Brothers Grimm Cinderella 99 Regular Journal


Well-Known Member
So here is why I wanted to update today...

I had serious words with myself, for nute burning these! They have had plenty of water since and are budding up nicely. Much easier to see the photo's in here now too.

The rso grow - 7 Sweet Afghan Delicious auto's, alongside 7 Sweet Cheese's. Leaves can't be recovered, but the plants are happy as a pig rolling round in it's own shit! They are throwing off serious dank smells :weed:

7200k 250w mh, 4200k 315w cmh + xml 150

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Well-Known Member
C'99 plants were dry today and have some yellowing already :( I tested the soil ph yesterday and it's like 7.1-7.2. I have been feeding at 6.3 mostly. I did a feed today and fed them at ph 5.7 and will do from now. Think Afghan King does about 5.7 and 5.8, so happy to copy him looking at his plants :-D

Feed to day was 2ml bud candy, 4ml bio bizz fish mix npk 5-4-3 or 5-3-4... one of 'em anyway. Hopefully that will resolve this issue. I got about 10% run off.

For this grow it's a bit shite news on the yellowing, but when I grow the clones out and have less than 6 plants going, like 1 or 2 I will transplant the C'99 into a big pot 4-5 days before the flip to 12/12. That should resolve any problems like this.

I'm not going to transplant these this time, I reckon I'll be able to feed them more often, after I plug in the 1000w hps tmrw.

I'm going to make up a big feed for the rso auto's for tmrw. Bubbled tap water for 24 hours, 2ml bud candy and going with overdrive. No more bloom needed in there. They will be getting half a liter each day for about 1 week. Really have to pack more weight on. Also apparently overdrive increases the amount of oils/resin too, as well as swelling the buds up big time.

Planted my Lemon Skunk fem and the Super Lemon Haze fem today into coffee cups. I'm not going to tie them down and all that shit this time. Takes too long, I'm just going to grow them and top them once when they are about 1ft tall. They'll be in the next 12/12 grow immediately after the C'99 plants are done.


Well-Known Member
Transplanted all the Grimm Mix reg fems into 3 gallon pots last night, they are going to explode now! They are like 6 weeks old at a guess, but anyway, they were put in 1.5 gallon pots on day 1, so will really appreciate this! Generous helpings of worm casting scooped in. Like 6 tablespoons each minimum.

The overwatered Grimmidica never got that visit from the angel of death, she dried out and perked up. I kept her in the 6 liter airpot, but planted the bottom 1/3 of the air pot into a 3 gallon square pot. Very cramped in the veg tent/auto tent now. But knowing the elite female regulars are rooting their pots out, makes it all totally worth it. I don't actually care what yield I get. Only care in the rso grow, but not the others. I never plan or expect certain amounts.

The C'99 is all for me, so there's going to be a years supply, at least :weed:

Sat in waiting for a god damn delivery. Been sat on an uncomfortable wooden chair for hours waiting this shit out :lol:

Then more feeds to do later...(:



Well-Known Member
GHS Super Lemon Haze and Lemon Skunk on day 1 of vegetation and growth, which is very pleasing! :-D

Other vegging plants are way ahead, but I'm sure I can make germinating these 2 seeds late on totally worth while.

1000w hps is here, just too stoned today to plug it in. Ended up going out for a nice carvery instead. I'll do it tmrw. I have to change 2 set up's round to do it, so a big ask...

Interesting thing is when I plug in the 1000w, it frees up 4 leds and 1 x 315w cmh. I'm looking to run some of the other set up's a bit cooler, so a 400w hps will come out for the cmh. I'm going to add leds to the rso grow to make them super frosty!

I fed the rso plants earlier, 2ml bud candy, 2ml overdrive. Black Jack auto's also had overdrive. Really getting close to the end now. 7 weeks in. I love the last bit of the grow, small daily water feeds. It's the easiest part of the grow. That part is next!

Going to order some high cbd seeds too, get some of that going for the next round of rso. Been reading up lots about cbd and breast cancer. It's very important to have cbd too with these types of cancer.

Seriously considering Dinafem Industrial plant auto.


