Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

The only thing full auto is good for is fire superiority. Laying cover fire to be able to move or operate.

Like in a Barret or .50 cal pistol? Are both restricted? What about .50 cal muzzle loader. Ever see a 475 grain .54 cal black powder. Damn thing will drop an elephant.

Can you get a socom .458 upper for an ar? If so it uses standard 30 round 5.56 round mag but only holds 8 or 9 .458 rounds. Packs a wallop. Has the convenience of being able to bypass the 30 round mag restriction.
A .50 BMG maybe? I sure would like to have one of them too.
Fun but expensive to shoot. Around 6 bucks a round for Barret and 2-3 for bmg.
Yeah, but what a kick that round must be, even though them rifles got that crazy muzzle break.
Shit, i got some hunting rounds for my 460 that are 4 bucks a pop. I reload for way cheaper though. I make a round exactly like hornady's 2200fps ftx round for way cheaper though. It's my plinking round out of that hand cannon :-)
Yeah, but what a kick that round must be, even though them rifles got that crazy muzzle break.
Shit, i got some hunting rounds for my 460 that are 4 bucks a pop. I reload for way cheaper though. I make a round exactly like hornady's 2200fps ftx round for way cheaper though. It's my plinking round out of that hand cannon :-)
I don't reload. I should. I got a couple hook ups for bulk ammo cheap.
I don't reload. I should. I got a couple hook ups for bulk ammo cheap.
I give up on rifle rounds for the most part, except for one of my bolt actions. Can not beat the accuracy from reloading spent casings for the same bolt action from which it came;-) just resize the neck, pretty much!

But i gave up on reloading .308's. Shit hurts your hands doing all the case prep. I used to pump out 300-400 of them just to pop them off hella fast in my m1a's. Never again! Still nice to be able to reload whenever is clever i guess though.
The only thing full auto is good for is fire superiority. Laying cover fire to be able to move or operate.

Like in a Barret or .50 cal pistol? Are both restricted? What about .50 cal muzzle loader. Ever see a 475 grain .54 cal black powder. Damn thing will drop an elephant.

Can you get a socom .458 upper for an ar? If so it uses standard 30 round 5.56 round mag but only holds 8 or 9 .458 rounds. Packs a wallop. Has the convenience of being able to bypass the 30 round mag restriction.
Like a Barrett. I own a true .50 pistol (.500 Linebaugh cartridge) because I commissioned it in time. Bore diameter .500; across the groves .511. The 49-bores like the AE and the S&W aren't bad cartridges but I dislike them using .50 or .500 names.

I have not played much with the muzzle-loaders. With CA's new ammo law ... it seems like a good place for me to explore.
I'm surprised at this- I'd think reloading your own would be a high priority for someone who says their goal is to be as self sufficient as possible?

Is the up front cost an issue?
I have more rounds than I ever need. I do save all my brass. I've been looking at re loading equipment.

I have been on a kick of hunting with bows, cross bow and air guns.
. DSC01082.JPG
Pellets can be bought even cheaper. That is a cheap spring gun but still kills squirrels out to 50 yards.

I don't take my good one hunting.
Like a Barrett. I own a true .50 pistol (.500 Linebaugh cartridge) because I commissioned it in time. Bore diameter .500; across the groves .511. The 49-bores like the AE and the S&W aren't bad cartridges but I dislike them using .50 or .500 names.

I have not played much with the muzzle-loaders. With CA's new ammo law ... it seems like a good place for me to explore.
Check out the new break down models. I forget which company, you buy the lower and can put any barrel from muzzle loader to rifle to shotgun.
Like a Barrett. I own a true .50 pistol (.500 Linebaugh cartridge) because I commissioned it in time. Bore diameter .500; across the groves .511. The 49-bores like the AE and the S&W aren't bad cartridges but I dislike them using .50 or .500 names.

I have not played much with the muzzle-loaders. With CA's new ammo law ... it seems like a good place for me to explore.
I was gonna get the .50AE conversion for the CA .44 DE I had, but I couldn't hit shit with that damn gun as it was lol. Fucking thing was harder than hell for me to get a decent grouping on paper with. Fun gun though.
Liberty and Justice for All.

The Active Denial System (ADS), known informally as a heat ray, was deployed to Afghanistan and has been acquired by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department for potential prison riot use. With a directed-energy blast, the weapon increases skin temperature with a burning sensation, using similar radiation technology to a microwave.

I see no reason the manufacturer wouldn't want one in every neighborhood/home.

I'm partial to the Sick Stick myself...

I give up on rifle rounds for the most part, except for one of my bolt actions. Can not beat the accuracy from reloading spent casings for the same bolt action from which it came;-) just resize the neck, pretty much!

But i gave up on reloading .308's. Shit hurts your hands doing all the case prep. I used to pump out 300-400 of them just to pop them off hella fast in my m1a's. Never again! Still nice to be able to reload whenever is clever i guess though.
They make some seriously nice progressive loading presses. I'd look into one such.
The only thing full auto is good for is fire superiority. Laying cover fire to be able to move or operate.

Like in a Barret or .50 cal pistol? Are both restricted? What about .50 cal muzzle loader. Ever see a 475 grain .54 cal black powder. Damn thing will drop an elephant.

Can you get a socom .458 upper for an ar? If so it uses standard 30 round 5.56 round mag but only holds 8 or 9 .458 rounds. Packs a wallop. Has the convenience of being able to bypass the 30 round mag restriction.

I have a .50 cal Hawkens and my buddy has a .458 on an at platform affectionately called "The Hawg Hammer" as he uses it to hunt wild boar so, yes they can be had in Kali.