well the biggest thing is cost. when you can buy a chip that costs half as much as the $50 CXBs of a year ago, and its the same efficiency at 60-70W that we were getting at 50, that reduces your build substantially. bettter thermal management allows for cheaper heatsinks and longer lumen life, etc.
what people were building DIY ffor $3 a watt will now be much ore efficient. that plus better techniques/genetics/nutes/media means 2GPW should be the new standard in a little while
thats another reason i like the cxm22. the 22mm les on a 28mm chip is a super common platform that you can bet will be around for awhile, so a few years from now, you can upgrade to luminus gen 5, citi gen 9, getians latest, etc etc.... it has many holder and reflector options