Hey yeah I'm alive and well! just been involved in other things lately and I haven't had a lot of time for sharing. I'll be taking a few pics of some of the Dr. Who i'm taking down in a few days, and letting you all know how things are going. Hope everyone is doing well!!! I'll be talking with you soon. Thanks for thinking of me.

the last of the vegamatrix plants are in flower now, and my veg is all living soil, transplanted to the flower containers and will be going in, in about 2 weeks or so maybe 3. definitely loving the half peat half coco mix so far over the all peat mix just for field/holding capacity of the coco plus it hydrates much better than the peat and i feel will keep the peat more moist than the peat on it's own.

any other half peat half coco living soil growers out there?

I grow half and half.
It does hydrate better and more evenly than peat. I love coco, but never all on its own.
any other half peat half coco living soil growers out there?
My "amateur" and baby (=just started up) living soil has both in it - the peat's from a bought soil mix that got recycled into it. I like how the soil is now much better than before with just peat in (ok I also have lava rock for aeration now, but the soil itself has a much more "real earth" texture to me) :) .
Also, I keep getting snagged on the renewability question (is it? is it not? --ahh, nevermind, just use coco lol) so it feels better to have coco in there over peat.
any other half peat half coco living soil growers out there?

Yeah, me too, I had 13gal of top quality unused coco left over from my coco grows(I used to throw it out after every run and buy new, the hydrostore used to love me), so that went in my original mix, my mix is more peat biased though, not by design, purely down to what I had available at the time.
I use ProMix as my base for worms and compost. Then when it is perfect I add a shovel full per trashcan of some native clay soil.

The local landscaping company can get me yards of primo compost for $60 a yard. I am planning on adding a couple of yards to the screen room this spring. It is already full of worms the size of small snakes!
I was running that, and had good results. I've been going with 1/2 coco 1/2 leaf mold lately though
Greese swears by leaf mold, and I'd have to concur with you too, it's a far better alternative to peat and much more suitable for housing hoards of microbes. Not to mention the organic acids it provides in time and the CEC is damn near perfect with a slightly acid pH. There's nothing better!
My next round will be with much higher ratios of LM.
I use ProMix as my base for worms and compost. Then when it is perfect I add a shovel full per trashcan of some native clay soil.

The local landscaping company can get me yards of primo compost for $60 a yard. I am planning on adding a couple of yards to the screen room this spring. It is already full of worms the size of small snakes!
I've noticed the perlite in mine and it raises my brow. I've use a few handfuls of light warrior but it's mostly shredded newspaper, pear tree leaves, aged bokashi compost, sand and coco. I think I'll do away with any volcanic aeration material. I don't like the idea of it in the farm. Rice hulls and dried shredded leaves are better for layering in aeration. And the rice hulls get caught in the 1/8" screen with the cocoons.
Ok got a few pics in for tonight...

working on this PM issue with a few plants. PM was SOOOOO bad outdoors this year. i think that's how my 9lb hammer got it, just drafted in. the Con Cheese i got from a friend, who also had PM and didn't know it. however the two cases are not linked IMO, because i saw no signs anywhere on the con cheese of PM the entire time i had it. i learned my lesson enough, if you don't watch what's going on, sometimes you don't notice until things are too far advanced.

So this is my PM treatment after reading an article about PM and the use of a bicarbonate product. it must be applied with a horticulture oil, so i'm using neem/karanja oil mix. i'm using 1tsp / qt. of the NaHCO3 or baking soda, and the neem/soap i mix per their recommendation, but just put 1tsp / qt. of the whole mix.

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I used this about a week ago when i saw some early signs, and it worked the best of anything i used to date. then, the other day i applied an aloe foliar and within 36 hrs i am having PM signs starting. i think the aloe washed away the effective neem/NaHCO3 which allowed the PM to come back quickly. good thing i have an eagle eye for PM lol :)

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sweet neems Con. Cheese.

I added the 2 9lb to flower room; tonight will be their first night of darkness. Here's one from today... check the stem in the 3rd pic...
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and here's what's still in veg and will soon be making their way into flower as well. just gonna give them some more recovery time from transplant...

