forced interest rates to be near 0%. How is a poor person supposed to get ahead when they cant get any interest on their savings and their money is depreciating by 2% per year?

We have to print money because the government is overspending. The federal government took in record revenues last year. It isnt an income problem, it is a spending problem.
You are correct the monetary system is a representation of wealth.

Wealth is in land, property, assets, etc....

If you spend 50,000 on labor and materials and create a house worth 100,000 you have created value. Value is what currency is based upon. Anyone can create value, you dont have to be rich or well connected to do it.

The government is overspending and devaluing our currency by manipulating the markets and attempting to force 2% inflation per year. Which means after 50 years your money is worth 100% less than what it was before. The government is doing it because of the massive size of the debt. For almost a decade now the government has artificially forced interest rates to be near 0%. How is a poor person supposed to get ahead when they cant get any interest on their savings and their money is depreciating by 2% per year?

We have to print money because the government is overspending. The federal government took in record revenues last year. It isnt an income problem, it is a spending problem.
Good points, how do you feel about tax loopholes then? Wouldn't it be much easier to balance the deficit if wealthy people were actually taxed properly? Then the government wouldn't have to depreciate our money
Good points, how do you feel about tax loopholes then? Wouldn't it be much easier to balance the deficit if wealthy people were actually taxed properly? Then the government wouldn't have to depreciate our money

The top 10% pay 90% of the taxes in this country. The government overspends, it has been doing so since before I was born. It isnt a democrat or republican problem it is a government problem.

When you say taxed properly, what exactly do you mean? The government took in record revenue last year. How is that not 'taxing properly' ?

I want a full revamp of the tax system. I do not believe that people should be taxed on income because it is intrusive and requires extensive documentation to the government.

What I believe would be a much more fair system is a flat sales tax. That way people would be taxed on the money they spend, not the money they make. It would encourage savings and investment as these could be done tax free.

But government has to be completely revamped and cut down to size for this to work as well.
The top 10% pay 90% of the taxes in this country. The government overspends, it has been doing so since before I was born. It isnt a democrat or republican problem it is a government problem.

When you say taxed properly, what exactly do you mean? The government took in record revenue last year. How is that not 'taxing properly' ?

I want a full revamp of the tax system. I do not believe that people should be taxed on income because it is intrusive and requires extensive documentation to the government.

What I believe would be a much more fair system is a flat sales tax. That way people would be taxed on the money they spend, not the money they make. It would encourage savings and investment as these could be done tax free.

But government has to be completely revamped and cut down to size for this to work as well.
Taxed properly meaning pay more if you make more. If I make a dollar and my employees make a dime why should I be taxed the same amount? But if what you're saying means slashing the federal govt. I'm all for it. I feel it would work if you gave most of the power to the states themselves. Let the people decide what they want.
Taxed properly meaning pay more if you make more. If I make a dollar and my employees make a dime why should I be taxed the same amount? But if what you're saying means slashing the federal govt. I'm all for it. I feel it would work if you gave most of the power to the states themselves. Let the people decide what they want.

We are mostly on the same page. I want a flat tax because again, if you have an income tax then you are going to have to prove to the government what you make.

Think about not having to file income taxes... Ever... Wouldnt that be nice?

If your employees make a dime and you make a dollar you both get to keep or spend your money as you wish. What is more free and fair than that? If you spend 50 cents of your money then you have to pay 10 cents of it in taxes. If you save and invest that dollar then you get the rewards tax free.... Well, until you try to spend them.
The top 10% pay 90% of the taxes in this country. The government overspends, it has been doing so since before I was born. It isnt a democrat or republican problem it is a government problem.

When you say taxed properly, what exactly do you mean? The government took in record revenue last year. How is that not 'taxing properly' ?

I want a full revamp of the tax system. I do not believe that people should be taxed on income because it is intrusive and requires extensive documentation to the government.

What I believe would be a much more fair system is a flat sales tax. That way people would be taxed on the money they spend, not the money they make. It would encourage savings and investment as these could be done tax free.

But government has to be completely revamped and cut down to size for this to work as well.
Stop making sense.
That's assuming he can find some illegal Polish immigrants to stiff and then threaten to have deported if they bitch

Trump is going to deport all of them so it will be impossible.... J/K (I dont think he is going to manage to pull off mass deportations)
We are mostly on the same page. I want a flat tax because again, if you have an income tax then you are going to have to prove to the government what you make.

Think about not having to file income taxes... Ever... Wouldnt that be nice?

If your employees make a dime and you make a dollar you both get to keep or spend your money as you wish. What is more free and fair than that? If you spend 50 cents of your money then you have to pay 10 cents of it in taxes. If you save and invest that dollar then you get the rewards tax free.... Well, until you try to spend them.
So how would that create enough money to fund social programs or military? That's the part I can't understand. My last job I earned about 770 a week but got paid 501. So easily 270 off of one person. If you are only taxed based on how much you spend that would encourage saving, so less spending, less tax revenue