New grower here

What all do you have on hand already nute or suppliment wise? Some things can be used as foliarss that arent called foliar...
Whaatttttt......... Who when how and why would they... I need everything.... Lol who should I call to start getting some of that.. I don't think theirs anything but a nursery around here and I think their closed because all their bushes and flowers and stuff are out front of their little store all dried up and laying on the ground.... And ya sounds like you had a good new yrs possibly or just working hard.. No i haven't started feeding anything yet.. Besides the watering when I transplanted the other day I have only watered one other time today.. So it'll be like 3 days from the way they dried this last time.. I have grow and bloom , better samples from RX Green Solutions haven't cracked them open yet tho . I want this other stuff that's supposed to be real good but trustfully I wouldn't know which ones are bad or good or best.. Do they have premixed solutions so I don't have to mix lol..
Im quite sure a ph test is a ph test... i bet ur strips more accurate than cheap probes.. the strips i have are marketed towards health freaks that test ph of their piss and saliva, manufacturer told me it will test any liquid accurately. 6 to 6.5 should be fine. Iv never used happy frog but id think it should have enough nutes to get babies rolling... id try to take care of that oveerwatering first see how the color comes back... if you have something to do a foliar feeding do that... even just a kelp foliar can help em through stress...i love my heavy 16 could always ash the hydro store for a sample of foliar treatmen...
The problem with the strips is that reading them is subjective, and the color tends to "drift" over several seconds, particularly at the top end of the scale - it tends to start out dark and lightens up several shades over 5-10 seconds. So is the correct reading the color you see at 0 seconds, one second, five seconds? When you are looking at it at five seconds, what was it at 1 second? see where I'm going with this? Strips are just too subjective. And despite what the manufacturer is telling you, if the liquid being tested is NOT clear to begin with, all bets are off. Good meters can be purchased for around 30 bucks (I would not recommend the $10 cheapo ebay specials), and are quite accurate, and require no subjective interpretation.

Don't even get me started on Foliar Feeding....
Yea i found same prob w strips till i got these ones.nurse hatty brand off amazon. Color doesnt drift much and its two diff test patches on one strip so you match both colors. I figure thats more accurate. I had a half d3cent meter but i found recalibration a pain, but thats me... i know plenty that love em....

Iv heard d3cent stuff about ur nute line and i have a sample from them iv never used. Yea our hydro shop does vendor days or customer appreciation days. You chat w supllier reps and they give samples usually. Maybe your unfortunate and dont have a shop loke that :( those nutes you got will work. Especially first rumn they arent crazy strong so thats a bonus when new....

I loke kelp as a foliar, especially when stressed.... now i use Heavy 16 foliar which is part kelp...

Good job on letting em go a bit longer without water. They will love you for it.
Technically its not too much water but not enough oxygen.... thats why different mediums are more or less forgiving. Ones that hold mor oxygen when wet are more forgiving of overwatering others that hold less oxyen when wet are less forgiving.

Youl make it. My first grow i all but killed her when young and she came back w some good advise and plenty of research and blew my mentors goal for me by 3 fold. Shes not as easy as some say and shes a hellova lot easier than many try to scare you with....if that makes sense.

Sorry im rambling, just been visiting my 70day cut of bubba kush
Ps that last line there is hidden advice for a couple months plus for now... for fun of it and momentary distraction from the stress of your baby plant, any thoughts on what the hidden advice is there in tne last line?
That your flowering some bubba kush..
Ya the one I ended up breaking root on was a 4 free seed thing when I got the Amnesia Bilbo but I still want them to do as good as I can do for them.. The Bilbo im gonna keep working till I cab get a 32 cola on it.. Im in no rush to flip a 12/12.. It may end up I don't get it but I do want try try I think that since im trying the unconventional mainline ive seen on utube ill be able to get it there a little bit easier. No we don't have shops here and I bet we wont have for a while, I want to try and get this other stuff for nutrients as well but im haven't put together the money again yet.. I had it till the other day and I flipped when all that happened haha.. I went and got a 6-1 meter and other stuff instead.. Feeling ripped pretty bad about the supposed 250w led lights I got from the local lowes tho found out its actually like 26w supposed to be equal.. So my girls are still bending towards my 96w Mars instead now that the bigger pots puts them farther from the center of the Mars.. I wanted to get those smart pots but with cash flow on hand I figured are the time just getting what's available and cheapest for the moment would work hopefully if I keep going things will get easier.. At least till the game switches up and I have to go by different rules ie flowering. I never expected things to be real easy but I spend all day stressing and watching them Lmao.. Thought it was supposed to be a relaxing hobby
The problem with the strips is that reading them is subjective, and the color tends to "drift" over several seconds, particularly at the top end of the scale - it tends to start out dark and lightens up several shades over 5-10 seconds. So is the correct reading the color you see at 0 seconds, one second, five seconds? When you are looking at it at five seconds, what was it at 1 second? see where I'm going with this? Strips are just too subjective. And despite what the manufacturer is telling you, if the liquid being tested is NOT clear to begin with, all bets are off. Good meters can be purchased for around 30 bucks (I would not recommend the $10 cheapo ebay specials), and are quite accurate, and require no subjective interpretation.