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black dom back left, dr. who up front, JC2 on the right and one little sour d. about to take off in front of the 5 gal cloner on the ground. this space is my temporary veg room, i'll be working on getting a new one or a new veg tent in the main part of the basement. this room will turn into my no-till vegetable garden for the winter! thinking about doing a 3x4 bed with some T8s or T5s or LED above it... more thought will go into that once the rest of the basement is remodeled, and veg room is figured out for cannabis.

Here's the little ones... GG#4, S.D., Querkle, JC2 and Con Cheese. Brainwreck is in the cloner, and i'll have some roots to show soon!

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That is all for tonight! Thanks for joining along everyone. I liked the thread idea better than the journal because i think it's cool to let people get involved and post and share. I'm gonna finish this bowl, and work on some dinner. I'll probably have some food porn on here from time to time lol. love to cook.

oh i'll get a better camera soon, but iPhone 4 will have to do for now!
That's a cool selection. Almost all my pro-seeds I bought are TGA. I sprouted three seeds from Kiloa that are an IBL of The Purps. I tried to make seeds on ten plants with Dr Who and they were not compatible. Virtually no seeds. I had a 9 lb Hammer make two full individual flowers and it made a few seeds on maybe four plants nearby it. I only get PM when I get a month or more into bud. I have a Querkle in bloom and a Mickey Kush. Querkle turned lime green due to depleted soil I reused a little too much. These buds are all from different plants, but the seeds all came from the same mother plant which was a few year crossing project. I crossed a Durban X 3D. I crossed a Purps X Durban. I crossed a clone-only strain SFVOG Kush X Chemdawg IV also from Kiloa. I then crossed the Durban3D X PurpsDurban. I crossed a female from that cross with the SFVOGChemdawgIV male. I grew out nine females and cloned two. I missed two others that were better than the lesser of those two. I have so many home made seeds that it doesn't matter really. The largest resulting plant was also the best one. 3 lbs from a single grow under a 1,000 watt would be great. You would need a light track, C02 and a huge amount of fans blowing and ventilation to not get PM or some other stress problem crop up and start wrecking plants. I use a fresh 1,000 watt bulb in a 5' X 8' room six feet high. I'm not using my C02 yet but I've never pulled 3 lbs out of the several places I've run that size light to bud. You would need to have thick plants with a few months of vegging as well. A pound to a pound and a half is a more realistic amount to expect. I've never grown huge, but I have a 250 watt closet, a 400 watt closet, and a 1,000 watt bloom room. People like my weed better than club weed. I grow weird strains, real strains, I make clones in dirt and grow in dirt, and I have grown since 1982. image.jpeg
That is a Mexican Coke bottle "tapped out" with a piece of sharp and heavy steel. You tap the glass a few thousands of times and create a hole. It's how kids made bongs in a town here called Sunnyvale like on Trailer Park Boys in the late 70's. I'm going history on you. But I make bongs of bottles. I have a Patron bong too. A Mexican Squirt bottle with twisted glass is next.
WOW, has it been a long time! The better part of a year I suppose....

I have a lot of catching up to do!

I will start by saying that it has taken me almost a year to finally solve the unsolvable puzzle of defeating PM once and for all.... SULFUR BURNER. Period. Best cure.... literally cure your PM from your plants and cleanse your grow environment. PM cost me a lot of frustration, time, and money. But I finally nipped it so to speak.

I will throw up some pics of the run that is almost done, some sour D, and a local delicacy we call Brainwreck. beautiful all organic goodies with only water, a little aloe and a couple AACTs along the way.

I saw the video that someone posted in the ROLS thread I think that talked about compost. WOW, eye opening. Coffee grounds and leaves will be my only compost sources now, the rest of the kitchen scraps are going to go to a worm bin I have been longing to get going.

Snow has hit the ground here, but I have some leaves I can source from outside, and given that my lady and I do at least a couple french presses a day, I think i'll have a bunch of coffee grinds to get the job going in no time and start some compost indoors.

