in the dead of the night

Golden showers story is reality..where there's smoke there's fire.

Putin has vid.
Right now, it is unsubstantiated. Its part of a dossier assembled by a British investigator paid by somebody who wanted to some dirt on Trump. I'll believe it when more information comes out.

I'm enjoying the spectacle, however. After the unsubtantiated shit dished out as "reality" against Democrats and touted by right wing nuts, their howls of fury over this is music to my ears.
smh. You talk about socialism "always failing", but here you are with your hand out taking advantage of it.

Do you realize what a giant hypocrite you are?
If you mean taking a bullet in the leg forcing me to retire and feel pain every time i move my leg for the rest of my life then i guess i am. In no way do i or any other service member take handouts. But i see how you feel about veterans clearly. What a horrible person you are i thought about cursing and calling you a liberal piece of shit for insulting veterans but you are just not worth it. Military benefits are not hand outs
Dude they will still get healthcare most of them were on medicaid before. The were not uninsured. There is a big difference between not having access to healthcare and being insured. It is one of the biggest lies of Obamacare. They would have you think that if Obamacare goes away these people will not have access to healthcare which is not true. They have insurance now but even if the insurance is taken away they still have medicaid. Which is what i use right now to subsidies my daughters medical costs.
If you mean taking a bullet in the leg forcing me to retire and feel pain every time i move my leg for the rest of my life then i guess i am. In no way do i or any other service member take handouts. But i see how you feel about veterans clearly. What a horrible person you are i thought about cursing and calling you a liberal piece of shit for insulting veterans but you are just not worth it. Military benefits are not hand outs
I realize that you think you earned your military benefits. I will point out that you were employed in a hazardous job and were made aware of the risks before taking that bullet. It's my guess that you didn't think it would happen to you, but it did. You took your pay and took a bullet. A lesser person -- not I -- might tell you that you were paid to do a job, why should we have any responsibility for taking care of you when you knew the risk?

The US taxpayer is now supporting you. I'm not carping, but I am saying that you are benefiting from socialized heath care coverage through a subsidy.

You do realize that with the repeal of the ACA, your daughter's CHIP coverage will be wiped out, don't you? Still hating on socialized health coverage?
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Actually it is not Having a disabled child i know the law and i kept my child out of Obamacare using a combo of Tricare and medicaid. There is still a 20% copay but that equals out to about 200 a month. To go direct into ACA it would be 750 a month. But the only thearpy i care about is ABA thearpy the rest are useless compared to it. I was actually in an economic class when this law was created. Even at that time it was clear it was unsustainable.
If you mean taking a bullet in the leg forcing me to retire and feel pain every time i move my leg for the rest of my life then i guess i am. In no way do i or any other service member take handouts. But i see how you feel about veterans clearly. What a horrible person you are i thought about cursing and calling you a liberal piece of shit for insulting veterans but you are just not worth it. Military benefits are not hand outs

It makes no difference to me what someone does for a living. You signed up to be a pawn for corporate America. I don't think that makes you any more/less deserving for a helping hand than someone who is working two minimum wage jobs to make ends meet. You rail on socialist programs, but when they can benefit you (medicaid), you're first in line at the trough.

Again, you're a giant selfish hypocrite.
In 2016, Obamacare will cost a total of $110 billion.

The combined cost of (just) 10 corporate welfare programs is $1.539 trillion per year.

Of course, just toting up cost doesn't account for the value of the expenditure. That $110 billion spent on ACA is made back in many ways, from cutting emergency room visits by people without insurance and keeping people on the job who otherwise wouldn't be able to work due to a health crisis brought on by untreated medical problems.

On the other hand, I fail to see what value we get from capital gains tax breaks, tax breaks to CEOs, subsidizing too big to fail banks, subsidies to big pharma and such.

Congress went after pennies when the real money was left untouched.

"Congress cuts costs by repealing the ACA". That and "Trump's golden showers". Fake news stories of the week.

I'm bracing to see just how bad things will get for the average citizen.

The Great Depression was bad. The stakes are even higher now in a much more interdependent world's economy.
It makes no difference to me what someone does for a living. You signed up to be a pawn for corporate America. I don't think that makes you any more/less deserving for a helping hand than someone who is working two minimum wage jobs to make ends meet. You rail on socialist programs, but when they can benefit you (medicaid), you're first in line at the trough.

