Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

Btw. Your quote that they are "Furter ahead" is a misnomer. Its "farther" you moronic troglodyte. "Further" is a measure of a persons ability. "Farther" is a measure of accomplishment or distance. Obviously that was covered some time after you dropped out of high school.
Anyway if you're not going to be of any use getting me heatsinks then you're no use to me (or anyone else for that matter) at all. I make it a policy not to deal with internet trolls who go around debunking scientifically published papers and berating people online for their own pleasure.
So have fun rummaging through garbage cans for used LED's. Maybe when your welfare check comes in at the end of the month you can go here
and buy the exact chip that is for sale that you couldn't find. I guess it was too many letters and numbers for your limited mentality to process.

Here's a picture of me at work.
Take care.

Oh the pic you pulled off google:


And you still don't know the difference between the Bridgelux lines. Why would you pay a premium for a 36vf chip when you could get a 69vf one for the same price and thus produce more light? Or did you just say/buy the SE because you thought it was better since it cost more.....

PS. Garbage can is still full!

PSS. Further is correct. I will waste no time in providing the english lesson.
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Please enlighten us as to the difference, in your own words.

If you need crayons, please let us know. Sorry no glue though, you ate it all last time.

You're not gonna last long here buddy. Hope your pc grow with garbage parts gets a grow finished before your mommy busts you for it so you can actually chill out for a bit.
It was published by the company I work for. What you think the photographer comes in and hands out pictures to all the employees?
And that. Chip (that you said wasn't for sale) is the highest lumens per watt in the 4000k line.
Keep trolling clown.

It isn't even the highest wattage Vero. Just admit that you bought the SE line because it was more expensive and therefore you thought it was better. Lulz.

Anyone having a basic understanding of LEDs and keeping up to date with things knows that the Vero 29 gen7 C line running at 69vf provides the best efficiency at a specific wattage. Plus the standard line comes with a nice pico connector instead of those gimpy push locks. SE and DEcor are intended for vanity lighting environments like retail. But you would know that if you was one a dem edumacated peoples!

Oh and that picture is stock footage so try again. How about taking a picture wearing your standard issue uniform holding up a sign that says 'Yes I paid 2 much for my SEs' and post it here.
You're not gonna last long here buddy. Hope your pc grow with garbage parts gets a grow finished before your mommy busts you for it so you can actually chill out for a bit.
Oh. Lol.
The troll get pwnd.

Lovin it.

I see you put a limit on who can see your profile. I guess you didn't want to look like a fool with you IR vs Far Red debacle.
Better hurry and edit it to make it look like you know what you're talking about.

So let's see if the two of you can come up with anything of intelligence.

If either of you had half a clue, you might be able to put what you have both together and come up with one.

It is pretty common for the uneducated to immediately call superiors 'trolls' on online forums - seems akin to crying 'uncle' in real life. I'll take your insult as a compliment.

Regardless it is your money, if you want to waste it feel free to go ahead. In the meantime you will still provide great entertainment for the rest of us.
hey plant lobbyist, why don't you shut up. ranting about $2 difference and other're an idiot. just shut up please for all of us and stop clogging cobkits' thread.
Those are decor series which have a premium cost over the other cobs in the gen 7 line. The version you listed would be for a 4k CCT version but isn't even listed as available in the product sheet from bridgelux, so I think you are incorrect. Regardless, you will have a hard time cooling passively at those currents.

Anyhow not to derail, but you should get Citis from Cobkits and Bridglelux from Future Electronics being up in Canada.

You should also hone up on your game quite a bit if you want to be successful up here. Basic lighting knowledge is mandatory to survive. Regardless of your opinion on LPs, they are much further ahead research wise when it comes to technology and that is what you are competing with. Unlike the Americans, we have been studying this for many years.
These are not DECOR series chips, BLX dont make 4000k in Decor at 80CRI, min is 90CRI
So let's see if the two of you can come up with anything of intelligence.
If either of you had half a clue, you might be able to put what you have both together and come up with one.

It is pretty common for the uneducated to immediately call superiors 'trolls' on online forums - seems akin to crying 'uncle' in real life. I'll take your insult as a compliment.

Regardless it is your money, if you want to waste it feel free to go ahead. In the meantime you will still provide great entertainment for the rest of us.
Start here, you have a lot of work to do convincing everybody on every grow site and every major manufacturer of these leds that they are wrong and mislabeling their 730s.
Further is not correct. It takes a special kind of stupid to admit you're right when you are so very clearly wrong.
Thanks for writing that though. Now everyone on this site can simply open a dictionary and see how stupid you are.
But just in case... I'll make it easy for them.