Don't even get me started on Foliar Feeding....
Ive noticed with mine it says to wait about 15 seconds but its still keeps changing so I let them set and usually about after a min or so they stay the same color. So I guess I get the subjective I guess its about right when guessing. But if your use to getting a in general ball park figure you can at least keep them in the same range kinda easy. I still have stock of them so when the meters in I guess ill be able to see how true the are or if I lime the meter better. I used about 7 of those things when I was first trying to figure amount of the ph down to use, not entirely sure I needed the type I got at the time but with the 2 bottles I bought I probably have enough for years its a granule one for pools but aboun use about 1.25ml of it with a little extra and it tops my gal jug off which for now is more than enough for a week..
So how is the Bubba kush coming Huck I wanted to try that to when I was choosing but I was mainly looking for the ones they were saying were massive yielding.. The Kush kind is definitely a fav too tho.. Love the light fluffy and flavorful little chocolates
Ive noticed with mine it says to wait about 15 seconds but its still keeps changing so I let them set and usually about after a min or so they stay the same color. So I guess I get the subjective I guess its about right when guessing. But if your use to getting a in general ball park figure you can at least keep them in the same range kinda easy. I still have stock of them so when the meters in I guess ill be able to see how true the are or if I lime the meter better. I used about 7 of those things when I was first trying to figure amount of the ph down to use, not entirely sure I needed the type I got at the time but with the 2 bottles I bought I probably have enough for years its a granule one for pools but aboun use about 1.25ml of it with a little extra and it tops my gal jug off which for now is more than enough for a week..
The problem I ran into, is that because my runoff PH was low at 5.2 I was trying to pull it up by putting 7.0 PH water in - problem is the strips would lighten quite a bit over 5 seconds or so, and it looked like I was putting in 7.2-7.4 PH water, but when I got the meter and used it, I found the "7.2" PH water was closer to 9.4. After the second flush with 6.8 PH water, the runoff PH started looking much better. Once I started adding the CalMag in they really took off.
Well my medicated riddle, is dont listen to seed companies time frame in flower add a minimum of a week to two on.... 70 is way over from seed co guidlines so make sure u get a cheap scope but thats a ways off... but as general rule seed companies put too short a time on a strrain. If u grow bubba dont touch it if u have anything left to do for the day! Shes a relaxer no doubt, i was so tired other night i skipped the snacks.

If your lights arent stro g enougb and ur on budget go get those cheap bulb bases ppl use in garages or basements or similiar and some walmart cfls, biggest they got. I did my whole first grow under them. Dont let elitists tell ya they wont work, iv smoked several jars off that first cfl run....light and enough of is more important than any nute, suppliment, meter,etc for them...light is their food not nutes. Nutes are more like vitamins (not perfect comparison)

You can run smart pots, as long as u got a drill! I drill the shit otta my pots and i line em with weed block fabric like u put inder bark in flower beds.

Its a demanding relaxing hobby. You will relax over a grow or two... i remember that paranoia about messing them up. Youll get over that, then i went to far other way and hurt a round not being vigilant dnough. From there i triangulated a happy medium thats working well. Im just over a year in it. Im humbled by both what i have learned and what i still yet dont realize i need to learn....
Right now ur just in that overwhelming period, where you basically gotta go from infant knowledge to grade school in a very ahort time. The base knowledge seems daunting, once youve done it amd get the gist of it it will make learning fun not a full out daily neccesity.

