The View From the Left

So when you go to boot camp in the Nation Guard they don't train you how to kill people?
No. If you go infantry AIT will train you to kill.

The guard and active are trained different and generally have different responsibilities.

I don't have anything more to say about it.

You knew you were doing a crime and then cried to not do your time. You knew what you were getting into when you broke the law.
Do you know anything about military recruiting? Not sure how it is now, but back in the 90s, the Army was the only service that would guarantee your MOS. If they couldn't deliver, you were released from your obligation, no questions asked. Recruiters from the other services were often guilty of the old bait & switch, and recruits who fell for it got screwed and tattooed. Those kids didn't want to be Rambo; they just wanted a job.
score high enough on the ASVAB and the USAF will also guarantee your MOS ( we call it AFSC.. Air Force Specialty Code )
No. If you go infantry AIT will train you to kill.

The guard and active are trained different and generally have different responsibilities.

I don't have anything more to say about it.

You knew you were doing a crime and then cried to not do your time. You knew what you were getting into when you broke the law.

Sounds like you are agreeing that people shouldn't cry over things they get themselves into.

I apologized for my comments.
Just so we are clear, I wasn't crying over my situation, I was trying to explain that what people who haven't served conceptualize the Army to be is pretty inaccurate and those inaccuracies are mostly fueled by the media and Hollywood. I'm saying, you can't know what to expect from what few have ever done. I think less than 10 or 1 percent of the country enlists, and less than 1% of that is made up of infantrymen.

I am grateful for my struggles. It means I have reached a higher level of growth, and my experiences have been worth it, because I have proven to myself what I am capable of enduring and overcoming.
Was that in the 90s? The Army guaranteed MOS for all recruits.
Still do, to my knowledge. ASVAB was 79, all line scores between 113 and 119. DLAB was 119. I chose Infantry. 11X contract. Was placed as a Bravo rather than a Charlie.

"Instead, one must enlist as an "11X." ... Individuals who enlist under the 11X Infantry option attend Infantry OSUT (One Station Unit Training), which combines Army Basic Training and Infantry AIT (Advanced Individual Training), all in one 14-week course."