why be happy about having Trump?

Hate crimes way up last year. 17% of those crimes were religious in nature. Most of those crimes were against Jews or Muslims. Christians account for about 77% of the population. Muslims account for about 5%. Why don't we expect Christians to "stand up and fight" against hate crimes?
I agree. We should demand Christians to stand up against other Christians who hate. We should have everyone stand up against hate. Love trumps hate.

In any case, the US Muslim community IS actively reporting concerns. The Orlando shooter was reported by a friend in his Mosque, investigated and determined not to be a threat. France and Belgium are looking to the US for advice because we have a much more alert and proactive Muslim population in terms of reporting concerns. European countries think one reason for their own problems is that their Muslim populations have been much more marginalized than the US. US has been more inclusive up until now.
Inclusivity is not a measure for one's self preservation of belief. Muslims need to stand up [and fight] against other Muslims who hate. Marginalization is an excuse. If you are proud of your faith, stand up for it. That being said though, we as a nation, err, correction, the right sided nation needs to practice forgiveness, humility and rationality.

To me, I think the state of our nation rest on the shoulders of the right and those who have been elected and appointed to represent the entire United States, not just the "winners".

Let's hope.
How did the right unite better than the left if Hillary has more votes? That doesn't make sense, neither does the Electoral College.
Well I don't think the electoral college is the best method, either....but since most of the liberal states are also the most populated states, the popular vote isn't fair to the people in the rest of the less-populated areas. So, they elected the people who would represent their vote. That's how they out-united the left.
Well, the economy will grow with all the new construction jobs that will be needed to build a wall between Mexico and the US. It will also grow because all the Insurance companies will again make record profits with the elimination of Obamacare. Sales of respirators will increase due the gutting of the EPA. We will have more low paying jobs that need to be filled because all the Mexicans will be shipped back home, and forget about increasing the minimum wage, so your hamburger won't cost more There will be more hotel rooms now available because Muslims won't be coming here anymore. Sexual assault cases will go down because what the fuck, the President is a predator, so why bother filing a complaint. The gay community wont be so bothersome because the next SCROTUS will surely keep them in their rightful place, the closet. The military will get a boost also, because sure as shit we will need more guns and soldiers. Cops, prosecutors, lawyers and penal institutions will get a big boost also because of all the incarcerations that will be coming as a result of the new national stop and frisk laws that will be enacted. See, it's a win win situation. Oh, there are losers here after all. Ivanka and Donald will have to make their ties and dresses here instead of China, so that will put a dent in their income. Oh well, you can't win all the time.
Lol. he will be a great prez
I heard on the radio that trump is going to ask for 13 trillion to rebuild infrastructures/ roads etc ....exactly what obama asked for when he first took office. They shot down obamas request back then. Maybe they will give trump the money. Wheres the $$$ going to come from to build about all the manufacturing factory's he promised ... or the $$$ to be upgrad the old factories with new technology?
Well I don't think the electoral college is the best method, either....but since most of the liberal states are also the most populated states, the popular vote isn't fair to the people in the rest of the less-populated areas. So, they elected the people who would represent their vote. That's how they out-united the left.
That doesn't make sense. Why should geographical location be an indicator of fairness?

There are roughly 330,000,000 citizens of the United States. The ONLY fair method for which each vote counted is to count each vote.

You do know where the Electoral College stemmed from, don't you? Does 3/5 a man sound familiar?
I heard on the radio that trump is going to ask for 13 trillion to rebuild infrastructures/ roads etc ....exactly what obama asked for when he first took office. They shot down obamas request back then. Maybe they will give trump the money. Wheres the $$$ going to come from to build about all the manufacturing factory's he promised ... or the $$$ to be upgrad the old factories with new technology?

That's easy, it will come from all the tax cuts Trump is proposing. :wall:
And most Trump voters thought she was the bigger turd. That part I get. Both candidates sucked.

