Donald Trump does not respect you

dabby duck

Well-Known Member
my neighbor doesn;t care for my family who gives a fuck, they have several cars in the front lawn so I cant say I particularly care for them either....

after all they are only a product of the last place high school education in the country and that state aint red and hasn;t been for decades and no it isnt the blissful utopias of Detroit or Chicago either....


Well-Known Member
Vets and active duty servicemen would be interested in your views. You should speak to them.

the racist sexual assault artist con man you voted for will give you a voucher and tell you to go find your medical care in the beautiful and tremendous free market.

paul ryan will make sure of that.

mike pence will pay you some lip service, but not the type that you have to pay for, assuming your geriatric penis even works anymore.

and jefferson beauregard sessions III will be happy to prosecute you for growing those pathetic leggy ferns you call pot plants.

you will continue to support him, as long as he follows through with his most racist and bigoted promises of building a wall, banning all muslims from entry, sending back all the refugees, kicking out 5 million american children and 11 million american workers who are here illegally, showing black people what the hell they have to lose, punishing somali immigrants, and so forth.

if he does not punish brown people in the way that he promised, you will abandon him.

stop trying trying to pretend that your status as a disabled vet makes you not a racist shit heel.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

the racist sexual assault artist con man you voted for will give you a voucher and tell you to go find your medical care in the beautiful and tremendous free market.

paul ryan will make sure of that.

mike pence will pay you some lip service, but not the type that you have to pay for, assuming your geriatric penis even works anymore.

and jefferson beauregard sessions III will be happy to prosecute you for growing those pathetic leggy ferns you call pot plants.

you will continue to support him, as long as he follows through with his most racist and bigoted promises of building a wall, banning all muslims from entry, sending back all the refugees, kicking out 5 million american children and 11 million american workers who are here illegally, showing black people what the hell they have to lose, punishing somali immigrants, and so forth.

if he does not punish brown people in the way that he promised, you will abandon him.

stop trying trying to pretend that your status as a disabled vet makes you not a racist shit heel.

You don't understand what a truly free market is Comrade Poopy Pants.

I share some of your concerns about Donald Trump and further I concede that you could have some expertise in the shit heel realm.

P.S - Hillary lost


Well-Known Member
1/2 the nation was already in that fucking basket. Intelligent people simply had no idea how pathetically big that basket really is.

Let's face it, the USA is populated by an awful lot of dumbass motherfuckers.
True lots of idiots here who think Trump or Hillary will make a great President. Lmao

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
1/2 the nation was already in that fucking basket. Intelligent people simply had no idea how pathetically big that basket really is.

Let's face it, the USA is populated by an awful lot of dumbass motherfuckers.

Yes, but why are you bringing the economically bereft Bernie supporters into this discussion ?



Well-Known Member
At least he didn't put half the nation in a basket of deplorables.
i believe hillary put half of trump supporters in that basket, which would be about 1/2 of 63 million, which would be about 31.5 million people, which would be 1/10 of the nation. not half.

are 10% of americans racist? no.

that's a lowball estimate, jew hater.

thank you for bumping my thread. it is important that we all realize that donald trump does not respect you. or your family.


Well-Known Member
I had a beer with an old friend that I had not seen for a while. It turns out he voted for Trump but now regrets it. He expected to "drain the swamp" but Trump seems to have appointed the same people to his Cabinet as he criticized Hillary for associating with.

He now realizes that Donald Trump does not respect him or his family.