why be happy about having Trump?

So how would that create enough money to fund social programs or military? That's the part I can't understand. My last job I earned about 770 a week but got paid 501. So easily 270 off of one person. If you are only taxed based on how much you spend that would encourage saving, so less spending, less tax revenue

Those are all the taxes you are being charged (FICA, FUTA, SUTA,etc.) and not just federal income tax.

But lets say that they were all the same thing.

Instead of gettting only 501 you would get paid the whole 770 out of your paycheck. But when you went to spend it everything would be 25% more expensive (for example). So if you spent 600 of it you would actually be spending $750.00 because of the taxes.

It gives the individual much more flexibility and if there was no tax on investment or savings (which is 2nd hand investment) that would be encouraged by the benefits.
I agree with you that a single mom should be able to make it on 40 hours a week.

I also believe it's not my fault you got pregnant at 16, didn't do well in school, have a shitty personality, or can't be anywhere on time.

Everyone I know that actually gives a fuck about bettering themselves and have made a couple good choices here and there make far more than min wage.

There are exceptions I will admit, but the vast majority making min wage are young kids, just starting, or fuck-ups. Those who give a shit usually move up pretty fast.

Do you think the immigrant leaves his homeland to get a shitty job in America? Nope. He told his family he was coming here to make a better life.

So the question is, what is the acceptable level of stuff one must possess to make us not feel bad?

A dog
Gambling money

Please add any I missed.
Your list kind of sucks because it focuses on material possessions. If that list were the minimum necessary list for modern life, I would strike DSL, iPad, automobile, x box and gambling money as necessities and budget enough to live close enough to work to avoid the automobile.
My list in order from most to least importance, where the top five items must be met to claim livable wage:

Healthcare coverage
Eye care
Dental care
Retirement savings
Some discretionary spending money
Kid's necessities for education
Cheap TV
Cheapest cable package
Time for the family
Education savings

After that, we can talk about adding
Better cable package
Computer or iPad or both
larger budget for discretionary spending that can be used of for whatever. Gambling if that's your bag.
Better housing

And fuck DSL

If you can agree that people can better themselves then how about incentives to do so? What I saw on NLX's list was jobs but the kind of jobs is important too. Low wage service sector jobs are by and large dead end, low paying and don't have incentives to gain new skills. A lot of progress can be made by expanding affordable skills training programs and JCs to train people for jobs that are currently hard to fill. Such as electrician, automobile service and repair, and others. That's only going to expand the number of well paid people so much. After that, some sort of skilled manufacturing or other high value service jobs need to be added to the economy.

People jump to this idea that somebody is going to be given a job that they don't deserve. How many times have you seen that happen to somebody that isn't related to the owner or top level manager? For myself, I've only ever earned a job when I convinced the employer that I could produce many times in value than my wages. I'm not suggesting giving jobs to anybody, just creating an upwardly mobile path for developing yourself.

Also, what happened to the tradition of on the job training? I read about employers complaining about lack of skilled workers but I rarely read about job training programs. One place where I worked, it was sink or swim for new hires. We were kept so busy that we didn't have the time to train the new person. The outcome was wasteful. We were always short handed and the FNG created problems that pulled one of us away from what we were doing. When I managed a lab, I had to budget 1/2 a full time equivalent worker to train the new person and didn't include the new hire as a FTE for several months and never until the trainer said they were ready. The program was a success in terms of quality and productivity but always was a hard sell to my management who just didn't understand the "training thing".

The country doesn't just need jobs. Places in India have such low wages that it isn't worth investing in equipment. There are coal mines in India where people do all the hauling of coal by hand instead of mechanized equipment. They are paid incredibly low wages and live in grinding poverty. The economy in those areas is stagnant too. There is too little money in the economy to cycle and grow businesses. Is this country going to be better off if unemployed high school grads or GED workers in Akron are shipped off to Texas to work the watermelon harvest for sub minimum wages? And don't tell me about those slacker college grads who are working tables at a local restaurant. They are looking for better work and finding the pickings really slim.

So, its a mix. This country doesn't just need jobs, it needs stable high value creation jobs and a workforce to staff it. If a person settles for a low wage job, then fine. If they want a better opportunity, it has to be there to provide the incentive to gain those skills. If a person has personality or mental health issues, that prevents them from succeeding then help should be available, not as a freebie but because a healthy working person is worth the investment. And finally, to address decline of population and economy in much of the interior of this country, make it possible for those jobs to exist in the heart land so that sustainable multigeneration communities can grow. Multigenerational families provide the best safety net -- extended families are better.

And I'm not talking about government nanny state overseeing this. We paid dearly for the new president. I see no reason why we shouldn't expect him to rise up to this challenge to bring private-public partnership to do this. It is, after all, why he got this job in the first place.

