
Some say its easier for the plant to get disease so they dont recommend recycling. Some change it every 3 years. There is some product that will eat up the old roots. Depends on how you treat it. Im no expert but if you throw it all out on a tarp, remove the old roots by hand and add the right ingredients to it, could make it better than new right ?

Im also curious about how to go about cleaning it. May be spread it all out and hit it with UV light for 24 hours?
I have reused the same plot (the 1st year was basically a hole in the ground) outdoors over and over. BUT every year i brought in more amendments like worm castings, green sand and quality potting soil. I used organic teas with seabird and bat guano, fish emulsion, liquid kelp ect. and after a few years that plot was unreal. So soft black and fertile. The extensive root system of a cannabis plant has a way of breaking up and improving native soils. The roots die and gives back the nutrients to the earth. As for a pot chances are a lot of the nutrients have been leached out. Don't be lazy. Dump that old dirt out and add a fresh mix. How can the roots spread out in that old compacted dirt? Feed the dirt and the dirt feeds the plant.
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I grow organically and have been using the same soil for the past year. I've been adding worm castings and other amendments each cycle, but some like bone meal, every other cycle. My grows get better and better. Check out the "no till" thread in the Organics section for more info. I'm moving to larger pots and trying the no till approach myself this round.
I was wondering, I grew my Weed in some big pots and I was wondering if I were to regrow in the same pots that had the same soil from last year, would it have any affect. Using the same soil in the same pot but different plant. Thanks
you need to bust it up or it gets too tight for good root growth. i have good luck mixing worm castings, compost, peat moss, perlite, mycorrhizia and Earth Juice Grow, it contains everything to recharge the soil.
I had them in pots like this but once I cut them I left the pots out side and they just been rained on and they are really compact right now. I thought maybe when they get dry I would get a shovel and just break it up and reuse. So I'm assuming I should just change soil.?


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I had them in pots like this but once I cut them I left the pots out side and they just been rained on and they are really compact right now. I thought maybe when they get dry I would get a shovel and just break it up and reuse. So I'm assuming I should just change soil.?

Check out the no till thread thats basically what you are talking about. I reuse my soil also but not exactly no till. Do you have space for compost bin?
ill just compost the soil w/ the old root stock like i do with my other potted annuals . after a year adding scraps , manure and leaves ,it rejuvinates the old soil and is ready to use in the following spring. i also collect and pour my urine on the pile. all that n really turbos the decay process! no dirt is wasted!
ill just compost the soil w/ the old root stock like i do with my other potted annuals . after a year adding scraps , manure and leaves ,it rejuvinates the old soil and is ready to use in the following spring. i also collect and pour my urine on the pile. all that n really turbos the decay process! no dirt is wasted!

Serious? That's gross and FULLY useless but more importantly why don't you just pee on it, who on earth "collects" their pee to pour on it later when enough is accumulated... Weirdo lol
Serious? That's gross and FULLY useless but more importantly why don't you just pee on it, who on earth "collects" their pee to pour on it later when enough is accumulated... Weirdo lol
lots of people world wide use urine for fertilizer and have for thousands of years it was probably the first fertilizer used by humans. what is the difference cow pee or human pee the plant doesn't care. .
urine is nitrogen, water and micro nutrients. its also sterile when it comes out. its the best nitrogen fertilizer that you can use. yes i collect my urine in water jugs just before planting. dilute it 1 to 4 and pour on soil. its easy, free and been used for 1000s of years. gross factor is in your head! ever smell fish emulsion? now thats some nasty stuff!
Ok the thing is i didn't say it isn't nutrient rich i am aware that their are good things in pee but also there are components that are NOT good for a plant in urine (urea). so what i said is it's useless.. My reasoning is that nutrients are readily available there's nothing in pee you can't supply another way..i think it's a nasty unnecessary practice. To each his own i guess, please don't share your weed with people without informing them of this lmao jk
Idk, i just don't believe pee is better than other forms of the same nutrients... Science or it isn't true please.. :)
Ok the thing is i didn't say it isn't nutrient rich i am aware that their are good things in pee but also there are components that are NOT good for a plant in urine (urea). so what i said is it's useless.. My reasoning is that nutrients are readily available there's nothing in pee you can't supply another way..i think it's a nasty unnecessary practice. To each his own i guess, please don't share your weed with people without informing them of this lmao jk
even diluted its as strong as 10-10-10 fertilizer. id rather feed my plants with it than flush it down the toilet which then it needs to be filtered out of the water. costs money and resources. i just pour it diluted around all my plants and trees. no smell. figured its saved me hundreds in fertilizer and nutrients over a 6mo. period.i also don't apply directly on the plants but to the mulch around them.
Pee is not beneficial to your plants and will burn them. Don't listen to the trolls, idiots, or the "we've been doing it for 1,000 of years" guys. If Pee were beneficial or even remotely useful people would be using it instead of Nutrients that have been dialed in specifically for Cannabis.

Would you smoke weed that some pissed in? It's foolish and stubborn growers(broke kids) that are actually pissing on their flowers. Disgusting and useless, go ahead though and let's see those Piss crops. Smh.
my garden, raised beds and trees are all grown off of diluted urine. diluted won't kill plants as long as its just on the soil. urine is more balanced a fert. than miracle grow and its organic ,sterile and free! most quality ferts. have dried urea in them. i won't use just urine but during the veg. stage it will definitely benefit the plants growth. urine is sterile until you expose it to bacteria. once added to soil the microbes start breaking it down. theres literally no smell.
Pee is not beneficial to your plants and will burn them. Don't listen to the trolls, idiots, or the "we've been doing it for 1,000 of years" guys. If Pee were beneficial or even remotely useful people would be using it instead of Nutrients that have been dialed in specifically for Cannabis.

Would you smoke weed that some pissed in? It's foolish and stubborn growers(broke kids) that are actually pissing on their flowers. Disgusting and useless, go ahead though and let's see those Piss crops. Smh.
So we should listen to a 24 year old noob?