Calling me a troll and ignorant is NOT an opinion, it is an insult, and you sir win the Moron of the year award!!! congrats man..
It isn't about the actual question it is about the collusion that he was up against from the DNC and mainstream media.
dude your a fuckin troll man shut the fuck up if you don't have any Intel ok..
Comparatively speaking, he ran a very radical campaign, he garnered a lot of support and coalesced a base behind him. but as the writing became clear and he had to decide how far he was willing to go, how much was he willing to break with the status quo and the DNC proper, he pulled back closer to the party and establishment politics and chose to support the "more of the same" candidate and the DNC leadership.
Hillary comes from and represents the same old guard. surely electing her, while being historic as the first women, would not be "revolutionary", she's part of the democrats we know well.
But he had a lot of political currency he built up from the campaign. I seriously doubt he gave that up for nothing. he had to get something in return for not running independently and throwing his support behind Hillary and for not making a stink about what the DNC did to sandbag him. why wouldn't he with the leverage he had.
so with a seemingly likely probability that Clinton was going to be President, he could either go back to the Senate with President Clinton maybe having a score to settle with him, or he could go back with the President owing him a debt of gratitude.
He chose the conservative way. he took the "cash" if you will and played ball. He did what they wanted him to do. He had to get paid for it somehow.
The changes he was calling for were very significant, the were very left of today's center.
So he was calling for real change. But regardless how it can be analyzed, like say, he didn't want to split the vote or what have you, in the end he said to the people vote for the status quo. That is the antithesis of someone calling for a "revolution", calling for very divergent policies.
If he was someone who could truly be convicted by his beliefs, then he would never have compromised and would have ran as an indy with the intention of building something transformative beyond this election. Like a Ralph Nader would have done.
I'm sorry, I like the guy a lot too, I wish he was President. But he clearely showed he would not put himself on the line for what he says he believes.
bernie should have run as an independent to begin with, since that's what he is. he is not a democrat.
he just benefited from the DNC, like a mooch.
he wouldn't have broken 10% without all the help he got by running as a democrat.
Agreed again, could have made the 3rd party candidate a legit threat and a force to be taken seriously from here on out.
He never even commented let alone drove home the ass banging he received from the DNC or the biased media coverage or that cunt from CNN giving Hillary the questions before the debates.
yes.. and the only reason they get away with it is because those politicians CAN be bought.. didn't you hear Trump say he was going to get rid of lobbyists?? I heard him say it.. and I think he will do it.
I don't even think Trump wanted to win, everything he's said was horseshit..he won't deliver on a God damn thing.
WTF are you talking about man... tell that Horse Shit to the 1200 Carrier plant workers who's family are going to have a Christmas this year, Thanks to Trump..
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!! BIG BUSINESS IS NOT THE BAD GUY!! don't YOU want YOUR business to get 'big'?.. its "government" that is the problem.. If YOU all the sudden made a successful business, would it be YOUR fault that the government made it so easy to move your factory overseas? no. its government plans like NAFTA and TPP and high taxes on Big business, that cripple our economy. you cant just take someones money and give it to the poor. This isn't the movie "Robinhood".. just like Bernie's free health care plan.. those billionaires he wants to steal the money for all that shit from , are just going to move to another country, or create an off-shore bank account, or some other fucking lophole.. bottom line is, IT WONT WORK!!!! he would in reality end up taxing the middle class. that is what Socialists do. The U.S already has thee best way of doing things we just need to clean it up, and GET RID OF LOBBYISTS!!
I got a call at my office from a highly placed source that suggested as much.i have intel that says you are a pedophile.
No, no..he wanted to win..that's the whole game.
He didn't expect that he would have to actually DO it.
Once he gets the commit of the win, he wants to move on to something else..his ego needs the win..he loses interest after. That's why he had no plans for transition.
Name one thing that health insurance companies bring to the equation that couldn't be accomplished via a single payer system
It's a wonderful fact free world you live in Sky. No, Sanders wasn't a lock for the presidency. There is no sign of Trump's supporters caring one whit for him restocking the swamp with globalization loving big corporation swamp creatures. No, Clinton did not steal the nomination from Sanders either.He should of taken Door #3, everyone knows the car is almost always behind this door (if you were paying attention) instead of the 'cash'..the American people didn't go home a winner.
Worried about a Clinton presidency while back in the Senate?..I guess he doesn't have much to worry about now..not the usual Chinese fucking with us during transition and in case you haven't heard, they just stole an unmanned sub readying themselves to push the boundaries of
not only a new administration but one that believes Obama isn't black, but Arab in disguise (see General Flynn tweet).
I had this much figured out, but what was the deal? There's more to this and I have to say I disagree with a few of the assumptions you've made.
I voted for Bernie too. The charts that Bernie's supporters cling to only say what people are thinking at the time of the poll, in May. We all witnessed how differently things appear come the real election. Honestly, I don't know if Bernie would or would not have won.Interesting poll, shows Bernie doing better than Mrs. Clinton.
But you realize they guy ranking the worst actually won (unfortunately)?
So it's kind of invalid, as it implies the asshole couldn't win. But he somehow did.
Therefore, it doesn't prove Bernie would have done better than Clinton.
Do you recall that Trump called Bernie a communist in speech after speech during the primaries? That plays well with the fake news people.
I voted for Bernie in the primary here. He lost by 16 points. It sure as hell wasn't my fault.
Maybe we were doomed from the start. How can anyone compete against fake news? Don't you expect the opposition to believe and accept facts. It used to be that way. Until now.