CO2 enrichment - question about air exchange in night time

which one is better run co2 for 15' on / 45' off and Intake/Exhaust every 2 hrs or co2 on continuously till reach set ppm then ac will kick in when heats go up at a set max? thanks!
There is absolutely ZERO need to do an air exchange with a sealed co2 room. When you open to hit your door doing work will be good enough. Been running co2 for about 9 cycles now.
I completely disagree.

I do air dumps and co2 dumps in my rooms.

When the lights are on, I'll pull excess oxygen from the top of the room out, it gets very concentrated and stale. (Once every 6 hours)

When the lights kick off ill do a co2 dump and pull excess co2 from the bottom of the room.

I really think these are critical steps when setting up a sealed room.
I guess there are different setups when run co2..i have different inputs and really confused since i never used co2 before...Anyway i kinda like the setup in completely sealed without air exchange. I'm newbie in this forum and i guess I can't start pm other members in here, DT would you please pm me? Really appreciate your help here...
The bdac-2 and AP master controller have inputs for cooling, heating, deheuy, co2 regulator, and fan/exhaust option.
Just remember, these units have a 14amp max input.

I run customized temp settings, even with co2. I don't buy into the whole"run your room hot with co2" crap. Epic fail with 4lbs of fluffy garbage from too hot.

Week 1 From flip to week 6, ambient temps 81* 1.5' under each bulb. Weeks 7/8, 77* lights on. Weeks 9, 75* lights on, 70* lights off. Week 10, 70* lights on, 65 lights off. I run 1000 ppm from flip to week 8. After week to chop, drop ppm to 500. Perfect runs every time.

What is your RH % in flower bro?
I'm in a sealed room. I suspect it dissipates when lights off
Your room isn't that sealed then, plants release co2 at night so your co2 should be higher at lights on then it was at lights off. My co2 turns off 30min before lights out if it didn't my 1200ppm would be 1500+ when the lights come back on.
Im pretty sure Co2 doesn't dissipate.
Your room isn't that sealed then, plants release co2 at night so your co2 should be higher at lights on then it was at lights off. My co2 turns off 30min before lights out if it didn't my 1200ppm would be 1500+ when the lights come back on.
Im pretty sure Co2 doesn't dissipate.

I guess it's not sealed then