The View From the Left

View from the Left; why do those in the military overwhelmingly vote conservative? It sure doesn't seem to benefit the average enlistee, especially considering it's the conservatives who love to cut benefits and VA funding!
View from the Left; why do those in the military overwhelmingly vote conservative? It sure doesn't seem to benefit the average enlistee, especially considering it's the conservatives who love to cut benefits and VA funding!
It depends on what time period you speak. Reagan gave lots of dough to the military. the Old Republicans always did. This new breed is a whole different group of Repukes
I know in the early 2000's we started getting some decent raises in pay in the military. Now if they would fix a couple other things. My job was 40% manned and I regularly worked 100 hours a week. Sometimes more. Pulled 72 hour shifts on occasion during operation enduring freedom.
Other guys in personnel that worked 40 hours got the same pay.

@ttystikk That is the reason for indoctrination. Not to make a mindless order obeying machines. We know and have discretion on lawful vs unlawful orders. At a certain point in the military you will hit a wall. No sleep for a week straight. You feel like a zombie and every bone and muscle in your body is screaming for you to quit and rest. You may not have the option. When the body gets like that you fall back on your training and press on.
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Yeah. My girl sometimes can't understand why I can't fall asleep for days. I just tell her "I'm exhausted, but my body and mind will literally not shut down." It fucking sucks, man. It's definitely not a choice. Starting to wonder if my adrenals are broken.
Yeah. My girl sometimes can't understand why I can't fall asleep for days. I just tell her "I'm exhausted, but my body and mind will literally not shut down." It fucking sucks, man. It's definitely not a choice. Starting to wonder if my adrenals are broken.
I do all kinds of shit still. Sometimes I snap awake for reveille.

Sometimes I sit down to eat and my wife will give me an elbow and tell me its ok my food is not going anywhere. I look down and realize I cleaned my plate in 2 minutes and people are looking at me.

Some of that shit sticks with you. I am severely anal about how I do things. I don't know, it can be a blessing and a curse.

I also do the same. Go a couple days at a time without sleep.
Yeah. My girl sometimes can't understand why I can't fall asleep for days. I just tell her "I'm exhausted, but my body and mind will literally not shut down." It fucking sucks, man. It's definitely not a choice. Starting to wonder if my adrenals are broken.
I do all kinds of shit still. Sometimes I snap awake for reveille.

Sometimes I sit down to eat and my wife will give me an elbow and tell me its ok my food is not going anywhere. I look down and realize I cleaned my plate in 2 minutes and people are looking at me.

Some of that shit sticks with you. I am severely anal about how I do things. I don't know, it can be a blessing and a curse.

I also do the same. Go a couple days at a time without sleep.
A nice sleepy strain of weed works wonders. An indica running a little over harvest time
View from the Left; why do those in the military overwhelmingly vote conservative? It sure doesn't seem to benefit the average enlistee, especially considering it's the conservatives who love to cut benefits and VA funding!
Probably has something to do with the NRA.
Most vets love firearms, and they get nervous when the NRA tells them that democrats want to confiscate their weapons. (Even if it's total bullshit.)
I would tend to agree. That and the military is rooted in tradition, which is a Conservative ideal.
Only when it comes to profitable traditions, like supporting weapons makers or spending all your money at Christmas.

'Taking care of your own' seems to have gone by the wayside.

I'm sick of Republicans talking in 'moral' terms while stripping people of their jobs, VA benefits (by hollowing out the administration if not directly), prosperity, wages, benefits, health care...
Well, I've been watching every Presidential election since Nixon, and I've never seen anything like this.

The criticism of trump has increased from many progressives. I mean, there was plenty during the campaign, but now there is much more, and he hasn't even taken office yet! His constant tweeting stupid stuff, and saying many other stupid things, is proof to anyone paying attention that his administration will be a shit storm. His ignorance of how politics works is going to cause our country a lot of trouble. I just hope we can live through it!

The pea-brains who say give him a chance just don't get it, and probably never will. The rest of us know.

Well, I've been watching every Presidential election since Nixon, and I've never seen anything like this.

The criticism of trump has increased from many progressives. I mean, there was plenty during the campaign, but now there is much more, and he hasn't even taken office yet! His constant tweeting stupid stuff, and saying many other stupid things, is proof to anyone paying attention that his administration will be a shit storm. His ignorance of how politics works is going to cause our country a lot of trouble. I just hope we can live through it!

The pea-brains who say give him a chance just don't get it, and probably never will. The rest of us know.


Why dont you enlighten us on how politics works... Please use the last 8 years as an example... Thanks!
Well, I've been watching every Presidential election since Nixon, and I've never seen anything like this.

The criticism of trump has increased from many progressives. I mean, there was plenty during the campaign, but now there is much more, and he hasn't even taken office yet! His constant tweeting stupid stuff, and saying many other stupid things, is proof to anyone paying attention that his administration will be a shit storm. His ignorance of how politics works is going to cause our country a lot of trouble. I just hope we can live through it!

The pea-brains who say give him a chance just don't get it, and probably never will. The rest of us know.

Get ready for president Pence because it's only a matter of time until Chump is impeached & has to step down.
Naturally, a pardon will follow. Gawd, I hate those fuckers...