
Hey buddy just a ? Are you part of the mmar hc mailout and the vet affair blue cross one too?
Nope didn't have a grow license so no kitty litter msg but the other one yeah

For the others
As far as I know my pink is still good... not that I would give it up
... not nessary .... as I just got a script from the doctor for 12 months no thc limit.... HAHAHA foolish.... I go to an lp hmmm better than the bm I have tried or a cc... which I might add the cc costs were on par with lp prices for lesser product..... hmmmm....
Maybe people will whine and cry I get it for free.... gee isn't that what people are fighting for..... hipo critz.... and yeah glad you guys that do whine and cry about that realize why you can fucking whine and cry
Jackal69....thank you for your service...and any sacrifices you may have had to have made...

Compared to what we see in some area's of the world today.
Canada is a very sane place and, yes its people like you, that have helped us maintain this semblance of sanity.
so again thank you....
and in the interest of organization and flow to the board posts lets all try and stay on topic...which in this case is
OK I'll try and be more the others..... you will not conform.... hate all Lp's. ... hate all that don't grow.... hate...hate... hate ...opps sorry can't do it man... funny thing is I'm not the one bitching
Haha even made my own thread and the trolls followed me there too ... haha it's funny

No need for thanking.... or pats on the back... cause that's not what doing the job is about.... maybe for some but not for the whole
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Still have my pink while being in mmpr... got no cancel letter from hc...
All I did was.mention I still have my pink and whaaaaa whaaaaa this that... like you guys need someone to kick around on a forum to make ya feel better or something weird.
Still have my pink while being in mmpr... got no cancel letter from hc...
when the mmpr came about, one of the rules they made up was that upon registering with an LP, your pinks became invalid. They will not send you a letter to cancel your pinks, they became invalid or void upon registering with an LP of your choice.
when the mmpr came about, one of the rules they made up was that upon registering with an LP, your pinks became invalid. They will not send you a letter to cancel your pinks, they became invalid or void upon registering with an LP of your choice.
I wanna put mine in a frame.... are ya sure that was a rule... or was it just hearsay
I wanna put mine in a frame.... are ya sure that was a rule... or was it just hearsay
I read it when their bullshit rules came out when they tried to fuck us all.
Someone will find and post for you. I don't give a fuck about the mmpr and amcpr so I don't have quotes of rules on hand. conroy said it quite clear. Tousaw said it quite clear.
it wasn't hearsay,
I read it when their bullshit rules came out when they tried to fuck us all.
Someone will find and post for you. I don't give a fuck about the mmpr and amcpr so I don't have quotes of rules on hand. conroy said it quite clear. Tousaw said it quite clear.
it wasn't hearsay,
Well there ya go..... but if you follow some posts..... it don't matter if your sick .... grow.... they won't get ya... lol
Just saying .....any other thing that gets cancelled they give ya a letter stating so... not someone's post.... and from my point of view I already had a doctor appt comming up so didn't have to use it.... I guess I should have mixed it with kitty litter? ???