DEA at it again...

Idk I mean really for med and rec states we're already following state laws no effects will be felt by us we're not licensed by the dea the grows are licensed thru the state. It does however list cbd as schedule 1 illegal to cross state borders. Could cause issues for hemp seed growers and so on but as far as us legal ones they can't do shit.
Right...I agree with that but as they are losing control of their $$ funding for enforcement they are now trying the end around with CBD...actually I would love to hear the argument for this level other than it is derived from cannabis...

I believe they are trying to schedule Kratom too so they can keep their enforcement funding...but that is a whole nother Pandora's box!

Damn nanny state....
Right...I agree with that but as they are losing control of their $$ funding for enforcement they are now trying the end around with CBD...actually I would love to hear the argument for this level other than it is derived from cannabis...

I believe they are trying to schedule Kratom too so they can keep their enforcement funding...but that is a whole nother Pandora's box!

Damn nanny state....
Well they wanna ban kratom cuz it gets people off their big pharma pills. It's all bullshit schedule 1 cbd on what grounds it doesn't even get you high? I dab cbd distillate all day 99% cbd 1% terpenes lol never feel anything other than my back pains and migraines dissipate. It doesn't even make sense I mean what they say "we are banning this because it betters your health and we can't tax you on it
Exactly no argument from me here on that!

Goes to show...what are the basic reasons for schedule medical benefits, highly addictive...etc. And CBD meets that how?

Yep don't get started on big Pharma...there is a part in that article which basically states schedule CBD so everyone can go back to Rx opiate analgesics....shit!

Another article from Leafly

This article goes into more depth on the matter.

Interesting point in this article is that the DEA director who authored this new scheduling has stepped outside the area of his/DEA's authority. The DEA enforces law does not create the law. Basically making CBD schedule 1 is creating law as I read it!


They did this with Kratom too, creating law..I read the petition.
Even hemp is Schedule 1 the DEA ain't going to let us have cannabis without a fight. Good thing a few more states legalized but they still need to fill the prisons they probably will take down the bigger dispensaries since they can't use banks and it's all about money and power.

We legalize cannabis and the public realizes just how much safer it is than alcohol how long will it take the public to realize heroin is no worse than alcohol actually a little safer if dosed out by the MG?
...heroin is no worse than alcohol actually a little safer if dosed out by the MG?

Hmmm...actually I am not sure where your info is.from as there was a recent post in that opiates Rx or street have killed 50,000 this past year and...

..."heroin" IS dosed out by the MG, it is called morphine which is what street heroin metabolizes into in the body!

But that discussion wasn't my point exactly for starting this thread...that would be another whole Pandora's box of a thread!

Even hemp is Schedule 1 the DEA ain't going to let us have cannabis without a fight. Good thing a few more states legalized but they still need to fill the prisons they probably will take down the bigger dispensaries since they can't use banks and it's all about money and power.

We legalize cannabis and the public realizes just how much safer it is than alcohol how long will it take the public to realize heroin is no worse than alcohol actually a little safer if dosed out by the MG?

They are both abused through out the country. Only an addict would lable either one "better" or "safer".
They are both abused through out the country. Only an addict would lable either one "better" or "safer".

I don't care to "label" someone but I also don't see the reasoning in the "safe heroin" point either.

And actually I could see the uninformed making your same.point about "us" and our argument that cannabis is "safe"

I truly believe cannabis is safe whether in THC form or CBD form.

Hence my reason for this post!

Hmmm...actually I am not sure where your info is.from as there was a recent post in that opiates Rx or street have killed 50,000 this past year and...

..."heroin" IS dosed out by the MG, it is called morphine which is what street heroin metabolizes into in the body!

But that discussion wasn't my point exactly for starting this thread...that would be another whole Pandora's box of a thread!


Drinking too much can harm your health. Excessive alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths and 2.5 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) each year in the United States from 2006 – 2010, shortening the lives of those who died by an average of 30 years.

According to the CDC 88,000 per year. Spousal abuse, violent crimes and rape are also much more likely to happen under the influence of alcohol.

Alcohol is highly addictive and withdrawals are lethal unlike heroin which very few people have died from heroin withdrawals.

Heroin on the streets is not dosed out one bit and majority of the deaths are from fentanyl laced heroin or just plain old synthetic heroin made with fentanyl and cut. Just one dust grain of fentanyl is like 1 MG of Oxycodone it's not easy to mix perfectly if possible at all.

Pharmaceutical Opioid Analgesics 18,893
Heroin Overdose 10,574

That's the opiate related deaths from 2010.

Just because heroin metabolizes into Morphine makes no difference when you don't know if you are getting 5 or 50 Mg's in the bag of dope it's all cut and a lot is mixed with fentanyl which can't be properly mixed in a gram of powder so every bag is the same dose.

Alcohol is worse than heroin no if ands or buts about it.
According to the CDC 88,000 per year. Spousal abuse, violent crimes and rape are also much more likely to happen under the influence of alcohol.

Alcohol is highly addictive and withdrawals are lethal unlike heroin which very few people have died from heroin withdrawals.

Heroin on the streets is not dosed out one bit and majority of the deaths are from fentanyl laced heroin or just plain old synthetic heroin made with fentanyl and cut. Just one dust grain of fentanyl is like 1 MG of Oxycodone it's not easy to mix perfectly if possible at all.

That's the opiate related deaths from 2010.

Just because heroin metabolizes into Morphine makes no difference when you don't know if you are getting 5 or 50 Mg's in the bag of dope it's all cut and a lot is mixed with fentanyl which can't be properly mixed in a gram of powder so every bag is the same dose.

Alcohol is worse than heroin no if ands or buts about it.

You seem to know a lot about heroin, hmmm......
@tampee while I see your point and agree that alcohol in its many forms is inherently dangerous as with any substance not used in moderation...

I think you have missed the point of my purpose for posting this thread!

I bet you would get a good discussion going in another thread.

You seem to know a lot about heroin, hmmm......
I know a lot about a lot of drugs I used to be a drug dealer until my friends started getting busted and a few trying to rat of course only the white ones were trying to rat.

I've done heroin before too it is a nice drug with moderation as is coke and alcohol key word moderation. Majority of people who use heroin use it in moderation and are not addicted a bit like most people with alcohol I do know some hardcore alcohol junkies actually a lot more than hardcore heroin junkies.

I'm against the War On drugs 110% from weed to coke heroin and meth. Really clean meth is not very bad for you as that's what they give children in school. Street meth is the problem because lots of dirty chemicals are left behind and nobody is going straight up Walter White.

Coke they use gasoline in the extraction process but they could use food grade ethanol meaning a legal market would be required for clean cocaine as well.

I've never lost a debate on ending the drug war but by all means you can try. I know the OP doesn't want to debate the drug war but the thread is dead anyways.