But then again, Donald Trump? Really?
Those are all the taxes you are being charged (FICA, FUTA, SUTA,etc.) and not just federal income tax.

But lets say that they were all the same thing.

Instead of gettting only 501 you would get paid the whole 770 out of your paycheck. But when you went to spend it everything would be 25% more expensive (for example). So if you spent 600 of it you would actually be spending $750.00 because of the taxes.

It gives the individual much more flexibility and if there was no tax on investment or savings (which is 2nd hand investment) that would be encouraged by the benefits.
The village idiot speaks. H knows the price of everything but not the value.
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Well wouldn't that mean politicians and the rich go hand in hand? We have nothing behind our money, the federal government issues a bond to the federal reserve to print X amount of money. When the rich keep it all that means we get less. The more they print the less we get, follow me there? So when we have to print more money because they have it all we are putting ourselves into debt even more.
our money is backed by faith thats why latin american countrys dollars are falling; with a trump president and congress backing faith in their economy and money go down
Well wouldn't that mean politicians and the rich go hand in hand? We have nothing behind our money, the federal government issues a bond to the federal reserve to print X amount of money. When the rich keep it all that means we get less. The more they print the less we get, follow me there? So when we have to print more money because they have it all we are putting ourselves into debt even more.
in this scenario, they eventually print infinite dollars and we get nothing. I thing your model needs tweaking.
I predict trump will reschedule marijuana to a schedule 2 drug. ending legal pot nation wide...Vendetta against those legal "Blue" states for not voting for him
Oh. I'm high. the minority thing... so Clinton was all about locking these guys up. mandatory sentencing and shit. and her husband signed the PLRA into law making it super hard to sue the prisons for conditions and shit. this all affected the blacks alot. there are tons of guys still locked up from crack sales in the 90s
yeah BILL Clinton made a huge mistake. i would love to ask him what he was thinking and his thoughts on it now after seeing the repercussions.
i guess it was sort of a naive illhatched plan he put out for political gain to show he was passionate about fighting the crack epidemic and or to show that he had a strong sense of law as he was joked about as being liberal even called a hippies candidate . so i don't think his view on criminal justice was very advanced and this was the kind of short sided politically motivated decisions that we can expect from some politicians as most politicians are not masters of all the important subjects that they perhaps should be still they rely on staff and advisors who can be just as naive as an eager candidate or office holder and i know we can expect personal agenda that intersects with certain world leaders long term counter to others but he is essentially a new politician so im sure we will see some plain old sort sighted decisions made .bongsmilie thats one way to further an agenda ; to convince the other side to push it for you. with trump it will be him pushing other country's agendas and maybe the extreme white i mean right or do i mean white:?:
I predict trump will reschedule marijuana to a schedule 2 drug. ending legal pot nation wide...Vendetta against those legal "Blue" states for not voting for him
sure but the catch is he will do it in his second term:fire:

wait how would changing it from a schedule one make it more illegal?
If you understand the rich pull all of the strings you see none of this actually even matters though? It's all a chess game the elite play and we're the pawns. This entire election was between these two people solely to divide the nation. Play upon our fears and prejudices
that is why it is worse. that is why i am embarrassed outside of talking to Americans. Because it hurts the case that its not all like that and that we are not all like that. now our elected leader\representative represents that which is not the majority but in fact the current ruling class here.
There is a federal form a dr must fill out for every schedule 2 prescription. a simple dr recommendation as we have today will no longer be valid & it would end recreational pot.
the laws of the federal government shall not infringe on the states or however the quote goes from the constitution so state laws would hold and then as a schedule 2 it can also be studied by pharmaceutical companies and private research and would be a lesser crime to posses in states that have no legalization. so if you can convince him hes hurting cannabis supporters by rescheduling it we need you in Washington
I didn't mean to offend you man lol. Mainly for me it's the language. If I'm talking to someone I expect them to have a slight grasp of the English language. Whether you're black, white, yellow, red, if you talk to me like a stereotypical inner city kid I'm not going to like you. Example "Yo b, frfr that club was lit af last night"
this was way less racist then the first way you said it. its cool you sound more like some one who struggles to overcome ones own racism wich is something i dont hear talked about but that is important or maybe i am projecting
Well he's only rich because his father was rich. Without his small loan and family name he'd just be another average joe. Even if he did get a loan from a bank for say 500,000 imo I think we was only ever successful because of what family he belongs to

So how can you explain why people who win the lottery don't seem to stay rick. lottery winners seem to end up penniless in short order. It must take some skill/discipline/work to stay rich... ;)
Sounds boring, I mean white people are okay sometimes, but dammit man, where will he get good Chinese food?
Some white people are awesome. Some are fucking POS and need to catch melanoma that spreads with the help of the evil in them, and die off