"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

I love to see it all, especially the process....I remember my brother and his buddies would hang the bud-laden branches from the garage/basement ceiling and put bed sheets along the floors...
Na, still leary about posting pics. I like your grows though watched a few. Mine, nothing special, smart pots, dirt and maxsea'd indicas.
Awwwwe, alrighto. I understand. Here are some of my instructional vids. Hope this helps:

If you ever need any advice concerning the amount of mountain dew you should use per gallon, or how many leaves to take off to garner maximum yields, just give me a shout...
Awwwwe, alrighto. I understand. Here are some of my instructional vids. Hope this helps:

If you ever need any advice concerning the maximum amount of mountain dew you should use per gallon, or how many leaves to take off to garner maximum yields, just give me a shout...

Right on. I like to spray the Mt. Dew on the finished cured buds, makes em sticky icky and adds weight. Fuck, I been doing it wrong.
Greenland Blowing Away All Records For Ice Growth
Posted on November 14, 2016 by tonyheller
Greenland’s surface has been gaining about 3.5 billion tons of ice per day since the first of September. This is about 50% above normal.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI

This is occurring just as global land temperatures are cooling at a record rate.


Meanwhile government funded experts fraudsters are telling the press that Greenland is melting at catastrophic speed.

Alert! Greenland’s Ice Now Melting At Catastrophic Speed : News : Nature World News

One of the top priorities of the Trump administration should be to root those responsible for this fraud out of government.
This dude watched a birther video, then went out and voted for Obama. Then this other dude who is Liberal in public and Conservative in his private financial affairs, cried about it for years, true story.

Cry in the corner some, might help get the area a little cleaner.View attachment 3804248

The crapple doesn't fall far from the tree. Don't tell me even his cat shits on the floor? Damn!
Greenland Blowing Away All Records For Ice Growth
Posted on November 14, 2016 by tonyheller
Greenland’s surface has been gaining about 3.5 billion tons of ice per day since the first of September. This is about 50% above normal.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI

This is occurring just as global land temperatures are cooling at a record rate.


Meanwhile government funded experts fraudsters are telling the press that Greenland is melting at catastrophic speed.

Alert! Greenland’s Ice Now Melting At Catastrophic Speed : News : Nature World News

One of the top priorities of the Trump administration should be to root those responsible for this fraud out of government.
So, the earth has a complex weather system. We know that. No need to spam us with this. 2016 will end with a record in the books. The warmest year on record. Denial of AGW depends on pseudoscience.
So, the earth has a complex weather system. We know that. No need to spam us with this. 2016 will end with a record in the books. The warmest year on record. Denial of AGW depends on pseudoscience.
how can it be hottest year, and have record ice formation ?

On 1 Trip, Kerry Producing As Much CO2 as Average American Does in 1 Year
By Patrick Goodenough | November 14, 2016 | 4:13 AM EST


Secretary of State John Kerry disembarks from his U.S. Air Force aircraft at the Pegasus ice runway near McMurdo Station, Antarctica on Friday, Nov. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Mark Ralston, Pool)
(Update: A reader points out that the calculations in this story are based on a first-class passenger flying commercial, whereas it would be more fitting to calculate CO2 emissions for the entire aircraft in the case of Secretary of State John Kerry’s dedicated Boeing 757. One source puts average CO2 emission for aircraft at 53.3 pounds per air mile, so Kerry’s current trip could be said to be responsible for 853.4 metric tons of CO2 – as many as 52 average Americans produce in a year.)

(CNSNews.com) – Secretary of State John Kerry winged his way Monday from New Zealand to the Middle East on the next leg of what may be his longest trip yet, a journey during which America’s top diplomat will account for roughly 16.5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

That’s more or less the amount of CO2 – one of the key “greenhouse gases” blamed for global warming – produced by the average American in a full year, according to World Bank data.

Climate change features prominently on Kerry’s itinerary on his current trip, an eight-day haul from Washington to New Zealand to Antarctica – where he became the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit – and on to two Arab Gulf states and then Morocco before winging to Peru and then back home.

The Antarctica visit, which included a stop at the McMurdo research station on Ross Island, was focused primarily on climate change – Kerry spoke about concerns that should a huge ice sheet break up and melt sea levels could rise by 12 feet.

The trip to Morocco is also climate-focused: Kerry will attend the U.N. climate conference in Marrakesh, where is expected to deliver a speech to an audience deeply concerned about President-elect Donald Trump’s views on climate change and the new Paris climate accord.

An imprecise calculation of the route Kerry is taking on this trip indicates he will travel around 35,300 miles, which would make it the longest of Kerry’s many journeys as secretary of state.


Secretary of State John Kerry waves as he boards his plane. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)
Prior to this one, his longest trip was around 31,900 miles last fall, when he visited East and West Africa, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and then flew east to Bangladesh, India and on to China to join President Obama for a G20 summit.

Using a calculator from CarbonFootprint.com, which bases its data on conversion factors from the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy and equivalent agencies in Canada, Australia and Britain, a first-class passenger flying the distance of Kerry’s current trip would be responsible for roughly 16.57 tons of CO2 emissions.

Kerry’s round-trip flight from New Zealand to the Antarctic was aboard a C17 Globemaster military cargo plane, rather than the official Boeing 757 he is using for the remainder of the trip. The two aircraft are roughly the same size and the latter’s engines are based on those used by the 757.

Kerry has now visited more than 90 countries on seven continents. Last December he broke former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s record of 956,733 travel miles during her Jan. 2009-Jan. 2013 tenure.

As of the end of October – the latest figures provided by the State Department – Kerry had traveled 1,327, 715 miles, or almost 53 and a half times around the Earth.

Figures differ depending on source, but Firmgreen.com and Climatepath.org both say long-haul flight produces 0.39 pounds of CO2 per passenger mile. (Long haul flights account for lower emissions per passenger mile, they say, because a high percent of fuel use and emissions occur during takeoffs.)

Based on that figure, Kerry’s travel up until the end of October produced some 234.9 tons of CO2 – more than 14 average Americans will produce over the course of a year.

Speaking Sunday in Wellington, New Zealand before flying to Oman via Singapore, Kerry sidestepped an invitation to speculate on what a Trump presidency would mean for the campaign to combat climate change.

But he delivered a robust defense for the need for ambitious action against climate change, which he said “the world’s scientific community has concluded … is happening beyond any doubt.”

Kerry said the Obama administration would do everything possible until it ends on January 20 “to meet our responsibility to future generations to be able to address this threat to life itself on the planet.”

“We will wait to see how the next administration addresses this, but I believe we’re on the right track,” he said. “And this is a track that the American people are committed to because the majority of the American people believe climate change is, in fact, happening and want to see us address it.”

A Pew poll last month found 48 percent of adult Americans say climate change is occurring mostly due to human activity, 31 percent say it is due to natural causes, and another 20 percent says there is no solid evidence of global warming.
how can it be hottest year, and have record ice formation ?

On 1 Trip, Kerry Producing As Much CO2 as Average American Does in 1 Year
By Patrick Goodenough | November 14, 2016 | 4:13 AM EST


Secretary of State John Kerry disembarks from his U.S. Air Force aircraft at the Pegasus ice runway near McMurdo Station, Antarctica on Friday, Nov. 11, 2016. (AP Photo/Mark Ralston, Pool)
(Update: A reader points out that the calculations in this story are based on a first-class passenger flying commercial, whereas it would be more fitting to calculate CO2 emissions for the entire aircraft in the case of Secretary of State John Kerry’s dedicated Boeing 757. One source puts average CO2 emission for aircraft at 53.3 pounds per air mile, so Kerry’s current trip could be said to be responsible for 853.4 metric tons of CO2 – as many as 52 average Americans produce in a year.)

(CNSNews.com) – Secretary of State John Kerry winged his way Monday from New Zealand to the Middle East on the next leg of what may be his longest trip yet, a journey during which America’s top diplomat will account for roughly 16.5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

That’s more or less the amount of CO2 – one of the key “greenhouse gases” blamed for global warming – produced by the average American in a full year, according to World Bank data.

Climate change features prominently on Kerry’s itinerary on his current trip, an eight-day haul from Washington to New Zealand to Antarctica – where he became the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit – and on to two Arab Gulf states and then Morocco before winging to Peru and then back home.

The Antarctica visit, which included a stop at the McMurdo research station on Ross Island, was focused primarily on climate change – Kerry spoke about concerns that should a huge ice sheet break up and melt sea levels could rise by 12 feet.

The trip to Morocco is also climate-focused: Kerry will attend the U.N. climate conference in Marrakesh, where is expected to deliver a speech to an audience deeply concerned about President-elect Donald Trump’s views on climate change and the new Paris climate accord.

An imprecise calculation of the route Kerry is taking on this trip indicates he will travel around 35,300 miles, which would make it the longest of Kerry’s many journeys as secretary of state.


Secretary of State John Kerry waves as he boards his plane. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)
Prior to this one, his longest trip was around 31,900 miles last fall, when he visited East and West Africa, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and then flew east to Bangladesh, India and on to China to join President Obama for a G20 summit.

Using a calculator from CarbonFootprint.com, which bases its data on conversion factors from the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy and equivalent agencies in Canada, Australia and Britain, a first-class passenger flying the distance of Kerry’s current trip would be responsible for roughly 16.57 tons of CO2 emissions.

Kerry’s round-trip flight from New Zealand to the Antarctic was aboard a C17 Globemaster military cargo plane, rather than the official Boeing 757 he is using for the remainder of the trip. The two aircraft are roughly the same size and the latter’s engines are based on those used by the 757.

Kerry has now visited more than 90 countries on seven continents. Last December he broke former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s record of 956,733 travel miles during her Jan. 2009-Jan. 2013 tenure.

As of the end of October – the latest figures provided by the State Department – Kerry had traveled 1,327, 715 miles, or almost 53 and a half times around the Earth.

Figures differ depending on source, but Firmgreen.com and Climatepath.org both say long-haul flight produces 0.39 pounds of CO2 per passenger mile. (Long haul flights account for lower emissions per passenger mile, they say, because a high percent of fuel use and emissions occur during takeoffs.)

Based on that figure, Kerry’s travel up until the end of October produced some 234.9 tons of CO2 – more than 14 average Americans will produce over the course of a year.

Speaking Sunday in Wellington, New Zealand before flying to Oman via Singapore, Kerry sidestepped an invitation to speculate on what a Trump presidency would mean for the campaign to combat climate change.

But he delivered a robust defense for the need for ambitious action against climate change, which he said “the world’s scientific community has concluded … is happening beyond any doubt.”

Kerry said the Obama administration would do everything possible until it ends on January 20 “to meet our responsibility to future generations to be able to address this threat to life itself on the planet.”

“We will wait to see how the next administration addresses this, but I believe we’re on the right track,” he said. “And this is a track that the American people are committed to because the majority of the American people believe climate change is, in fact, happening and want to see us address it.”

A Pew poll last month found 48 percent of adult Americans say climate change is occurring mostly due to human activity, 31 percent say it is due to natural causes, and another 20 percent says there is no solid evidence of global warming.

Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. It is a kind of fallacy of selective attention, the most common example of which is the confirmation bias.[1][2] Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally. This fallacy is a major problem in public debate.[3]

Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. It is a kind of fallacy of selective attention, the most common example of which is the confirmation bias.[1][2] Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally. This fallacy is a major problem in public debate.[3]
ok, so you are saying that yes its possible Greenland has record ice gain, but globally there is trend for more ice loss total. So Greenland doesn't represent the globe, yes its very possible and valid argument that ice can be gaining in one area, but losing overall, I agree with this.
ok, so you are saying that yes its possible Greenland has record ice gain, but globally there is trend for more ice loss total. So Greenland doesn't represent the globe, yes its very possible and valid argument that ice can be gaining in one area, but losing overall, I agree with this.

please post the statistics on ice surface area versus ice mass.

or don't.
please post the statistics on ice surface area versus ice mass.

or don't.
I know you are referring to the meme that while the Antarctic Ice land area was growing past record highs in the past few years, that NASA/NOAA scientists claimed that the ice mass was decreasing (thus making the claim that they were losing thickness while growing in size for a net loss).

Well, its hard to really prove that, and they seem to be trying their hardest to try to explain this seemingly contradictory claim, despite a lot of right wing conspiracy? :)

I know you are referring to the meme that while the Antarctic Ice land area was growing past record highs in the past few years, that NASA/NOAA scientists claimed that the ice mass was decreasing (thus making the claim that they were losing thickness while growing in size for a net loss).

Well, its hard to really prove that, and they seem to be trying their hardest to try to explain this seemingly contradictory claim, despite a lot of right wing conspiracy? :)



So, the earth has a complex weather system. We know that. No need to spam us with this. 2016 will end with a record in the books. The warmest year on record. Denial of AGW depends on pseudoscience.

Physics proves the only gas that has any effect on the earth's temp is water vapor. Realize that your whole argument is that by walking around with an open umbrella, you claim to make it rain.
Physics proves the only gas that has any effect on the earth's temp is water vapor. Realize that your whole argument is that by walking around with an open umbrella, you claim to make it rain.
You don't know very much. You are more than 130 years behind in understanding. Let me at least get you up to 1896.

Greenhouse Speculations: Arrhenius and Chamberlin

The next major scientist to consider the Earth's temperature was another man with broad interests, Svante Arrhenius in Stockholm. He too was attracted by the great riddle of the prehistoric ice ages, and he saw CO2 as the key. Why focus on that rare gas rather than water vapor, which was far more abundant? Because the level of water vapor in the atmosphere fluctuated daily, whereas the level of CO2 was set over a geological timescale by emissions from volcanoes. If the emissions changed, the alteration in the CO2 greenhouse effect would only slightly change the global temperature—but that would almost instantly change the average amount of water vapor in the air, which would bring further change through its own greenhouse effect. Thus the level of CO2 acted as a regulator of water vapor, and ultimately determined the planet’s long-term equilibrium temperature.