Again, you're a giant selfish hypocrite.
Dude im not the one saying that veterans take handouts but you clearly did do not try to redirect.
I wonder why media is not reporting this..?
Because the rich own the media and discourage such stories. Don't want the peons getting their noses rubbed in the truth every night at 6, now do we?

But it gets worse; some years ago the FCC was striped of its power to enforce accuracy in news reporting. In plainer English, it means it's now legal to LIE TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC AND CALL IT NEWS.

The 6 major news outlets are now just massive propaganda machines pumping out classist shit to every viewer.

Or founding fathers had a different attitude entirely; they held the papers to a standard of accurate reporting and they went so far as to federally subsidize newspapers of record in order to protect the fourth estate and ensure an informed electorate.

It is this foundational principle that has been under attack by the fascist Republicans for years now, because they do NOT want the truth to get out.
I realize that you think you earned your military benefits. I will point out that you were employed in a hazardous job and were made aware of the risks before taking that bullet. It's my guess that you didn't think it would happen to you, but it did. You took your pay and took a bullet. A lesser person -- not I -- might tell you that you were paid to do a job, why should we have any responsibility for taking care of you when you knew the risk?

The US taxpayer is now supporting you. I'm not carping, but I am saying that you are benefiting from socialized heath care coverage through a subsidy.

You do realize that with the repeal of the ACA, your daughter's CHIP coverage will be wiped out, don't you? Still hating on socialized health coverage?

The midnight parlay has just guaranteed that CHIP is doomed.

Spin THAT, all you right wing idiots!
Actually it is not Having a disabled child i know the law and i kept my child out of Obamacare using a combo of Tricare and medicaid. There is still a 20% copay but that equals out to about 200 a month. To go direct into ACA it would be 750 a month. But the only thearpy i care about is ABA thearpy the rest are useless compared to it. I was actually in an economic class when this law was created. Even at that time it was clear it was unsustainable.
$200 a month isn't even close to covering your health care coverage, the rest is covered by taxpayers. You are ignorant of the fact that medicaid coverage your child receives is part of the ACA which is about to be repealed. There is nothing to replace it yet.
Determining Eligibility for Medicaid
Financial Eligibility
The Affordable Care Act established a new methodology for determining income eligibility for Medicaid, which is based on Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). MAGI is used to determine financial eligibility for Medicaid, CHIP, and premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions available through the health insurance marketplace. By using one set of income counting rules and a single application across programs, the Affordable Care Act made it easier for people to apply and enroll in the appropriate program.

You were shagged
$200 a month isn't even close to covering your health care coverage, the rest is covered by taxpayers. You are ignorant of the fact that medicaid coverage your child receives is part of the ACA which is about to be repealed. There is nothing to replace it yet.
Determining Eligibility for Medicaid
Financial Eligibility
The Affordable Care Act established a new methodology for determining income eligibility for Medicaid, which is based on Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). MAGI is used to determine financial eligibility for Medicaid, CHIP, and premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions available through the health insurance marketplace. By using one set of income counting rules and a single application across programs, the Affordable Care Act made it easier for people to apply and enroll in the appropriate program.

You were shagged
It's just amazing how fast congress can get together when they WANT TO.

I wonder how long we'll be treated to their foot dragging show before it becomes obvious they AREN'T going to replace it with anything?
WTF is the VA if not a massive health care handout? Just because it's limited to veterans and families doesn't mean it isn't a social welfare program!

They matter!
Stop listening to Faux Spews and expecting to be educated!
Creeps like uncool always think they deserve it but nobody else does. It's some sort of defect inherent in low income right wing nuts. Maybe it's a genetic mutation or maybe they were smacked too hard as a kid.
It's just amazing how fast congress can get together when they WANT TO.

I wonder how long we'll be treated to their foot dragging show before it becomes obvious they AREN'T going to replace it with anything?
We can see exactly when they will replace it. They will wait until it becomes a crisis. Then they can pass whatever they like. Wanna bet it looks like pre-2013 coverage all over again or maybe worse?

I have no idea why anybody voted for these assholes. I guess they like getting shagged by dirty old men.

@cool2burn got shagged last night.
So you think people who still need those services won't affect costs in the system that you and your insurance will have to pay for?

They'll just get passed on to you, stupid.

You ARE a simple minded idiot, aren't you?

Everything @UncleBuck says about you is right on the money; you're sociopathic and sooner or later you'll end up back in prison getting your holes reamed out like you deserve- and must secretly still want.

I don't pay for insurance, the state covers it all for me.