I loved reading threads for hours getting differnt peopkes angles. And if u think guys argued ford or chevy are better bring up any growing topic! I found multiple angles helpful. The only ppl whos advice i was sceptical of where those that preached theirs was the only way to heaven (IE. A succesful harvest) thats good advice for sundays too. Some makebit sound like its a damned miracle cannabis survived eons before their growing tecnique...ifvtheres a thousand ways to skin a cat theres a million ways to succesfully grow cannabis.

I sure hope our conversations of benefit, as im sure enjoying it... im no seasoned ace but far enough along i feel i have somethi g to share and thats rewarding. As is my 69 day glue thats got me rambling agian! Lol
Hahaha.. He's a flinstoned couch Ryder huh... I did try getting cheap lights but I was wanting the low key LED's because in my little closet everything already runs 24/7 Lmao.. But I took those out today.. I found a bulb on 1000 bulbs. Com its 10 bucks cheaper per bulb but 5 times the wattage.. Instead of two 26 watt LED's im now waiting on two 105w cfl's full spec 6500k hopefully they'll be alot better. Like alot alot... So. What do you drill them for tho if they are made for air movement.. Im lost man.. Lol, & yeah the whole finding both sides of the field is usually how it happens before finding the sweet spot.. I wish I was their already.. Right now I just got that new humidifier and it does jack for keeping humidity in check so now I am still running boiled water back and forth but I did find out that the thing is awesome at least for my current spacing with its cool mist to lower temps down.. Ive been riding 80°- 82° since I got teem put in there and didn't know how I was going to get one of those loud azz portable a's that are supposed to work but are iffy to go in their.. This thing makes absolutely no noise and I actually hit 73° today with it.. And also im almost ready to chop down for my start of the mainline.. The Bilbo is now let loose if its 4th set of leaves and they are spreading and growing in size and the Ak I messed up on the roots with is about a day and a half behind.. But I reluzed today that that AK is a stank FM.. I can't stop smelling it around the apartment now that I caught a whiff.. The air will catch it just right and ill be laughing my ass off over a 2.5" plant.. The Bilbo doesny really have a strong smell but its not really a skunky smell either.. Kinda piney.. That carbon filter I was looking at just became my new head ache.. Its a $500 piece and the silent 6" fans another $150.. CRAPPPPPPP.. Plus I found me a Co2 control unit today I like for another 550.. Don't know if its any better than those bucket systems but I like it.. Its definitely prettier.. And yeah dud your helping alot and I love the convoys.. If im not here or on 420 mag then im reading something related off of kindle or i also get another free buy on audible in 6 days.. Then its back to surfing the web for stuff. I have been looking into schools and plan on moving to Colorado to get my industrial badge to work for a shop and praying for a miracle to get a private growers license. But I doubt ill get it.. Besides bud related topics in schools im looking at a full on hydroponics course ( Advanced Certificate in Applied Management "Horticultural Technology"). Then my next step is Soil Sciences from Penn State.. But I also want to go farther into the biology/botany stuff as well and maybe work towards how marijuana works with the endocannabiniod system and try to be of some use to the medicinal side of things or maybe just one BaddAzz Recreational advocate on which ones and vestiges for getting that certain level of fuk'd up.. But ya seriously I like hearing from you and the guys'n'girls on 420 this is a blast even tho its a head ache at times.. But all things worth fighting for are..
Hahaha.. He's a flinstoned couch Ryder huh... I did try getting cheap lights but I was wanting the low key LED's because in my little closet everything already runs 24/7 Lmao.. But I took those out today.. I found a bulb on 1000 bulbs. Com its 10 bucks cheaper per bulb but 5 times the wattage.. Instead of two 26 watt LED's im now waiting on two 105w cfl's full spec 6500k hopefully they'll be alot better. Like alot alot... So. What do you drill them for tho if they are made for air movement.. Im lost man.. Lol, & yeah the whole finding both sides of the field is usually how it happens before finding the sweet spot.. I wish I was their already.. Right now I just got that new humidifier and it does jack for keeping humidity in check so now I am still running boiled water back and forth but I did find out that the thing is awesome at least for my current spacing with its cool mist to lower temps down.. Ive been riding 80°- 82° since I got teem put in there and didn't know how I was going to get one of those loud azz portable a's that are supposed to work but are iffy to go in their.. This thing makes absolutely no noise and I actually hit 73° today with it.. And also im almost ready to chop down for my start of the mainline.. The Bilbo is now let loose if its 4th set of leaves and they are spreading and growing in size and the Ak I messed up on the roots with is about a day and a half behind.. But I reluzed today that that AK is a stank FM.. I can't stop smelling it around the apartment now that I caught a whiff.. The air will catch it just right and ill be laughing my ass off over a 2.5" plant.. The Bilbo doesny really have a strong smell but its not really a skunky smell either.. Kinda piney.. That carbon filter I was looking at just became my new head ache.. Its a $500 piece and the silent 6" fans another $150.. CRAPPPPPPP.. Plus I found me a Co2 control unit today I like for another 550.. Don't know if its any better than those bucket systems but I like it.. Its definitely prettier.. And yeah dud your helping alot and I love the convoys.. If im not here or on 420 mag then im reading something related off of kindle or i also get another free buy on audible in 6 days.. Then its back to surfing the web for stuff. I have been looking into schools and plan on moving to Colorado to get my industrial badge to work for a shop and praying for a miracle to get a private growers license. But I doubt ill get it.. Besides bud related topics in schools im looking at a full on hydroponics course ( Advanced Certificate in Applied Management "Horticultural Technology"). Then my next step is Soil Sciences from Penn State.. But I also want to go farther into the biology/botany stuff as well and maybe work towards how marijuana works with the endocannabiniod system and try to be of some use to the medicinal side of things or maybe just one BaddAzz Recreational advocate on which ones and vestiges for getting that certain level of fuk'd up.. But ya seriously I like hearing from you and the guys'n'girls on 420 this is a blast even tho its a head ache at times.. But all things worth fighting for are..
IMO, don't sweat the humidity. I have watched mine vary from over 50% to as low as 16% and the plants don't seem to care one whit. I think the only time you REALLY have to watch it is in late flower - you want it low to prevent bud rot.
IMO, don't sweat the humidity. I have watched mine vary from over 50% to as low as 16% and the plants don't seem to care one whit. I think the only time you REALLY have to watch it is in late flower - you want it low to prevent bud rot.