Really? Are you that daft?

Holy cow, now you are embarrassing the Canadian education system. Or, more likely you didn't make it through. Janitorial services only require a grade 10 education but the further-farther discussion is usually brought up in the earlier grades.

Farther is used for physical distances, further for non-physical:

Seeing as usage refers to grammar, a dictionary in this case is not as relevant a tool to use. Kind of like comparing lux to PPFD.

But if you were smart, you would know that.

So just keeping score:

You have:

no basic knowledge of lighting
do not know the differences in the Bridgelux lines
bought overpriced SE units at 4000k CCT
claimed to have authorization for 300 plants under ACMPR (that's around 60gpd)
claim to work at the largest LP (even that is not decided amongst LPs as to who is the biggest)

whereas I have:

pointed out your lack of basic lighting knowledge
showed the difference in the product lines (eg. C, D, etc series)
would never use 4000k CCT to grow anything but watermelons
found the pic you claim to be you as stock footage from google
and got you another misguided neophyte from another thread to assist you

Yup, this is turning into a typical RIU LED thread.
These are not DECOR series chips, BLX dont make 4000k in Decor at 80CRI, min is 90CRI

I didn't think so either but all the SE line was coming up as Decor units. At first I thought it was either gen 6 or early gen 7 but the Bridgelux rep confirmed that they were for market service retail displays and the like.

Regardless, it is still overpriced in comparison to the C lineup (output/price) running at 69vf
I didn't think so either but all the SE line was coming up as Decor units. At first I thought it was either gen 6 or early gen 7 but the Bridgelux rep confirmed that they were for market service retail displays and the like.

Regardless, it is still overpriced in comparison to the C lineup (output/price) running at 69vf
BLX have not and wont release SE in Gen6, would not make sense to do so. Not sure where your seeing all SE as all DECOR series as that is incorrect
Thank yo

Thank you Mark. I didn't want to bother explaining this to the clown. Not worth my time.

And you think he is agreeing with you?

I highly doubt a vendor here wants to sully themselves defending a neophyte such as yourself. It would be counterproductive at best and catastrophic at worst losing out on a major deal because of some spat on a forum.

So where is that picture to replace the stock photo you claim to be you? Since you claim to work at an LP, then provided fake evidence as to the claim, the onus is still on you to prove that you have any credibility.
BLX have not and wont release SE in Gen6, would not make sense to do so. Not sure where your seeing all SE as all DECOR series as that is incorrect

On this product sheet: SE Series Data Sheet Rev A 20161026_0.pdf

I was seeing everything SE come up as SE Decor, Decor Ultra, Decor Food. There was no 4000k CCT option. Also this is the DS124 line, whereas Jimmy the mental giant referred to the DS123 line which I thought to be an earlier version or gen.

Regardless, the SE/Decor/Ultra/Food lines are not what we are looking for in regards to performance unless we find some significant increases with higher CRI.
Hmmmm I rechecked your post and someone seems to have edited it to remove the further/farther issue.
I guess that wasn't you right?
Just another prime example of your ignorance. I really must compliment you on your trolling skills. Obviously you've put a lot of effort into trying to look informed. It's clearly not working as anybody with any technical information would know the difference between far red and infrared.
But I don't care. I'm too busy.
Too busy for clown trolls that don't know that most people seem to disagree with you. And if you're the type of person that edits his post to hide his ignorance instead of being a man and owing up to your mistakes then I'm good with that. You have to live with yourself...I don't.
Just waiting for Jamie to get back to me about those heatsinks.
Unless of course you have something negative to say about him and his products:services too?

So basically you can't even keep your own posts straight.

And you claim to have gotten a license.

I wonder how long that would last.

hey plant lobbyist, why don't you shut up. ranting about $2 difference and other're an idiot. just shut up please for all of us and stop clogging cobkits' thread.

Blah, blah, blah.

How about providing something constructive like I have done. Educating the stupid is considered a public service you know.
Trying to justify your ignorance.i guess it was Bridgeluxe's fault that you misread the document. You should call them and explain to them how they're wrong. Lol
Had you paid attention to my earlier posts I did mention that I was given a LP permit for R&D (that means research and development). I'm accumulating data. To do this I need to buy chips and then test them. That's sort of how research is done.




No you don't. Now I know for sure you are a shill.

ACMPR has nothing to do with AAFC. Just like the other neophyte, you should do your research first.

Plus you obviously don't have the education and intelligence to be in research. You would be lucky to get into the community college up in Timmins.