i know it's a controversial subject!!

Beautiful plants @Dr. Who! I'm a soil and water only guy now as well and do not flush or anything like that.. I only did one grow with nutes.. like u said maybe I messed up the dry or cure or something...but I just didn't like it and seemed costly buying all those salts to add to my plants... maybe it was just the line of nutes who knows..
I see high K and a bit of high P in that.......Bet only a select few others did too........STILL, I Get your point!

You mean something like this?
View attachment 3879743
@meangreengrowinmachine The same lighting issue applies here! Except if it ain't black, the flash didn't fill in!

No yellow on the plant...Not a cooler night temp reaction either! I finally am getting my hands on Blue Magoo! That's another that will express color with out the help of K or lower night temps!
Funny thing is the first one I showed all green was the same strain in the same organic soil.

Pretty plant.

I wasn't trying to confuse the situation. I just meant that sometimes yellow is not bad. It is if a person is starving a plant.
I'm going to thread jack for a second, I am 99.9% sure this is a she, I see one pistil on each side, I'm not a newbie but I would like other thoughts on if this is fo sho a girl. I'm really patient and It will be confirmed soon enough but If it's a she it will be the earliest a plant has ever shown sex for me, less then a month and that is exciting to me. 1.jpg 2.jpg What do you guys think??
Well said, Antman. Budget, you are inappropriate beyond typical low budget expectations. In your language, rude and wrong. But, we foster this behavior by being a forum for the stoned and senseless. I must accept. Ay caramba

And fyi... kill that male instantly
Just shows that you can't read. I've made 2 posts in this thread. Also, I didn't know that was a rule on here. Is it? No I didn't think so. Again you contradict your patience with a statement about patience. "I am patient but if it's confirmed tonight then it will make it 26 days since a seed , meaning it is the earliest I've ever had one show sex." If you were in fact patient, you would wait your damn turn to find out and answer and not be RUDE by jacking other people's threads. Irl that would be called interrupting and it is considered rude. News flash sunshine the world doesn't revolve around you. And if you know so much about the sex of your plant, then why do you keep asking??? GTFOH lol
Is that the same comeback you use when you really don't know what you're talking about? Truth seems to hurt you.
Is that the same comeback you use when you really don't know what you're talking about? Truth seems to hurt you.
Wow , I'm not going to piss into the wind with you anymore. I did it, it's done, dont like it ? think it's rude? Ok cool , Your opinion means the world to me, sorry I disappointed you. I have to go to bed now and I think your mom said your spaghetti O's are ready. Have a good night
You have disappointed me, but your mom was awesome last night. She's disappointed with you too. She doesn't like how long it takes you to come up with such a lame comeback. You should go to bed. loser.
You have disappointed me, but your mom was awesome last night. She's disappointed with you too. She doesn't like how long it takes you to come up with such a lame comeback. You should go to bed. loser.
Ok I will .... So you think this is female ?? Trololol1.jpg