Anyway, glad to be back, I really haven't been lurking much at all so I have missed a lot. I have been helping a friend out with his first attempt at LOS and we put a nice mix together for him the other night. He's really excited about it. Basically the coots mix plus Fishbone Meal, some alfalfa, and DTE Bio live. 40 gal of organic goodness.

anyway, Cheers! Hope everyone has been well. Pics to come soon....
ahh what the hell, i'll put em up now. I'll get some better shots soon but for now these'll do :) These are at 52ish days...

Sour Diesel (last one for me, will be doing GG#4 from now on) little light burn on this first pic, running glassless hoods and got a little too close to the bulb... Whoops!

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and here's the Brainwreck....

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Hey Shluby, great to see you're back!
Lots of interesting stuff you've got going there, will be great fun :D
I've also developed a leafmania this year and am using them all over the place - including a little indoor composting experiment too :bigjoint:
Hey Shluby, great to see you're back!
Lots of interesting stuff you've got going there, will be great fun :D
I've also developed a leafmania this year and am using them all over the place - including a little indoor composting experiment too :bigjoint:

what kinda leaf experiments are you running? I made sure to pile up all my leaves from this year, as well as built a compost pile in the backyard (before i found out that all you need for compost is leaves haha). but i did the typical lasagna thing: leaf layer, grass layer + ammendments, leaf layer; repeat.

I'm trying to recover my attempt at an indoor compost bin, it's getting a bit stinky, i had too much moisture in it, so i'm going to add a bunch more leaves to it today to try and dry it up a bit, and just keep adding leaves and coffee grounds in attempt to recover it. i was putting food scraps in it (all raw of course) but I think i'm going to just start freezing my food scraps and save them for the worm bin i'm gonna put together here shortly.
what kinda leaf experiments are you running? I made sure to pile up all my leaves from this year, as well as built a compost pile in the backyard (before i found out that all you need for compost is leaves haha). but i did the typical lasagna thing: leaf layer, grass layer + ammendments, leaf layer; repeat.

I'm trying to recover my attempt at an indoor compost bin, it's getting a bit stinky, i had too much moisture in it, so i'm going to add a bunch more leaves to it today to try and dry it up a bit, and just keep adding leaves and coffee grounds in attempt to recover it. i was putting food scraps in it (all raw of course) but I think i'm going to just start freezing my food scraps and save them for the worm bin i'm gonna put together here shortly.
Yeah good call, with the worms that hi nitrogen stuff gets processed more quickly. Whereby there may be another possibility too ;)

So outdoor is like one of those cadaver farms where they study decomposition processes haha, it's 5 or 6 different scenarios I have there.
Indoor I have leaves in my wormbin. I've recently started using a leaf-woodchip-cardboard mix as bedding that I presoak to the right humidity before adding it in over the newest feeding.
2016-12-13 (1).JPG 2016-12-13 (3).JPG
Works like a charm, the wormcasts are nicely aerated and fluffy, and I've got a good fungal population in there too. Really looking forward to amending my soil with that in a month or so!

Indoor but in the cellar, I am starting a "soilifiying" experiment. The idea is to reamend soil with fresh plant matter. So a sort of living-matter ROLS. You just mix a good soil (as in, contains a good microherd) 1:1 with chopped kitchen scraps.
Since in my case I need to make good soil for my future container garden to begin with, I mixed up clay-heavy garden soil, good store-bought compost, coco coir & moist dead leaves as a base. I amended that with coffee grounds, kelp, neem, eggshells, rock dust and let it sit a while before adding the first round of chopped kitchen scraps.
this was after I mixed it all together:
2016-10-20 (4)-ready-for-soilifying.JPG
this is 2 months later, 1 month after adding the kitchen scraps to the left side.
no more scraps to be seen

Admittedly, I haven't really been cultivating this one yet, as I've been adding the scraps to the soil outside in the garden as long as the ground wasn't frozen. Meanwhile, it has frozen, so this shall be getting more attention. :mrgreen:

So that's why I'm so happy to see you are exploring in the same direction! :bigjoint: