Colorado gov calls marijuana gray market ‘a clear and present danger’

I don't drive for atleast 4 hours after medicating but under the laws in my state a person can be convicted of DUI a month after use.these laws need to change and better test are now available
Your country's entire for-profit legal system needs to change. You have more people behind bars than any other a long shot. There are kids serving life for stealing a sandwich under the 3 strikes bullshit. Your issues go much deeper that mj impaired driving.
Your country's entire for-profit legal system needs to change. You have more people behind bars than any other a long shot. There are kids serving life for stealing a sandwich under the 3 strikes bullshit. Your issues go much deeper that mj impaired driving.
many for profit systems in my country need improvement but until we get a government that represents main street instead of wall street that is not going to change there is plenty of room for improvement in our justice, health care and education systems
I have had automated Google searches on various terms for cannabis for about 4 years. The last 3 months I have seen more negative stories and in the last week or so even more including one from a Boulder university that says today's weed is much more potent so they need to look at this closer. On a side note on the way to work this am I saw an overhead sign for traffic etc that said xx% increase in drugged driving since 2012. On the highway sign yes. I live in the Bible belt and chose not to give the actual numbers. Yes a red state.
They can claim any % as an increase, since they probably werent tracking those stats as closely prior to 2012. Bunch of crooked fucks
Your country's entire for-profit legal system needs to change. You have more people behind bars than any other a long shot. There are kids serving life for stealing a sandwich under the 3 strikes bullshit. Your issues go much deeper that mj impaired driving.

Funny how cannabis issues all seem to touch on so many other important social problems the States have? It seems to work that way everywhere.

I don't think it's a coincidence anymore.