Here is the evil shitbag who is responsible for 33 dead people in Oakland


Well-Known Member
I was just quoting an article, that wasn't my opinion.

However, this is just hypothetical things Trump may do in the future and hypothetical reactions. That should not effect how build code enforcement/inspection/regulation works in Oakland, CA today.


Well-Known Member
I was just quoting an article, that wasn't my opinion.

However, this is just hypothetical things Trump may do in the future and hypothetical reactions. That should not effect how build code enforcement/inspection/regulation works in Oakland, CA today.
You are in favour of reducing them because they're currently inadaquate?

You're a special sort of dumb.


Well-Known Member
The regulations are already there. They simply aren't enforced. You can blame Obama. He is the PRESIDENT afterall.


Well-Known Member
A similar tragedy happened in R.I years ago at indoor show. Killed a 100 people. Expect the Fire Marshall to start closing down non-code spaces.


Well-Known Member
I was just quoting an article, that wasn't my opinion.

However, this is just hypothetical things Trump may do in the future and hypothetical reactions. That should not effect how build code enforcement/inspection/regulation works in Oakland, CA today.

So you don't have an opinion, you just go around reading and quoting articles that mean nothing to you. OK, I've got it, right on dude!


Well-Known Member
the nanny who worked for Almena and his wife Micah who tells how the couple would disappear to wild parties for five nights at a time leaving her to care for their three children.

So he's a d-bag druggy loser.

Hell I figured a bunch of people ODd and someone caught the place on fire to cover it up.

Hmmm, very conspiratorial

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