Well-Known Member
Transplanted all the Grimm Mix reg fems into 3 gallon pots last night, they are going to explode now! They are like 6 weeks old at a guess, but anyway, they were put in 1.5 gallon pots on day 1, so will really appreciate this! Generous helpings of worm casting scooped in. Like 6 tablespoons each minimum.
Oh I bet they will! :mrgreen:
GHS Super Lemon Haze and Lemon Skunk on day 1 of vegetation and growth, which is very pleasing! :-D

Other vegging plants are way ahead, but I'm sure I can make germinating these 2 seeds late on totally worth while.

1000w hps is here, just too stoned today to plug it in. Ended up going out for a nice carvery instead. I'll do it tmrw. I have to change 2 set up's round to do it, so a big ask...

Interesting thing is when I plug in the 1000w, it frees up 4 leds and 1 x 315w cmh. I'm looking to run some of the other set up's a bit cooler, so a 400w hps will come out for the cmh. I'm going to add leds to the rso grow to make them super frosty!

I fed the rso plants earlier, 2ml bud candy, 2ml overdrive. Black Jack auto's also had overdrive. Really getting close to the end now. 7 weeks in. I love the last bit of the grow, small daily water feeds. It's the easiest part of the grow. That part is next!

Going to order some high cbd seeds too, get some of that going for the next round of rso. Been reading up lots about cbd and breast cancer. It's very important to have cbd too with these types of cancer.

Seriously considering Dinafem Industrial plant auto.
Good decision, you deserve a bit of a break! HAha watching you run around between tents gets me breathless just from the accounts!
Sounds like the 1000W is about to unravel things a bit, great plans - and will be hung in a jiff when you're fresh and sprightly :bigjoint:

And it's really cool to follow your reasoning in choice of strains too, helps me get into that kind of thinking more too :cool:


Well-Known Member
I have unplugged a 400w hps in a 3ft x 3ft tent, replaced it with the elite agro 315w cmh.

Took a few rare photo's outside the tent of the last fast bud 2 on day 55 from seed. Also the 3 Black Jack Auto's on day 47 from seed.



Well-Known Member
The rso plants.. Sweet Seeds Cheese and Sweet Afghan Delicious, 7 weeks today from seed, day 49 (:

Not bothered about the leaves anymore. These buds are all that matters. There are many, just not quite finished yet, but getting there fast :weed:



Well-Known Member
Harvested the last fast bud 2 and the 3 Black Jack auto's today. I'll just whip the best buds away for myself, the vultures can bid on the rest..! lol

4 nice big bowls full of bud. I'm going away on a small holiday in a 6 days, so wanted to chop these now. I can spread other plants out. I've moved 2 rather tasty looking skunk auto's under the cmh, instead of these 4 that I chopped. The random auto/jungle tent has more space in now too. I'm looking for some decent veg growth. The C'99 plants are fast and it won't be too long until the 12/12 tent is available. I'm possibly going to harvest the rso grow before I go on holiday. Maybe.. Don't know yet, but I hope to. I've got some awesome seeds waiting in the wings.

Either way, I'm going to keep it rolling! (:

I'm going to sort out my C'99 mother plants tonight. They don't look very happy. I'm going to feed them some grow nutes. Maybe transplant them to bigger pots next day or 2. The 1 liter air pots have been rooted out I'm guessing. Can't wait until which one I want. Having this many mothers in small pots is becoming a pain in the butt!


Well-Known Member
wow fevs you've been busy! you're gonna like superlemonhaze I've grown it a few times & a few different phenos all of which were good
I'm getting proper annoyed with the yellowing of the C'99 plants. The soil ph is good, the nutes feed was ph 5.8 last time - 4ml grow. Today they were dry, fed them 6ml per 1 liter grow which is 150% recommended dose.

Also before those feeds they got epsom salts to ensure they don't have megnesium lockout. It's pretty much ruined most of the autoflowers and is ruining the C'99 plants now too. Yellowing is the only problem I get, never happens iv veg of 1st 3 weeks of flowering, then boom, everything yellows way before they should. I just don't understand it and it's pissing me off big time.

Is it because the roots are pot bound?


Well-Known Member
So if my plant can in fact uptake any nitrogen from the soil, you'd think the 6ml feed would make have borderline nitrogen toxicity. What does it mean if they keep yellowing? Does it mean my plants are not feeding from the soil? Buds look good, they are going frosty, but they are like 3-4 weeks away. This yellowing wouldn't be a concern if it happened in 2 weeks, but it's just way too early.

