Russia didn't do it

Yeah, pizzagate is definitely real. A lot of it has become muddled in disinformation by controlled opposition hacks.

The whole thing. Where in that report did it say they were falsified? They said "Russia involved in hacking", not "Russia involved in forging". You are a dolt. That's them saying: "the documents are real and were stolen from their originator". You want a pacifier too? Backpedal harder.

Having a business in Saudi isn't the same thing as accepting money from the Saudi government for a pay to play charity that's still under FBI investigation. Yes, the Clinton Foundation is still being investigated. A legitimate charity that pockets 90% of their donations while Clinton brokers the biggest arms deal in history with their country as SS. You're allowed to do business as a private individual, and especially as the CEO of an incorporated company. That isn't directly taking money and receiving the endorsement of the state. Keep squirming.

And Clinton's EV ranks..........
oh yeeeeeah that's riiiiight.

one of these days, instead of having a big pissy meltdown about how trum does business with saudi arabia, or has a phony, scandal ridden, fake charity that is under criminal investigation, you might actually get around to citing the page number and paragraph which backs up your claim that wikileaks has been "verified authentic".
Yeah, pizzagate is definitely real. A lot of it has become muddled in disinformation by controlled opposition hacks.

The whole thing. Where in that report did it say they were falsified? They said "Russia involved in hacking", not "Russia involved in forging". You are a dolt. That's them saying: "the documents are real and were stolen from their originator". You want a pacifier too? Backpedal harder.

Having a business in Saudi isn't the same thing as accepting money from the Saudi government for a pay to play charity that's still under FBI investigation. Yes, the Clinton Foundation is still being investigated. A legitimate charity that pockets 90% of their donations while Clinton brokers the biggest arms deal in history with their country as SS. You're allowed to do business as a private individual, and especially as the CEO of an incorporated company. That isn't directly taking money and receiving the endorsement of the state. Keep squirming.

And Clinton's EV ranks..........
oh yeeeeeah that's riiiiight.
What people fail to understand is pizzagate is just this generation's awakening to the horrors of child trafficking.

It is real and the world's elite partake in it.

Many of the sources originally found were censored a week later. Then MSM started with the "fake news" stories. Luckily much of it was catalogued but it doesnt carry the same weight compared to seeing it on the original instagram account. Some of the stories of dojo pizza bust are still up.

I am encouraged that Jeff Sessions introduced legislation to help combat child traffiicking. Plus much of the FBI is aware that child trafficking is a "epidemic" in the states. With sessions at the helm we could see epic busts and 1000s of children rescued from this evil.
milliardo is a holocaust denier

Going to have to see the receipts on that one.

Is it "Trum" now? I guess "Drumpf" lost you the election, as a trumpster I'm devastated by your consummate wit and deep cuts.

Show me one instance where wikileaks has published a forgery. It was tacitly verified in the use of the language "hacking" rather than "forging". You are being overly clinical because you're wrong and against the ropes. Keep cryin' though.
Is it "Trum" now?

yep. i let trump take care of the p.

Show me one instance where wikileaks has published a forgery.

they are not verifiable one way or the other. that's the problem with stolen information leaked at the behest of a hostile foreign government.

you're wrong and against the ropes.

where in the report did it say that wikileaks were "verfified authentic", holocaust denier?
You mean to suggest that there is no way of matching any stolen property to its owner? That's patently wrong. The DKIM signatures on the raw email database can be verified to Podesta's account. Download ThunderBird and do it yourself if you don't believe me. Especially when the owner has already confirmed a "hack" and not a "forgery". If the DNC had called the leaked emails a forgery from the beginning, you'd have a case. They acknowledged a hack, not an archive of forgeries.

Oh and the Trump hooker story was a giant fraud based on a Rick Wilson tip-off, the person feeding him information was trolling him. You're really gullible.
You mean to suggest that there is no way of matching any stolen property to its owner? That's patently wrong. The DKIM signatures on the raw email database can be verified to Podesta's account. Download ThunderBird and do it yourself if you don't believe me. Especially when the owner has already confirmed a "hack" and not a "forgery". If the DNC had called the leaked emails a forgery from the beginning, you'd have a case. They acknowledged a hack, not an archive of forgeries.

Oh and the Trump hooker story was a giant fraud based on a Rick Wilson tip-off, the person feeding him information was trolling him. You're really gullible.

"hey russia, can you please give us back those stolen emails in their original form so we can verify them?"

you are stupider than shit, holohoaxer.
You mean to suggest that there is no way of matching any stolen property to its owner? That's patently wrong. The DKIM signatures on the raw email database can be verified to Podesta's account. Download ThunderBird and do it yourself if you don't believe me. Especially when the owner has already confirmed a "hack" and not a "forgery". If the DNC had called the leaked emails a forgery from the beginning, you'd have a case. They acknowledged a hack, not an archive of forgeries.

Oh and the Trump hooker story was a giant fraud based on a Rick Wilson tip-off, the person feeding him information was trolling him. You're really gullible.
I trust everything the reich-wing has to say about fake news. They've built the president on it. *cough* Breitbart *cough* InfoWars... Just today Breitbart reminded me to send money to Anne Coulter for her totally real, and not fake at all Hate Crimes charity.
"hey russia, can you please give us back those stolen emails in their original form so we can verify them?"

you are stupider than shit, holohoaxer.

Again, you clearly aren't aware of what a DKIM is. You can't just modify a document and replace the DKIM unnoticed. Google has records of the documents being sent with their original DKIM, to which the Podesta emails all match. If you changed the content, the DKIM wouldn't verify. Unless "Russians" hacked not only podesta, but spoofed the DKIM on tens of thousands of individual documents and somehow broke into google's database undetected, those emails are authentic. Again, the line was Russian "hackers", not Russian "forgeries". You're done.
Trump had those hookers piss all over that bed, just like he raped that 12-year-old. Oh wait, that was a giant crock of shit that you thought was real too. You're such a sucker dude, how are you not embarrassed yet?
