Why I like Sarah Palin ...

I'm not stupid.The republicans got us into this mess.Hopefully, the dems can get us out.I will never vote a right wing extremist into office.
So, the question was asked: "Where do women go now?"

How about listening to what Sarah Palin is saying? She's a constitutionalist and a reformer. Take a look at what the status quo in Washington has gotten us. The DOW dropped over 500 points today in response to the huge failures on Wall Street. The problems have been caused by mismanagement, special favors and regulations passed by the Congress and Senate. Let's let Palin and McCain try to stop the corruption. Don't rely on O'Bama ... he, right behind Chris Dodd, has taken the majority of the lobby money from the financial firms, in return for special legislation that cause the failures.

Palin and McCain have promised to end pork and corruption. McCain has said that he will "Make these people famous ... and will name names." Once elected, it will be up to us to hold their feet to the fire.

Come on gang ... let's get a clue here.

GrizzlyBay.org, Governor Sarah Palin information

1) She is opposed to abortion even in cases of rape and incest (even if victims are children)

2) She offered a bounty of $150 for each left front leg of freshly killed wolves

3) She is presently under investigation in Alaska for abuse of power

4) She strongly supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

5) She promotes aerial hunting of wolves and bears even though Alaskans voted twice to ban the practice ( Video)

6) She used $400,000 of state money to fund a propaganda campaign in support of aerial hunting

7) She is a champion for big oil and her campaign slogan has become "Drill, baby, drill!"

8) She believes creationism should be taught in public schools

9) She believes man-made global warming is a farce

10) She is opposed to listing the polar bear as an endangered species because it might limit oil exploitation

11) While mayor of Wasilla she tried to fire the city librarian because the librarian refused to censor books

12) She supports the Alaskan Independence Party which seeks independence from the United States (Video)

13) As mayor of Wasilla, she made rape victims pay for their own forensic evidence kits

14) She obtained her first passport just last year (2007)
Right wing extremist = Hitler

Left wing extremist = Stalin

Not much of a difference.

Much of the mess we are in now came from Clinton not taking Bin Laden when he had the chance.

If we had anything close to extremist govt. this blog would not exist.
Bump so Vi Can read it..... Although there are some things in my above post I may be in agreement with Palin about.. over all There are some very disturbing things in it.
Hopefully, the dems can get us out.
Don't count on it...

Here's a list of major contributors to Obama:

Goldman Sachs $691,930
University of California $611,207
Citigroup Inc $448,599
JPMorgan Chase & Co $442,919

Harvard University $435,769
Google Inc $420,174
UBS AG $404,750
National Amusements Inc $389,140
Microsoft Corp $377,235
Lehman Brothers $370,524 (now bankrupt)
Sidley Austin LLP $350,302
Moveon.org $347,463
Skadden, Arps et al $340,264
Time Warner $338,527
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Morgan Stanley $318,070
Latham & Watkins $297,400
Jones Day $289,476
University of Chicago $278,885
Stanford University $276,038

Please note the boldfaced, highlighted entries. These organizations have been all over the financial news as of late.
Well, crap.There's no one else who has a chance of winning it, though.
Don't count on it...

Here's a list of major contributors to Obama:

Goldman Sachs $691,930
University of California $611,207
Citigroup Inc $448,599
JPMorgan Chase & Co $442,919

Harvard University $435,769
Google Inc $420,174
UBS AG $404,750
National Amusements Inc $389,140
Microsoft Corp $377,235
Lehman Brothers $370,524 (now bankrupt)
Sidley Austin LLP $350,302
Moveon.org $347,463
Skadden, Arps et al $340,264
Time Warner $338,527
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Morgan Stanley $318,070
Latham & Watkins $297,400
Jones Day $289,476
University of Chicago $278,885
Stanford University $276,038

Please note the boldfaced, highlighted entries. These organizations have been all over the financial news as of late.
Don't rely on O'Bama ... he, right behind Chris Dodd, has taken the majority of the lobby money from the financial firms, in return for special legislation that cause the failures.

This has been proven false, like the majority of erroneous claims you've made . Do your homework Vi, Fox News isn't a reliable news source.

snopes.com: Obama's Troubling Internet Fund-Raising

If you 'd like a list of all the lies and falsehoods McCain has been caught on, they can be found here.

Don't count on it...

Here's a list of major contributors to Obama:

Goldman Sachs $691,930
University of California $611,207
Citigroup Inc $448,599
JPMorgan Chase & Co $442,919

Harvard University $435,769
Google Inc $420,174
UBS AG $404,750
National Amusements Inc $389,140
Microsoft Corp $377,235
Lehman Brothers $370,524 (now bankrupt)
Sidley Austin LLP $350,302
Moveon.org $347,463
Skadden, Arps et al $340,264
Time Warner $338,527
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Morgan Stanley $318,070
Latham & Watkins $297,400
Jones Day $289,476
University of Chicago $278,885
Stanford University $276,038

Please note the boldfaced, highlighted entries. These organizations have been all over the financial news as of late.

And here is a list of McCains donors.

Top Contributors to John McCain | OpenSecrets

In fact, they have several of the same companies, including Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. What's your point? Financial institutions donate for a variety of reasons. None of which is political. Do you and ViRedd just regurgitate directly what Fox News says or do you change a few words here and there?
And here is a list of McCains donors.

Top Contributors to John McCain | OpenSecrets

In fact, they have several of the same companies, including Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. What's your point? Financial institutions donate for a variety of reasons. None of which is political. Do you and ViRedd just regurgitate directly what Fox News says or do you change a few words here and there?
I do not watch Fox News nor do I support McCain. The reason I don't get on McCain is for one reason only. I have already stated that McCain voted to increase the federal deficit to 9 trillion dollars. Than, in and of itself, is reason to not vote for him. He is not a fiscal conservative like McCain supporters make him out to be.

And that regurgitation I just spewed came directly from opensecrets.org. :lol:
if you're going to accuse Obama of taking donations from financial institutions, you should admit McCain does the same. I don't know what point you were trying to make.
if you're going to accuse Obama of taking donations from financial institutions, you should admit McCain does the same. I don't know what point you were trying to make.
It's already known that McCain is in the back pockets of big business. Everyone knows that. It's Obama that everyone seems to think is above reproach. He is "The Messiah" after all. :lol:

That and the fact that I think Obama is going to beat McCain.
It's already known that McCain is in the back pockets of big business. Everyone knows that. It's Obama that everyone seems to think is above reproach. He is "The Messiah" after all. :lol:

That and the fact that I think Obama is going to beat McCain.

The whole idea that people think Obama is a God or Messiah is just a way for you to justify the fact that I consider him a stronger candidate the McCain. I am just as weary of his silver tounge as anyone, which is why I do my homework. He is flawed, yes, but better than McCain. I voted for Kucinich in the primaries, but I'm not going to waste my vote on a write in to try and prove a point.