Before & After pics .... Ouch


Active Member
Big Dawg, You are not the only dumbbutt, not only did I trim most of the growth (lollipop not) I also transplanted to a bigger hempy bucket 2 weeks into 12/12, looks like I extended flowering another 2-3 weeks (and reduced the take wayyyy to much :( ). (knock on wood no hermies yet). I will NOT do that again...

Live and learn, BUT there is always all those nice clones I took :( :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah stress can seriously affect yeild and produce hermies once ya don't strip them the next time assuming you cloned them if you do it all the same way and see how much qicker the plants/bud grow or maybe it will be the other way but I seriously doubt it :) I've heard of taking clones but that was rape n the ladys...sorry just my 2 cents they recovered but how are they now? pics?


Well-Known Member
Rape'n the ladies

Haha I picture someone torturing their plants, cutting off all their leaves one at a time and kicking the shit out of their plants while screaming at the top of their lungs"

"Bud you bitches... Stop growing all these worthless fuckiing leaves and make me some NUGS!!!"

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Rape'n the ladies

Haha I picture someone torturing their plants, cutting off all their leaves one at a time and kicking the shit out of their plants while screaming at the top of their lungs"

"Bud you bitches... Stop growing all these worthless fuckiing leaves and make me some NUGS!!!"
I think my bitches liked getting raped then LOLLLLL

Pic= day 14 flowering:hump:



Well-Known Member
That's kind of like saying driving over your plants with the car is good for them because the weeds in my driveway are growing so well , and I drive the car over them from time to time too.

True those things do come back bushier and with a vengance, but it's not the best way to do it. So you grew even more leaves..

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Holy crap fdd, I am growing plants you are growing trees for fucks sakes..... When harvest time comes for you, you can call a bloody lumber yard and they will gladly come pick up the left over wood LOLLL


Well-Known Member
fdd is always hacking up his plants, it would be nice to see him grow a big a sativa out... hint hint

i wish i had a long season


Well-Known Member
Rape'n the ladies

Haha I picture someone torturing their plants, cutting off all their leaves one at a time and kicking the shit out of their plants while screaming at the top of their lungs"

"Bud you bitches... Stop growing all these worthless fuckiing leaves and make me some NUGS!!!"

Oh my jesus...that was a frikkin awesome thread! Not only did I learn, I fukkin laughed...

thanx for that, y'all.

Quebec...I have no doubt you'll pull big weed outta that closet. It's more a testament to the strain than the technique, I feel. But I'm trust, I don't know...

But Fdd's post about nichole ritchie said it all...your plants look skinny next to the pix of fdd's buds, and pix of buds that are published in magazines, books, and the net...they all look thick and scary. Your buds look dank, like they're warriors at heart...but they just look like they've grown up in the ghetto. And I mean aschwitz ghetto, not Compton, CA.

Basically, fdd I think said it before, find someone who's grown big, sticky buds, and then follow that routine to the letter. You'll have to make some adjustments based on your unique scenario, but you'll take a lot of guesswork out of it.

I still want to know about your yield. How many plants do you have?
What is their height? What sort of lights/nutes are you running?

Either way, you'll smoke fat when you harvest. Then you'll laugh at the haters...even if some of them are right about pruning/shearing/shaving/trimming/cropping/cutting/cloning or politics...


Active Member
Ive heard the purpose of this is to drive more nutrient to the nugg's. This is my first grow and I'm hoping its true cause Ive done it also


Well-Known Member
yesterday, i walked out to my garden. i heard rustling inside one of my plants. i walked over towards it and 3 birds flew out. then i heard one chirping inside it. i had to spread the branches open to try to see it. it flew out that backside. i just stood there giggling for 10 mins.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
yesterday, i walked out to my garden. i heard rustling inside one of my plants. i walked over towards it and 3 birds flew out. then i heard one chirping inside it. i had to spread the branches open to try to see it. it flew out that backside. i just stood there giggling for 10 mins.
They were doing like Mr OWL. One LICK, Two LICK, Three Lick, CRUNCH!:weed: