US abstains in UN vote to end Israeli settlements

It's much simpler than that. If you think the US was right to help orchestrate the resolution and then abstain from voting-we simply disagree. I think it was wrong.
Your'e earlier post suggested it was more than just thinking it was wrong, it was bordering on the treasonous. Is seems obvious that despite your patriot claims, you would throw your own country's long term interests under a bus to pander to a murderous criminal such as Netanyahu.
Realise this, my friend, all your 'alliance' with Israel has managed for ordinary Americans is pinning a huge bulls-eye on your foreheads.
The US supplied all Israels military needs for decades and people like you didn't give a fuck what or how or on whom they used these weapons, as long as it 'protected US jobs'.
That changed a bit in 2001 when what the ME had been suffering for years came home and you didn't like it one bit. You then manipulated the UN in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, see the UN is really COOL when it serves your purpose. Now the UN, with the US ABSTAINING, passes a resolution demanding that Israel obeys international law and Bibi is acting as if he's been hit by a cross-bow bolt, the dying swan in Swan fucking Lake.
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Israel did engage in hostile combat with the US in attacking the USS Liberty. Men died. Officially it was an "accident". Many would argue deliberate and knowing. We have taken hard lumps from them.
Why then really, are we allied with them? That for me is the 64 thousand dollar question.
The battle in Israel/ Palestine is described as the most intractable in the world. Who threw the first blow, all the points of contention, power/control/land/water, add in three religions claim to Jerusalem, does anyone see this ending or ending well? I don't.
It's more likely the flashpoint for a major conflict of nations than it is for a settlement of peace.
Great 'ally', attacking a US Naval ship, killing US personnel then covering the whole thing up.
The act of a true ally, eh?
I'm not sure of US support being all about hegemony. I think Orlando may have alluded to it earlier. Might the US also support Israel out of a sense of Christian obligation. Those thoughts are in the evangelical community. Are we as a nation sticking our necks out for religions sake? Just a thought.
Of course they do, that's why GOP candidates speak at Evangelical colleges, sucks the dicks of the likes of Pat Buchannan, Falwell and Billy Graham.
Dont mistake them for harmless happy clappy, balloon blowing Jesus nuts, there is a much darker side to their nature. They are dangerous.
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Of course they do, that's why GOP candidates speak at Evangelical colleges, suck the dicks of the likes of Pat Buchannan, Falwell and Billy Graham.
They think getting all the Jews physically back into Israel will trigger the rapture and they'll finally get their reward for years of prostration and wasted thought.
They think getting all the Jews physically back into Israel will trigger the rapture and they'll finally get their reward for years of prostration and wasted thought.
And fuck the rest of the world that dont subscribe to their millennial beliefs.
Its a Christian death cult as much as IS is their 'Musleum' counterpart.
The US was wrong to help orchestrate a resolution they had no intent to vote for or against.

nice conspiracy theory, pedo.

too bad it's all just a cooked up lie to try to distract idiots like you from the criminal investigation against netanyahoo for bribery and fraud.


amazing how easy it is to dupe morons like you by tossing out conspiracy theories.