Religious Nut-Jobs ...


Well-Known Member
Let me state for the record first: I'm not against all forms of socialism. Our space program is socialized, as is our public education system, national highway system, and so on. Socialism is okay with me as long as it's used to provide services for everyone, so that society as a whole benefits. Like Spock said so famously, 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.' For things where society as a whole doesn't benefit, which is most things, then capitalism works okay. (Not perfectly, but nothing is ever perfect.)

That said, I'm not quite sure what Palin is. She seems to be very socialist, but only when it benefits Alaskans. If it benefited *everyone*, she'd probably be against it (unless it benefits Alaska even more). She almost needs a new word: Alaskanism? The economic theory that you do whatever you can, legal or not, moral or not, socialistic or capitalistic or something else, if it helps Alaska. Alaska first, country second, honesty third. That's Palin.


Well-Known Member
He is a drinker.......... it was probably the echo in the toilet from him puking.
My toilet doesn't echo like that. :|
The Point is that if the Religious people who seem to control the republican party had their way they would try and toss out the constitution and make this nation a Theocracy.
But I still stand by what I say about the separation of church and state. The Church should never be allowed to make public policy.
You can not legislate morality.
I agree with all points.
The constitution is NOT a interpretable document.
There are many who disagree, as all language must be interpreted. Also, without such a concept, would I have made my A in that semantics course?
The most hotly debated clause in the Declaration on Constitution was the phrase 'pursuit of happiness' because it was open to interpretation.
And now the most hotly debated are the entirety of the 2nd and 4th amendments. With regards, specifically, to how they are to be interpreted. Things that make you go, "Hm."
As for GW Bush, I haven't been effected by his Jesus Jedi mind tricks, I don't know of any who have been, do you? Its just another justification for hatred.
You haven't, but MANY have, and it was largely those primarily Christian (plenty of them fundamentalists) who put Georgie where he is today. That cannot be dismissed, this power of the Jesus Mind Trick. I happen to live in a hotbed of popular Religious Right supporters of Bush. Some of them are practically rabid in their support. And I'm in California.
I'm a constitutionalist, I beleive I can read the consitution and don't need someone to tell me what it really means as opposed to what is written.
Generally agreed, although I like to know cultural contexts as well, for a more rounded view.
And both the Repub's and Dem's have violated the constitution.
Freedom of religion. It is my right to not believe in the invisible man in the sky.
Freedom OF religion does not equal freedom FROM religion. And that's where the rest of us really divide from what was written AND that cultural gap. We (collectively, America) descend, really and truly, from Puritans, and it still shows.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I love McCain's understanding of freedom of religion..

it goes something like this...

You are all allowed to believe what ever you want.. but you will be ruled by the rules of MY religion..

That is some twisted ass definition of freedom.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
thank you... i have already repped you more than the program allows... so.. instead I will give you the right to ban anybody of your choice :)

may I make a fews suggestions ... bwahhahaah


New Member
Go into a closet in order to express one's religious views? Uhhh ... read the rest of the First Amendment, Med.

I believe I also have the freedom to not have to hear religious dogma at every turn. I was talking about praying, dumbass, Don't flaunt your prayers in public. You are one twisty son-of-a-bitch, twist and spin. That's what you are all about. BTW the first amendment may give someone the right to rant about Jesus all day, the second amendment gives me the right to bear arms and risk incarceration by blowing their fucking head off. So much for free speech, eh? Not that I really care if someone rants about Jesus, as long as they don't do it to me. With freedom of religion (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ) ;) Should also come a law that also states freedom from religion., Just saying.


Well-Known Member
What about Buddhist monks who shave their heads and wear robes out in public? That's a display of religion.


New Member
What about Buddhist monks who shave their heads and wear robes out in public? That's a display of religion.
They don't count, Seamaiden. Only those of a Christian faith are to be slighted ... especially White, Male Christians.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's called the establishement clause med.Congress cannot show preference for any religion, one way or another.
I believe I also have the freedom to not have to hear religious dogma at every turn. I was talking about praying, dumbass, Don't flaunt your prayers in public. You are one twisty son-of-a-bitch, twist and spin. That's what you are all about. BTW the first amendment may give someone the right to rant about Jesus all day, the second amendment gives me the right to bear arms and risk incarceration by blowing their fucking head off. So much for free speech, eh? Not that I really care if someone rants about Jesus, as long as they don't do it to me. With freedom of religion (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ) ;) Should also come a law that also states freedom from religion., Just saying.
Since we're on the subject of religion, I'd like to take a moment to talk about paganism.There are many forms of it, but today, I'll speak of just some basics.Witches typically worship a god and goddess.Two of the most prevalent names that come up are Habondia, and her consort, the horned god, Adonai.Many literally interpret these as god figures, while others think they exist merely as symbols for duality.
There is some belief in an unknown being called the Prime mover,according to wikipedia.....
The wiccan rede,or code, is An it harm none, do what ye will.There is also a belief in the law of three, meaning that every action, good or bad, is returned to the person threefold.
Wiccans generally cast spells,or perform elaborate rituals, as a sort of manipulation of the energy of the universe as a means to an end.Although there are many rituals intended strictly for celebration.(On a personal note, what I like about this religion is that, instead of pleading helplessly for a distant deity to help them,they are proactive and attempt to use their own magickal resources to reach a goal.)
If you look at many of the'll see where Christianity, a much younger religion, got a lot of their holidays.Watch some catholic religious rites sometime....utter religious plagiarism!
So, folks, I hope I've enlightened you a little bit about paganism.Another choice, should you choose!
Anyone want to talk about any other relgions?Let's expand some minds today.:bigjoint:


New Member
If you will also notice, christian / catholic holidays are based on Wiccan holidays.

Easter is at the spring equinox, Christmas is near the winter solstice.

Men invented these alternate religions to push women out of the role of Deity.

Religion up until then was Goddess based. Men couldn't have that, not only were women the gender that brought forth life, but we were also the gender that was closer to the earth. Men felt worthless so they created their Christ to push the women into a subserviant role.

That is also what went on with the witch hunts. Male doctors felt threatened by midwives so they proclaimed them as witches and had them killed.

Far more people have died in the name of Christianity than any other religion.

Personally I believe that the Earth is the mother of all things and the Sun is the father of all things. Without the two we would cease to exist.

I hate when people say Wiccan is "devil worship" I always say
"I don't believe in Superman therefore I don't believe in Lex Luthor either"

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hester, if only I could rep you again so soon.
If you will also notice, christian / catholic holidays are based on Wiccan holidays.

Easter is at the spring equinox, Christmas is near the winter solstice.

Men invented these alternate religions to push women out of the role of Deity.

Religion up until then was Goddess based. Men couldn't have that, not only were women the gender that brought forth life, but we were also the gender that was closer to the earth. Men felt worthless so they created their Christ to push the women into a subserviant role.

That is also what went on with the witch hunts. Male doctors felt threatened by midwives so they proclaimed them as witches and had them killed.

Far more people have died in the name of Christianity than any other religion.

Personally I believe that the Earth is the mother of all things and the Sun is the father of all things. Without the two we would cease to exist.

I hate when people say Wiccan is "devil worship" I always say
"I don't believe in Superman therefore I don't believe in Lex Luthor either"