US abstains in UN vote to end Israeli settlements

Yes, it will be so much easier on you to accept it.
Drain that swamp and build that wall!

Don't let the "Wall Street Candidate Crooked Hillary Clinton" get elected or she might nominate ex executives from Goldman Sachs to her cabinet!
Funny how most of the most egregious candidates did not get elected throughout history - even during the yellow journalism era - until now. It is also worth noting that the educational standards back in the 19th century were much higher than we might think today. Search for an old newspaper article from the late 19th century. The writing standards were exceptionally high - much higher than a TRUMP! voter could wade through.
Funny how most of the most egregious candidates did not get elected throughout history - even during the yellow journalism era - until now. It is also worth noting that the educational standards back in the 19th century were much higher than we might think today. Search for an old newspaper article from the late 19th century. The writing standards were exceptionally high - much higher than a TRUMP! voter could wade through.

Cutting educational funding, thereby dumbing down the population, has been a classic republican tactic for my entire lifetime. Because who really needs school, anyway? o_O
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There was once a time when this was true. That time was long before the legalizing of corruption in government.

The Republican party has sold our country to the highest bidder.
It was still true when I was a kid, but rapidly changing after Reagan. Now days for every added year of education, the odds of being a Republican drop at an increasing rate. By the time you have a masters degree, it is about 10%. The Republicans have sort of gone down the Cultural Revolution road in which they mock and fear the educated class - better to have a dictatorship of the stupid.

Love this clip...
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It was still true when I was a kid, but rapidly changing after Reagan. Now days for every added year of education, the odds of being a Republican drop at an increasing rate. By the time you have a masters degree, it is about 10%. The Republicans have sort of gone down the Cultural Revolution road in which they mock and fear the educated class - better to have a dictatorship of the stupid.

Love this clip...

That's a great movie with many important lessons for our country and our times.

Stupid people are easier to control because they are easier to deceive.
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if God is not real,,,,,,, Then,,,, Israel doesnt matter,,,, because all the hype is simply over religious reasons,, so if no god then why even bother with the "holy land"
Because it is simply used as an excuse to take land.
Always has been, and seemingly always will be, like the Romans, the Jews, the Ottomans, the Crusaders and now the Jews again.
Same shit, different century
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The funny thing, though, is that Trump’s voters wear their stupidity as a badge of honor, which is why Trump gets away with saying things like, “I love poorly educated people.”

“We won the Evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated,” Trump said.

Source: Gawker
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