Ya mines varied from around 38% to 75 in the last 3 weeks.. I just like the idea of trying to provide them a constant to thrive in.. I know theirs up and downs out in the outdoors but idk.. I am trying.. Thanx for letting me know tho i thought by some of the stuff ive read that the lows ive hit could be detrimental to the total health and overall yield in the end game part.. I freak when its that low.. I am trying now to bring it from in the 60's down to 50's now tho.. So that it helps any molds n stuff be prevented a little.. Soon I hope to be in the 40's and sitting till sometime in flower where im going to hopefully be able to sit at around mid 30's or so.. Unless I find more saying it should be lower..
Ya mines varied from around 38% to 75 in the last 3 weeks.. I just like the idea of trying to provide them a constant to thrive in.. I know theirs up and downs out in the outdoors but idk.. I am trying.. Thanx for letting me know tho i thought by some of the stuff ive read that the lows ive hit could be detrimental to the total health and overall yield in the end game part.. I freak when its that low.. I am trying now to bring it from in the 60's down to 50's now tho.. So that it helps any molds n stuff be prevented a little.. Soon I hope to be in the 40's and sitting till sometime in flower where im going to hopefully be able to sit at around mid 30's or so.. Unless I find more saying it should be lower..
It just makes them respirate faster for the most part. That can cause Ntox if you're feeding them a lot, and/or the light is not strong.
I haven't fed at all yet.. They just got transplanted from a solo cup I had them in with an almost 0 nutrient level from the organics soil I had and sphagnum peat.. Now I have them in a bigger pot with a blend of FFoF, Happy Frog, and a hi porosity mycorrhzea <- however you spell it.. Been thinking about maybe doing the first light feed this next watering but not sure yet.. They are on their 4th node but they are so compact and little.. And ive heard the FFoF and happy frog would probably provide till flower but ive also heard that they could probably deal with some nutes. So still on the fence so to speak.. I definitely don't want a Nlock..
Ohh and i have 2 105w cfl's coming sometime late this week early next week.. But i got rid of my other 2 lights i had today to get them