Revenge of the ‘Deplorables’

you are naive.
92 corporations over the course of 3 years immediately after being Secretary of State, knowing she's going to run for president

I'm naive.
She gave these speeches to secure the 2016 presidency

i'm sure the national association of convenience stores was holding out for that speech. no wa the US green building council was gonna vote for the lefty unless she gave that speech either.

and the american jewish college? we would have gone for the guy with the hitler speeches unless hillary paid us a visit.

you are monumentally fucking stupid, duct tape anal spread.
92 corporations over the course of 3 years immediately after being Secretary of State, knowing she's going to run for president

I'm naive.

beth el synagogue doesn't sound like much of a corporation to me.

you are naive as shit.

go run a candidate without the help of the DNC. we really don't want a rape enthusiast in our party.
go run a candidate without the help of the DNC.
Unless the DNC chooses Ellison as chair, your party is dead. The progressive wing will branch off and create a viable 3rd party regardless of your empty threats. Your childish, selfish fault. Not mine. I'm not going to hold on to a losing party in the hopes of beating Republicans when it will never happen if you keep selling out to corporatist Democrats. I didn't join the Democratic party to become Republican light.
beth el synagogue doesn't sound like much of a corporation to me.

you are naive as shit.

go run a candidate without the help of the DNC. we really don't want a rape enthusiast in our party.
Goldman Sachs
Deutsche Bank
Morgan Stanley
Bank of America

We know, strong successful women intimidate you.
What was it you use to teach again?

We? Got a bee in your bonnet?

About this teaching obsession. Pay attention son, it's free. You've previously been given all the info needed to answer your own question.

But first let's address back and forth. You have questions. I've asked without reply- what is it you do to earn income?And...about voluntary taxation, again without meaningful reply.

So in my view, it just doesn't seem fair to directly answer you without first hearing more about you. I'm not interested mind you, but the anticipation is it's own reward.

If you still have questions about this back and forth, ask your Mom. She's great at it.
We? Got a bee in your bonnet?

About this teaching obsession. Pay attention son, it's free. You've previously been given all the info needed to answer your own question.

But first let's address back and forth. You have questions. I've asked without reply- what is it you do to earn income?And...about voluntary taxation, again without meaningful reply.

So in my view, it just doesn't seem fair to directly answer you without first hearing more about you. I'm not interested mind you, but the anticipation is it's own reward.

If you still have questions about this back and forth, ask your Mom. She's great at it.

your income is a social security check and socialist redistributed oil money.

We? Got a bee in your bonnet?

About this teaching obsession. Pay attention son, it's free. You've previously been given all the info needed to answer your own question.

But first let's address back and forth. You have questions. I've asked without reply- what is it you do to earn income?And...about voluntary taxation, again without meaningful reply.

So in my view, it just doesn't seem fair to directly answer you without first hearing more about you. I'm not interested mind you, but the anticipation is it's own reward.

If you still have questions about this back and forth, ask your Mom. She's great at it.

I already answered your question. I graduated Trump university, became a multi million over night and received a settlement check, woohoo!

My cpa files a schedule c self employment income and yes, I voluntarily pay the taxes.
Trump picking Goldman members for his cabinet does not invalidate that big money and wallstreet supported Hillary in the election.
You can hold whatever belief you like. feelings > facts ? The facts of the matter are that Goldman is in far better postion with Trump as Prez than they ever would be with Clinton in charge. Do you think they are surprised to find four Golcman executives will be in Trump's inner circles at the White House? LOL

I'm pointing out that Trump IS one of the super rich. He's one of the kleptocracy. Goldman, the business concern, gave pittance to Clinton and would have expected access. In contrast, Trump is one of the super rich elite as are the Goldman top executives. Most definitely Trump's cabinet reflects this.