"White working class voters are good people, they're not racist, not sexist" -Joe Biden

She irrelevant now anyway. In a few years oprah will interview her and ask what's she been doing with herself and she'll tell us all about how she's taken up painting.

Now that her political career is dead, lets see how much she works to advance the people's agenda.

Exactly. She'll go back to peddling the Clinton Foundation to all her friends in the donor class.

Again, that doesn't leave much room for the other 99.9% of us.
I'll say it, she was and is evil. I guess I'm just weird like that.
Advancing our agenda and fighting the good fight earned her $15 Million last year. I guess it pays to be a woman of the people.
Makes you wonder why more people aren't as altruistic.

getting awfully tough to discern berniebot rhetoric from trump rhetoric at this point.
I guess that's why I voted for him in the primary. But after he lost, I couldn't do 180° turn. I took the next best option. I have no guiIt about that. None.
I don't think you should. Clinton was the next best option
Exactly. She'll go back to peddling the Clinton Foundation to all her friends in the donor class.

Again, that doesn't leave much room for the other 99.9% of us.
Something else to watch. Why donate to the Clinton Foundation if the hope that she can give me political favors later is gone?
"Bernie Sanders, the wide-eyed socialist running for president in 2016, just happened to produce one of the few — and perhaps the largest — bipartisan legislative breakthroughs in the last Congress."

“I’m a pragmatist,” Sanders said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “If I was a writer or paid to go around giving speeches, then that is something I could do. But I was elected by the people of Vermont to be their elected representative in Washington. And that requires me to shape and pass legislation.”

"Few people think of Sanders this way. His reputation — reinforced by his firebrand speeches, rumpled suits and Dr. Emmett Brown hair — is that of an uncompromising ideologue. And he often plays the part. He’s been virulently opposed to Trade Promotion Authority for years and has an unbending view of Social Security: it should be expanded, not cut. This past week, he indicated on “Meet The Press” that he’d support a bill reforming the NSA’s bulk data collection program, even if he thought it didn’t go far enough. Days later, he voted against it.

But those who work with him in Congress see Sanders differently. Miller called him a “realist” whose inability to play coy was refreshing."

“He is very open and honest as he goes through the process,” Miller said. “You know where Bernie is coming from.”

“Negotiating with Bernie was not a usual experience, because he is very passionate and he and I are both very strong-willed people and we spend a lot of time banging our fists on the table and having the occasional four-letter word,” McCain said. “But at the end of the day, Bernie was result-oriented.”

Sanders rose through the political system, rather than entering it late. He was a mayor for eight years and a congressman for 16, during which time he figured out that protest votes and purity could only get him so far. He pursued smaller priorities to attach to larger pieces of legislation that he invariably found less than ideal. A Rolling Stone article from 2005 called him “the amendment king of the current House of Representatives,” as he’d passed more roll call amendments than any other member.


you're forgetting that bernard didn't win the primary, not by a longshot. so that argument would work to clinton's advantage, in that she would have a good friend in the senate to help pass legislation.

and in no way did you rebut anything i had to say about clinton. so thanks.
you're forgetting that bernard didn't win the primary, not by a longshot.
Sanders didn't win because the Democratic primary was rigged in favor of Clinton
and in no way did you rebut anything i had to say about clinton. so thanks.
You said Clinton could get more done than Sanders. I provided quotes from bipartisan committees and Republican congressmen claiming Sanders has been one of the most productive members of congress who was able to work across the aisle more than nearly every other member presiding. So.. what are you talking about exactly?
you could have had a personal conversation with michael bennett as well if you wanted. i could have told you the exact day he would be in your area talking to canvassers. hell, you wouldn;t have even had to canvass after if you didn't want.

but pretty fucking please with a cherry on top believe me: the "elitists" versus "real america" meme is straight out of the hitler playbook. and you are the latte sipping, mother fucking elitist. and so am i, sitting in my modest suburban home. and so are all those hispanic folks in those trailer parks i canvassed.

When compared to the average World Citizen, I may be a member of an elite class; 'average citizen of a First World country.' However when it comes to America's economy and politics, I certainly do not qualify.

Be that as it may, being a member of an elite class is irrelevant in determining whether my outlook or politics are elitist, and in fact since I'm advancing my long standing position in favor of the middle and lower classes, one could even reasonably call me an ANTI-elitist.

In this case your attempt to label me has only backfired, you've outed yourself as elitist.

This is something I've known about you for some time.
When compared to the average World Citizen, I may be a member of an elite class; 'average citizen of a First World country.' However when it comes to America's economy and politics, I certainly do not qualify.

Be that as it may, being a member of an elite class is irrelevant in determining whether my outlook or politics are elitist, and in fact since I'm advancing my long standing position in favor of the middle and lower classes, one could even reasonably call me an ANTI-elitist.

In this case your attempt to label me has only backfired, you've outed yourself as elitist.

This is something I've known about you for some time.

nope. we're all elitists. uncle ben is a real american. got it?
i'm just warning you.

i'm not saying there aren't elitists, but be careful of how you use it.

In case you haven't noticed, I know my way around a thesaurus pretty well.

Those running our government most certainly are elitist- and patrician. I'm not talking about the politicians themselves although many certainly are, I'm talking about those who pour money into our political system to get their way instead of 100 million of the rest of us.

There's about 30,000 of them in this country and they get their way more often than the oligarchs of Putin's Russia. How is that NOT elitism, leading directly towards aristocracy- itself a fundamentally elitist construct?

If that's not elitism, pray tell us what YOU think qualifies?
or é·lit·ism(ĭ-lē′tĭz′əm, ā-lē′-)
1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their superiority, as in intelligence, social standing, or wealth.
Behavior arising from or indicative of such a belief.
b. Control, rule, or domination by the members of an elite.

@UncleBuck I'm using the term correctly. Clearly I'm hitting close to home if you feel like you must threaten me over its use.