Try just south of 60 and not far south of that. Way up in Bumfuck, AB man. :)

Actually the last couple of summers have lasted a lot longer than usual so I might have had a shot with some 8 week plants but never put any out. Hooray global warming! :) I'll be trying a few photos next year tho to see what happens but really want a bunch of autos to be sure of a crop. I have 7.5 acres but right on a highway so privacy ain't so good and Joe Farmer is growing shit right in my back yard and gets a good look onto my property from the cab of that huge tractor. Actually plants on about an acre and a half of my place but he set that up with the previous owner long before I bought it 13 years ago and I'd have to cut more grass if I stopped it.

Try just south of 60 and not far south of that. Way up in Bumfuck, AB man. :)

Actually the last couple of summers have lasted a lot longer than usual so I might have had a shot with some 8 week plants but never put any out. Hooray global warming! :) I'll be trying a few photos next year tho to see what happens but really want a bunch of autos to be sure of a crop. I have 7.5 acres but right on a highway so privacy ain't so good and Joe Farmer is growing shit right in my back yard and gets a good look onto my property from the cab of that huge tractor. Actually plants on about an acre and a half of my place but he set that up with the previous owner long before I bought it 13 years ago and I'd have to cut more grass if I stopped it.

Ahhh yes Alberta, fucking cold yes lol. Went out there hunting two years ago in November and it was minus 25 the whole time. Had my truck camper but slept in motels. Love the place but just to fucking cold.....I'm heading to the island for my retirement years, that and Mexico :). It's a crap shoot here to for most photo's due to rot :(. I really lucked out this year but won't try that again, it was a 10 week strain lol. Keep me posted re your auto's would be willing to test a few lol.
So ive been talking to some buddies that cropped out in October outside here in the PAC. N.W . We have sampled lots of outdoor grows some professional most not but.... Flavor and potency just isnt there compaired to indoor grown flowers. I am strictly an indoor kind of guy but have grown a whole bunch outside as well and other than size of harvest I just dont see the point. Id personally rather overpay for an ounce o.k indoor over premium outdoor any day. Maybe outdoor people we sampled from didnt have any idea what the fuck they were doing? Your thoughts ????
Thats a contreversial question. People argue over which yeild more THC. I personally blieve (not fact) that indoor hydro yeilds the most THC. Anyone want to argue my point and why? Thanks.
I prefer the taste of good outdoor but allot of it is just "bush crop". By that i mean its not cared for properly.

Ya cannot beat the sun as a light source, real soil with lots of activity. Smoke from bush fires can give it a different taste for eg (just like wine grapes) if u have some near your grow that season.

The right genetics and a side by side grow i think the outdoor would be more potent just due to the light source, add in soil profile....

Hard to string a good season together outdoors tho, especially if its a hike to a gorilla plot. Wet weather towards the end can ruin a season fast. In saying that the yields can be HUGE.
I do think that most of the higher tested grows were done in organic soil under lights but could be wrong. I also think don't think indoor is more potent than outdoor, I get high from both lol. I just seem to like the taste of indoor hydro better but haven't done an indoor soil or organic, started indoor in hydro :).
Is that the cubs or the dodgers on TV? Anyway, it appears you got your plants to flower in a peanut butter jar! Nice grow.
the first pic was the Mets and Dodgers, the second was the Blue Jays
those plants were grown in 2 litre hempy pop bottle....the pop bottle sits in the peanut jar for stability and to contain any drippings
Stolen from Double JJ.

"Outdoor grower looking at an indoor grow"

Thats a contreversial question. People argue over which yeild more THC. I personally blieve (not fact) that indoor hydro yeilds the most THC. Anyone want to argue my point and why? Thanks.
Well for me there is no scientific backing its personal preference. I suppose it is a slightly "controversial" question as you put it. Maybe I just suck at growing outdoors, who knows ? Im saying my taste buds and T.H.C receptors prefer indoor grown weed. I cant argue T.H.C because I simply do not have enough data to banter ... lol

As for the rest of you who believe indoor is better....The world is flat and the solar system revolves around the earth!

I'm done here too!
Well be done. At least fucking say what you mean for once. Like an old fucking lady. You took this to a wierd fucked up place my guy. You! Own it.
Well be done. At least fucking say what you mean for once. Like an old fucking lady. You took this to a wierd fucked up place my guy. You! Own it.

You need to quit smoking before reading and answering posts.

