How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

Ha, and get this. Your expiry starts either when doctor signed or they received it...but your not "valid" until you receive the paper. That 12 month script I got is now a 10month and I still don't have my paper.
My question is around the renewal process. For example, you get your "certificate", you now have 10 months until your expiry (best case).
So therefore, do you need to start this whole renewal process 2 months before your expiry, in order to remain valid? In other words, 10 months since you sent your application you will need to re-apply. And what if it takes HC longer than 2 months to process? Are you at that point - illegal? This whole thing is a bit of a shit show.


Well-Known Member
My question is around the renewal process. For example, you get your "certificate", you now have 10 months until your expiry (best case).
So therefore, do you need to start this whole renewal process 2 months before your expiry, in order to remain valid? In other words, 10 months since you sent your application you will need to re-apply. And what if it takes HC longer than 2 months to process? Are you at that point - illegal? This whole thing is a bit of a shit show.
When you receive your acmpr registration they include a page on the renewal process. They note that they should have the documentation 6-8 weeks before expiry in order for them to process it.

And yes, your maximum 12month prescription just became 10 months...


Well-Known Member
My biggest issue with HC is if they return your documents because something isn’t correct. Once they have received it the second time it takes them 2 weeks to open the mail and another 2 weeks min to process. You would think if the registration was in process the revised documents would go to the front of the line since they know patients have been waiting longer. F’n nonsense.


Well-Known Member
My biggest issue with HC is if they return your documents because something isn’t correct. Once they have received it the second time it takes them 2 weeks to open the mail and another 2 weeks min to process. You would think if the registration was in process the revised documents would go to the front of the line since they know patients have been waiting longer. F’n nonsense.
the way it used to be was they wouldn't look at what you sent in for 10 weeks.
i was missing something when i called so I faxed it in within 1 week of sending my application. i got it sent back and then a week later i got the other sent back...when I asked the why they didsn't put the 2 together, that was their answer so they waited 10 weeks just to look at it.
we are considered less than scum by HC. we are using a "bad" drug when they are good for all the really bad drugs that kill or cause cancers or organ damage.
cannabis doesn't make the millions that pharma does so they don't like us!


Well-Known Member
Awesome I'm down. Please speak to my intellect and if you can throw in a couple mom jokes that would be appreciated. Moms thinks strangers poking fun at strangers on the Internet is hilarious too. :hump:
Ha, and get this. Your expiry starts either when doctor signed or they received it...but your not "valid" until you receive the paper. That 12 month script I got is now a 10month and I still don't have my paper.
Yeah, fucken beyond unreasonable. It goes by the date the Dr. signed


Well-Known Member
My question is around the renewal process. For example, you get your "certificate", you now have 10 months until your expiry (best case).
So therefore, do you need to start this whole renewal process 2 months before your expiry, in order to remain valid? In other words, 10 months since you sent your application you will need to re-apply. And what if it takes HC longer than 2 months to process? Are you at that point - illegal? This whole thing is a bit of a shit show.
Yes and it effectively takes 4 months of a 12 script. 2 for approval and 2 for renewal at the current rate


Well-Known Member
Why is it that you don't understand the shit show patients have to go through? They all want it to be treated like "any other drug" but who has to go through this to get a prescription?
Who doesn’t understand? I have anxiety so I often think the bad things are about me. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Relax HAF2. I'm pretty sure he was referring to the dude in the burqa, not you.
Yeah but some of the insults splashed in and around my eyes. I’m with an LP and I would like to grow. I’m a Canadian patient and so is that other guy. Maybe we should just all hug or something?
WHATFG said:
Why is it that you don't understand the shit show patients have to go through? They all want it to be treated like "any other drug" but who has to go through this to get a prescription?
I didn't see any insults. Do you suffer from extreme paranoia too?


Well-Known Member
Yes and it effectively takes 4 months of a 12 script. 2 for approval and 2 for renewal at the current rate
Is there another medicine you can produce at home with a great black market value?
Is there something stopping you from renewing in a timely fashion before it runs out?
A few weeks and a few sheets of paper doesn't seem like a big deal to me at all, but maybe I'm totally bonkers >.>


Well-Known Member
I didn't see any insults. Do you suffer from extreme paranoia too?
oh I apologize I did not explain myself. In this scenario I was asking the member who they were talking to. Because they were talking to someone “who didn’t understand”. I suffer from anxiety and a mood disorder that often makes me infer into a situation. So in this case I just asked.
The insults were pertaining to this and several other threads actually referring to anyone that uses as LP as being…oh there was a multitude of descriptive words. “Slow witted” may be the nicest. Seemed like it was meant to be insulting.
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Is there another medicine you can produce at home with a great black market value?
Is there something stopping you from renewing in a timely fashion before it runs out?
A few weeks and a few sheets of paper doesn't seem like a big deal to me at all, but maybe I'm totally bonkers >.>
In terms of being able to register to procure your own medicine Health Canada is providing 0% value-add to patients.

They are in fact in the way of a patients timely right to access. 8 weeks is not a "few" BTW. You must work for them or something.

They should have you on the phones, you seem smarter than the other people we have to talk to. Maybe you could provide some actual information instead of arguing for the current status-quo on the internet.


Well-Known Member
Relax HAF2. I'm pretty sure he was referring to the dude in the burqa, not you.
Hey would it make you happy if I showed my face? Maybe gave you my mailing address too? Maybe I could have my house broken into, wouldn't that be awesome?

What sort of nut jobs don't have any respect for anonymity on a grow site?

Wtf man...


Well-Known Member
In terms of being able to register to procure your own medicine Health Canada is providing 0% value-add to patients.

They are in fact in the way of a patients timely right to access. 8 weeks is not a "few" BTW. You must work for them or something.

They should have you on the phones, you seem smarter than the other people we have to talk to. Maybe you could provide some actual information instead of arguing for the current status-quo on the internet.
I'm just fine waiting a few weeks. Sorry you're not. Sorry you aren't having luck with your provocative insinuations either. After the burka comment I'm pretty done with you bro