US abstains in UN vote to end Israeli settlements

That's the key right there. As long as it involves consenting adults then who cares?

I mean the thought of a man sticking his weiner in another mans butt hole is kinda gag inducing to me, but it's none of my business.

Exactly. It isn't up to your own personal preference.

The attempt to judge others for their sexual interests is simply a power play.
His point is still valid; exactly who gave YOU the right to sit in judgement of his or anyone else's sexuality? As long as everybody likes what's going on and no one gets hurt, how is it any of your business?
how would you like to see your daughter exploited by men using duct tape to keep her asshole open?
Noone would like their daughter to be into that kind of sex...or any sex for that matter! But you must respect your adult children's choices......How would you like your kid to smoke crack?

How are you not a bigot right now?

rough day counting pennies? you sound all bitter and angry.
how would you like to see your daughter exploited by men using duct tape to keep her asshole open?
The emotional argument you presented is no different from the conservative justification for capital punishment;

"How would you like to see your daughter killed by men using legally obtained firearms that benefits the NRA?"


You're criticizing an aspect of my sexuality that I have not hidden from anyone, that I don't denounce nor am embarrassed by. In other words, your attempt to shame me has backfired in your face since I simply give no fucks about your bullshit. My political points stand, and in fact are now strengthened by your aversion to personal bullshit that serves no purpose in this conversation other than to obfuscate actual political policy (HEY! isn't that reminiscent of the Democratic primary?!).

You've been beat
The emotional argument you presented is no different from the conservative justification for capital punishment;

"How would you like to see your daughter killed by men using legally obtained firearms that benefits the NRA?"


You're criticizing an aspect of my sexuality that I have not hidden from anyone, that I don't denounce nor am embarrassed by. In other words, your attempt to shame me has backfired in your face since I simply give no fucks about your bullshit. My political points stand, and in fact are now strengthened by your aversion to personal bullshit that has no bearing on anyone or anything in this conversation other than to obfuscate actual political policy (HEY! isn't that reminiscent of the Democratic primary?!).

You've been beat
:clap: Bravo!
The emotional argument you presented is no different from the conservative justification for capital punishment;

"How would you like to see your daughter killed by men using legally obtained firearms that benefits the NRA?"


You're criticizing an aspect of my sexuality that I have not hidden from anyone, that I don't denounce nor am embarrassed by. In other words, your attempt to shame me has backfired in your face since I simply give no fucks about your bullshit. My political points stand, and in fact are now strengthened by your aversion to personal bullshit that serves no purpose in this conversation other than to obfuscate actual political policy (HEY! isn't that reminiscent of the Democratic primary?!).

You've been beat

i don't think a fascination with "duct tape anal spread creampies" strengthens any political position you may have.
You're free to do what you want as long as it's consensual...

The thing is, other people are fine to give you shit for it and think you're a perv "because 1st".