Thats a contreversial question. People argue over which yeild more THC. I personally blieve (not fact) that indoor hydro yeilds the most THC. Anyone want to argue my point and why? Thanks.

6 and 7 years ago. I did testing on indoor vs outdoor. This was done on 2 summers runs for both. Year 1 was soil vs, soil and year 2 was outdoor soil vs. hydro (Ebb buckets) Plants (outdoor) were run in a back field - full sun - specifically worked and fed soil, same as the indoor. Great daily care given to the plants - including my same indoor daily watering sched.
Indoors - first year - same soil - same treatment - 1K MH to HPS....Nutrient was Hesi soil - supplements were Si, Mg sulfate, and once a week 0-8-17 ratio boosts at weeks 6&7.

The resulting tests had an average of 3.4% higher THC counts with the outdoor! Strain was Chemdog.

Year 2 was done the same manor all the way for the outdoor and the indoor hydro got Hesi hydro at the charted rates. Supplements were Si, Mg sulfate and the same boost, same times.

The following tests showed an improved ratio of and average of 3.7% higher in the outdoor. Strain was Ghost cut - OG

Outdoors were of course not watered as needed during and following rain.....

It should be noted very carefully here. These avarages were almost exactly copied when doing indoor testing with supplemental UV lighting! Those that got the UV had and almost exact % rate higher vs. those that did not. ( I actually posted results of that here years ago, and the following human test..)

ALL TESTING WAS DONE BY GAS-CHROME (the company no longer exists)

You must remember that many people harvest earlier then most truly experienced growers! I firmly believe that many of you not liking outdoor. MAY have had that issue.

The other of course is CONFORMATION BIAS. Doing a home applied, "side by side" tests is NOT how testing is DONE! It was not a "blind" test study was it? The thing being that your brain finds a difference because it's looking for one. If you believe one way before you try anything. that's the way the end result will be!

I cut that out by professional machine testing.....Then had 4 patients per day, test packaged joints in numbered sleeves. This was done over 6 days with only a single joint smoked at 10AM on each day. They then had to write out thoughts about taste and the quality/structure of the buzz at 10min - 30min - 60min after smoking.

The numbers on the sleeves were set by another employee and even I had no idea what ones they got, till after the testing was done.. Written results had the outdoor chosen all but once in all the testing over the 6 days.

THAT is why I firmly believe that outdoor kills indoor!

Sparkle - Old Lady that ! :finger:
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Well there you have it ..... like I said personal preference doesn't mean shit in the face of science ;). That was quite the blind sampling Doc and the reason for this was? Wouldn't it have been easier just to ask your customers what they preferred and offered both?
You need to quit smoking before reading and answering posts.

6 and 7 years ago. I did testing on indoor vs outdoor. This was done on 2 summers runs for both. Year 1 was soil vs, soil and year 2 was outdoor soil vs. hydro (Ebb buckets) Plants (outdoor) were run in a back field - full sun - specifically worked and fed soil, same as the indoor. Great daily care given to the plants - including my same indoor daily watering sched.
Indoors - first year - same soil - same treatment - 1K MH to HPS....Nutrient was Hesi soil - supplements were Si, Mg sulfate, and once a week 0-8-17 ratio boosts at weeks 6&7.

The resulting tests had an average of 3.4% higher THC counts with the outdoor! Strain was Chemdog.

Year 2 was done the same manor all the way for the outdoor and the indoor hydro got Hesi hydro at the charted rates. Supplements were Si, Mg sulfate and the same boost, same times.

The following tests showed and improved ratio of and average of 3.7% higher in the outdoor. Strain was Ghost cut - OG

Outdoors were of course not watered as needed during and following rain.....

It should be noted very carefully here. These avarages were almost exactly copied when doing indoor testing with supplemental UV lighting! Those that got the UV had and almost exact % rate higher vs. those that did not. ( I actually posted results of that here years ago, and the following human test..)

ALL TESTING WAS DONE BY GAS-CHROME (the company no longer exists)

You must remember that many people harvest earlier then most truly experienced growers! I firmly believe that many of you not liking outdoor. MAY have had that issue.

The other of course is CONFORMATION BIAS. Doing a home applied, "side by side" tests is NOT how testing is DONE! It was not a "blind" test study was it? The thing being that your brain finds a difference because it's looking for one. If you believe one way before you try anything. that's the way the end result will be!

I cut that out by professional machine testing.....Then had 4 patients per day, test packaged joints in numbered sleeves. This was done over 6 days with only a single joint smoked at 10AM on each day. They then had to write out thoughts about taste and the quality/structure of the buzz at 10min - 30min - 60min after smoking.

The numbers on the sleeves were set by another employee and even I had no idea what ones they got, till after the testing was done.. Written results had the outdoor chosen all but once in all the testing over the 6 days.

THAT is why I firmly believe that outdoor kills indoor!

Sparkle - Old Lady that ! :finger:
You are an over inflated windbag. I can sound ultra intelligent too with all the scientific psycho bable but why. I dont care , they dont care so smoke your outdoor and enjoy just please shut the fuck up now. You are tarnishing your misconcieved reputation. Its real easy to try and sound like a botanist behind the computer. You cannot back up a thing that you spew besides true scientific data that anyone can "google"You probabaly cannot grow a radish. Please be tired of being a meglomaniac and go away. Blessed growing doc.
Try just south of 60 and not far south of that. Way up in Bumfuck, AB man. :)

Actually the last couple of summers have lasted a lot longer than usual so I might have had a shot with some 8 week plants but never put any out. Hooray global warming! :) I'll be trying a few photos next year tho to see what happens but really want a bunch of autos to be sure of a crop. I have 7.5 acres but right on a highway so privacy ain't so good and Joe Farmer is growing shit right in my back yard and gets a good look onto my property from the cab of that huge tractor. Actually plants on about an acre and a half of my place but he set that up with the previous owner long before I bought it 13 years ago and I'd have to cut more grass if I stopped it.

I meant to say north of 60 but couldn't remember the name of the show lol.
Loved that show. Have the theme song on the computer somewhere. Surprised I don't see it in re-runs on the APTN channel as I'd watch it again. Northern Exposure was good too. :)

You are an over inflated windbag. I can sound ultra intelligent too with all the scientific psycho bable but why. I dont care , they dont care so smoke your outdoor and enjoy just please shut the fuck up now. You are tarnishing your misconcieved reputation. Its real easy to try and sound like a botanist behind the computer. You cannot back up a thing that you spew besides true scientific data that anyone can "google"You probabaly cannot grow a radish. Please be tired of being a meglomaniac and go away. Blessed growing doc.

I love you too Jimmy....
Well there you have it ..... like I said personal preference doesn't mean shit in the face of science ;). That was quite the blind sampling Doc and the reason for this was? Wouldn't it have been easier just to ask your customers what they preferred and offered both?

LOL,,,,A partner wanted to do it that way. He's more OCD then I am..a cpl of years back I got tired of humoring him and bought him out...Sometimes, you just want to know....Like I said I posted the basic results of that back in 11 I think....I ain't looking it up, I'm to tired googling answers for Jimmy....

Maybe I get too wound up when people believe things that others know, otherwise....Take a look at RM3's UV thread.....Fuck what I say....what was it Rayne said on the first page.......

I need to go and refill my windbag now....
LOL,,,,A partner wanted to do it that way. He's more OCD then I am..a cpl of years back I got tired of humoring him and bought him out...Sometimes, you just want to know....Like I said I posted the basic results of that back in 11 I think....I ain't looking it up, I'm to tired googling answers for Jimmy....

Maybe I get too wound up when people believe things that others know, otherwise....Take a look at RM3's UV thread.....Fuck what I say....what was it Rayne said on the first page.......

I need to go and refill my windbag now....
Well I'm not getting all worked up about it, like I said, it's a personal choice and really I think and you may or may not agree that THC is just one element. Yes I have read RM's threads, very interesting, but hardly conclusive, still I do run uvb indoors ;).
Well I'm not getting all worked up about it, like I said, it's a personal choice and really I think and you may or may not agree that THC is just one element. Yes I have read RM's threads, very interesting, but hardly conclusive, still I do run uvb indoors ;).

Nah, yer not! I'm too tired to get frosty about this shit, Jimmy too..

I can roll with that!

There is something about UV though....They found that a cpl of Terps have lots to do with the buzz factor. Length, "structure" and intensity.......So there seems to be more to it then simply making more or bigger trich's ...... So yeah Budley, there's more to it then just THC.

Now if the Feds would just back off on the sched 1 thing. Real research could be getting done...
Well as we wait up here for shit to change but really not lol, I'll hopefully have a few legal plants in my garden to draw attention away from the the ones in the field lol