Just said it was better than the bm and cc I have tried.... why do you insist on adding more skewed shit to my text.... and you say wow.... and yes you buddy pay for my free ride.... can I have a raise goof lol
Dissing activists nope ....but hey do what YOU want thinking that's the way to win over others..... hahahaha your kinda funny when ya skew it outta context and twist it to your thinking...... sorry did I out ya
Hahaha that free crap stuff makes me smile.....
now you call me a goof..is that all you got? very childish...I still feel sorry for you no matter what you say. such a meager existence
ask who pays you for a raise...why ask me? i wouldn't give someone like you a free lunch if you were starving. way too ungrateful for the people doing stuff FOR you because you can't be bothered to get off your ass and help out...but you'll enjoy the fruits or OUR labour
you just like rubbing it peoples faces that you get free CRAP but since you don't know better, you enjoy it. i for one wouldn't want what you call "good stuff" i deal with folks who aren't trying to screw you over and stop us from doing our own thing...in a back alley in the back of a dive bar or HA clubhouse
how or what did you out? you're he one skewing stuff...I simply quote and ask what you mean
you diss the activists and then say you don't...does your LP brain damage your memory too? read what YOU wrote...if you can. it's tough i know because it doesn't make a lot of sense.
you're trying to push buttons and that's all you're doing.
you know you'll get a reaction when you throw out you get CRAP for free...but we don't want what you get for free. kind of like bragging you have a shiny turd....no matter what you say about its shine,it's still a turd