Aerocloning DIY. Is 30min on/off acceptable?

30 on 30 off it is lol

Still waiting on my damn net pots and sprayers. Was really hoping to have them this weekend so I could finish assembly and test the unit. My plants were flipped to flower a few days ago and I want to take cuts from the girls

Im likely going to be running straight tap water, but mine is from a private well, hope for the best I suppose
30 on 30 off it is lol

Still waiting on my damn net pots and sprayers. Was really hoping to have them this weekend so I could finish assembly and test the unit. My plants were flipped to flower a few days ago and I want to take cuts from the girls

Im likely going to be running straight tap water, but mine is from a private well, hope for the best I suppose

Just look out if you have a water softener system.... And i should really know the exact answer here as I'm a plumber/pipe fitter by day but i don't do many wells.... but anyhow I believe water softener systems use salt one way or another so if you do have one I'd start working on the funds for a decent ro maker cuz salt is the enemy....

I was anti RO due to the waste of it and didn't really need it as I was doing just fine with aerated tap and used tap for years with no issues but when I finally grabbed a RO maker with a permeation pump basically cuz I kept falling into the pure water is better conversations, but the permeation pump makes it slightly less wasteful than regular RO units on the average $300 and down models.... as well as it adds back a small amount of cal/mag before making it to my storage tank...

But I am using a lot of water these days so a more efficient model is an eventuality for me but you can get decent units for like $199 or less but just don't get anything thats gonna put out less than 100gpd or else you'll be waiting for water all the time.... But there's some makers out there that are good for 100-200+ gallons a day for fairly cheap.... (it's a timely process so a decent sized storage container/decent new trash can is also needed with a float valve)... I use a 55 gallon drum and run a 50 and 20+/- gallon resivoirs, and 5-6-7 or so 5 gallon dwc buckets (and counting) as well as my cloner that takes about 12 gal... So I go through some water and I think my unit is less than 200 gpd and I'm making it work but I run that 55 gallon drum empty quite often...

A cheaper/wiser move would be to have a water sample tested.... Ppm can give you a rough # but it's not gonna tell you if your well has some nasty shit for plant growing/consuming in it... I think they sell tests at Home Depot and there's probably places you may be able to get it tested for free like your town but private companies are a little more trusty as cities don't want any kind of issues so they'll fudge #'s real quick if it keeps a local polluter from getting sued... That's a really good idea with well in general... Most city water is lacking hazardous shit (except cough cough flint, MI of course) but in most cases you can get by with it if you have to, but wells can have shit from 100's of miles away if yours is in a large aqua fur, there could be quite a few polluters in a 20 mile radius never mind 100...

I'd say if you ppm meter it and it's less than 2-300ppm (I usually mean 500 scale ppm) fuck it.... Give it a try if you don't wanna test it but it's fairly easy... Worst case scenario, you adapt that's all growing is....constant adapting until you have your op running like a pro....

Good luck man...
Luckily no water softner

We had to get the water tested when we moved in, but they dont break down results they just say ok to drink. The home depot free water test is just a scam for them to send a sales pitch agent right to your front door
Aero clones are the shit! Love my homemade ones I built 10 years ago. I would just run your pump 24/7. That's what I do and it's alot less stress on the pump motor stopping and starting all the time. I would add a submersible aquarium heater as well so you can dial in your temps, 78-80 is ideal.