If the leaves continue to yellow, how can that be possible is they have ph perfect nitrogen and magnesium in the soil + the soil ph is good + temps are good? I just don't get it... Still, I ain't switching to synthetic nutes.. That would surely resolve it, but not what I'm after. Any more organic ideas? They even had worm castings to help with it. Also had wettable mycos...


Well-Known Member
switch synthetic you cannot bring back the green but you could stop the yellowing from spreading inside de bud
save those lady !!! don't no to much about organic just that the organic nutrient take more time to break down in the soil .


Well-Known Member
switch synthetic you cannot bring back the green but you could stop the yellowing from spreading inside de bud
save those lady !!! don't no to much about organic just that the organic nutrient take more time to break down in the soil .
Thanks man, but I'd rather lose yield than go synthetic. I've been doing a bit of reading today. I reckon loads of people that have 3 gallon pots have this problem. Seemed like a trend when I was reading up on it, maybe 3 gallons just ain't big enough. Minimum 5 gallon pots from now.

It must be roots being stressed, as I don't change hardly anything between when they are in perfect health and when they yellow.


Well-Known Member
There are major advantages in using hid lamps over led too. Here's one. My soil dries so much faster with hid lighting. I used to grow with 100% led and actually used to feed up to 7ml per 1 liter of bloom nutes. Maximum 4ml on the bottle, so almost double, on auto's too. Had no problems at all then. It took almost twice as long for the plants to dry, so they got almost twice as much feed.

That's ok with bloom. Imo with bloom, if you add too much it isn't a problem! However if you use too much nitrogen, then that can create all kind of problems. Maybe this can explain why my plants have done all the nitrogen in so fast!

I have enjoyed trying out certain nutes. Some I rate, some I don't.

Next grow I'm going to try bio bizz fish mix with bud candy for pretty much the whole lot! Then when they are 1 month away from harvest and dark green. I'll switch to overdrive for 2 weeks. They can then yellow at the right time in the last 2 weeks, instead of the last 4 weeks, whilst being on plain water only, in the last 2 weeks.

I'm also going to knock plain water feeds on the head! I'm done with them, no good for me, just slows shit down and causes my plants to be hungry! I make sure the ph is perfect anyway. Bio Bizz fish mix at 2-3ml per 1 liter with bud candy added makes my bubbled tap water with feed in - ph 6.3. No coincidence why the plants love that feed! Lots of nitrogen, balanced ph with fish things in :-D It's cheap too! Much cheaper than all the other nutes I've used. It's organic and fish mix will be used for 80% of the grows from now!

I need to get more of that asap!

I'm also going feed them with epsom salts about 2-3 hours before every fish mix feed. Give them the magnesium they need, to take up the nutes I'm feeding them.

Now I've got this new ballast I think I'll try and get a 600w 7200k lamp for it for veg too. Keep them nice and healthy under those lamps for most of the grow too, then just switch to 1000w hps when when they are in flowering and have finished the stretch.

I've got my elite C'99 clone#2 clones going nicely now, fed them grow feed last night, I'm going to dig out a few pots later, nice big air pots and get some going.

Growing real tired of growing so many plants. Imo the more plants you grow, the more chances of making mistakes you have! Especially when you grow so many that the sofa spends the entire winter on its side.

Things will settle soon. I'm glad I chopped 4 more yesterday.

Plain water feeds for the rso plants tonight. All 14 are lightweight and real thirsty.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting proper annoyed with the yellowing of the C'99 plants. The soil ph is good, the nutes feed was ph 5.8 last time - 4ml grow. Today they were dry, fed them 6ml per 1 liter grow which is 150% recommended dose.

Also before those feeds they got epsom salts to ensure they don't have megnesium lockout. It's pretty much ruined most of the autoflowers and is ruining the C'99 plants now too. Yellowing is the only problem I get, never happens iv veg of 1st 3 weeks of flowering, then boom, everything yellows way before they should. I just don't understand it and it's pissing me off big time.

Is it because the roots are pot bound?
when I did soil I got best results using 4 gal. pots right from the start soil done proper is best but requires more skill & understanding than I have