BUT- some voted with Chump because they LOVE the guy. Racism, misogyny, cheating - these aspects lured folks that feel the same way. That's what saddens me. Who would have thought there were so many low-life true trump sycophants
Wow. Seriously Trump voters voted for Trump because we all knew what we would get with Hillary but yet we are hoping and praying for the best with trump, he might just be what this country needs because it sure as hell ain't Hillary
Wow. Seriously Trump voters voted for Trump because we all knew what we would get with Hillary but yet we are hoping and praying for the best with trump, he might just be what this country needs because it sure as hell ain't Hillary
You really should work on your grammar. Your thoughts are really hard to read.
Personally, I like mexicans. made alot of money with them. but you have to secure your borders.

and this bullshit about american's not wanting the jobs, I've been in factories where it was tons of illegals and Americans could have used the work. and they drive down the pay . so maybe it would force companies to take better care of their workers. assuming he can actually deport.

When you start in with the everyone is immigrants shit it's pretty dumb. you don't just let unlimited homeless people in your house until it's ruined and now you're homeless. maybe it's not fair but that's life. you have to secure the borders. common sense. turning it into a race issue is not fair. it's a real issue.

Also I don't like Muslims too much. you can see this politically correct bullshit all over the world and look at france. they are over run with idiot Muslims that believe in myth and are blowing shit up over some imaginary god. it's crazy. keep them in the desert
You really should work on your grammar. Your thoughts are really hard to read.
oh poor baby. Would you like me to use isn't instead of ain't would that make you happy
Lol. he will be a great prez


Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, unshakable beliefs in something untrue or not based on reality.
The trouble is that, in a big country like America, there is a need to be united - a la "The UNITED States of America". But, America is also purported to be "The Land of the Free"....which means that even the dumbest of all dumbass dumbasses has the right to be dumb if they choose to.

And there are liberals who are so liberal that they feel obligated to liberate everyone else, too -no matter what. In this particular election, the liberals felt so infringed upon by the candidate choices that many decided to exercise their right and not participate in the election at all. They somehow saw themselves as making their own miniature stand against the tyranny of the system. They believed that ALL (or at least both) candidates were criminals and, thus, did not feel obligated to vote for a criminal.

But, guess what? Those dumbass dumbasses did one thing that the super smart intellectuals didn't -they UNITED in their cause. All their individual voices (which normally mean nothing in the big scheme of things) coalesced and made one large firecracker -instead of a bunch of self-aggrandizing, self-serving little farts who couldn't be arsed to get up off the couch and away from their PlayStation and, instead, play a much more serious game for the sake of their own country -spoiled "individuals" who were all too smart to be bothered with any of it....sheeesh.

People now think that being free means getting to do whatever the fuck you want and no one can make you do anything...and just like a 2 year-old, every time they are asked to do something , the answer is "no!"..."No I don't want to vote." "No, I don't participate in this broken system...." etc. In essence, people are free to fuck up their freedom if they want.

So, this is what we get. Shame on all the smart people who didn't vote because they thought they were too smart. Not enough of them were smart enough to see how many united dumbasses were out there. Now, the dumbasses of the world have a champion -a team of champions, in fact...Sarah-Palin-like champions! It's like the Justice League of America; Sarah Palin with her super vision -can see Russia from her house. Skeletor Giuliani aka "The Punisher"... and a Lex Luther type strategist, Bannon....and so on....all led by MAGAman. whooooosh! It really is starting to look like a comic book...cool, huh?

If this was Bizarro Earth, it would all make sense...

...IS this Bizarro Earth?

Another definition of "dumb" is when someone can't speak -or has no voice. Who, then, really are the dumb ones in this election scenario? It was the smart ones who didn't vote who were the dumb ones this time...and the dumb ones were the smart ones...Bizarro Earth, I tells ya! :)

Maybe the smart people can unite next election....? hmmmmm...

You're a smart dude. and I'm not arguing with what you said.

I just want to point out the fact that main stream media really distorts people's views. it is so very powerful. Palin never said she could see russia. it was Tina fey. lol
How did the right unite better than the left if Hillary has more votes? That doesn't make sense, neither does the Electoral College.
I was pissed at the electoral system when gore lost. bUT now that I'm older I see the importance. why should the whole country be governed by the people of new York chicago and Los Angeles ? ?