How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

Is there another medicine you can produce at home with a great black market value?
Is there something stopping you from renewing in a timely fashion before it runs out?
A few weeks and a few sheets of paper doesn't seem like a big deal to me at all, but maybe I'm totally bonkers >.>

You should try reading people's struggles with access here, it is not 'a few weeks'. HC processing times currently seem to be 1-2 months.

You also seem to be someone who is not aware of the full history of the medical program in Canada, patients have had a gun held to their head and forced to pay prohibition, or even more than prohibition prices for something they can grow themselves. So condescension to people who are suffering and being taken advantage of will probably be returned with condescension in kind.
Grind your axe elsewhere. I haven't had an issue yet. You can dwell in the past if you like, but I'm seeing fantastic progress in a short time.
I’m curious about the paperwork to grow yourself. You have to have your doctor sign something and send that to health Canada? I thought that it was not an option for me to do it legally because I got my script after March 2014. Here I’m reading different, thats Good news.
Yeah, all us patient cartel members..... huffing paint thinner?

No man, I am talking about this dude who claims we are all Johnny in the basements.

He obviously works for "the cartel" be that the government sponsored cartel, or the actual criminal cartel, whatever.

I'm not attacking you. Read me again, I am sarcastic.

I’m curious about the paperwork to grow yourself. You have to have your doctor sign something and send that to health Canada? I thought that it was not an option for me to do it legally because I got my script after March 2014. Here I’m reading different, thats Good news.
That is correct. As of August 24, 2016 you can now opt to grow for yourself.
No man, I am talking about this dude who claims we are all Johnny in the basements.

He obviously works for "the cartel" be that the government sponsored cartel, or the actual criminal cartel, whatever.

I'm not attacking you. Read me again, I am sarcastic.

My apologies, completely misread
That is correct. As of August 24, 2016 you can now opt to grow for yourself.
I was out of commission in August so I never heard! What good news. Now just to convince my psychiatrist from “the old country” that doesn’t believe in the medical effects of marijuana to sign some paperwork so that I can grow. This should be easy.
If your personal doctors won't you can always go to canvasrx clinics, natural health services (not sure if they are just in western canada or across the country) or there may be a local alternative clinic.
If your personal doctors won't you can always go to canvasrx clinics, natural health services (not sure if they are just in western canada or across the country) or there may be a local alternative clinic.
Oh I have a clinic doctor (or doctors) that sign for my prescription and prescription renewals. But I read in another thread that those doctors only like signing for LPs and don’t just sign for you to grow yourself. Which makes sense from the business standpoint, but not from the humanistic side.
I’m curious about the paperwork to grow yourself. You have to have your doctor sign something and send that to health Canada? I thought that it was not an option for me to do it legally because I got my script after March 2014. Here I’m reading different, thats Good news.

As calyx crusher mentioned, you can indeed file to grow as of August 26th.

In order to self produce you will need a new original medical document from your doctor and will have to complete the acmpr forms.

If you wanted to have a dg grow for you will have to also get a criminal background check for them.

The only other wrinkle I've seen is that if you plan to grow in a space you don't own that is not your primary residence you will have to get approval from the owner of said property.

The doctor does not sign off on self production, s/he simply prescribes you cannabis using the health Canada acmpr sample medical document.

And please stick around. While most of us are pretty beaten and vengeful from years stuck with the oligopoly that was the mmpr we will warm up to you.... hippy might not - his goat holds grudges.
I wouldn't necessarily trust that without finding out for yourself. The form is exactly the same, you can even download the sample from health Canada, it simply days your name, doc name, dosage, location of exam etc. Nothing about it is specifically about growing.