Well then you are mistaken and they are dumb (trolls). I have not once showed any form of glory to this. It is evil and disgusting that so many get away with harming children.
The people that do this do not see the world like we do. They need to be exposed as the monsters they are.
Why did bill clinton help laura silsby? Why would a former president help to get her released from prison when she was caught trafficking children? Why was hillary having huma update her constantly on Laura's "progress".
Cuba is pretty bad for child prostitution as well but democrats in power had the nicest things to say about fidel.
You cannot be fired at the DEA for taking bribes in the form of underage prostitutes. At least that is what the DEA said to congress in their testimony. The person would literally have to be prosecuted independently by police and imprisoned to lose their job. Cus not showing up to work means you are fired but fucking underaged prostitutes that you received from a drug lord is ok.
Our government is rotting on the inside.