Would you take a pill that would make you immortal?

Would you take a pill that would make you immortal?

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After say 30 trillion years and the last stars and photons are long dead and you're not, is there a game plan for after that? Hell at 30 plus trillion years old you're still a youngster with your whole life ahead of you.
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This already happens the human soull lives on for eternity. The human body is just and organic machine. How could yer organic body exist if the earth secess to exist?

What the hell is a soul? Why does it live on for eternity and why would eternity want it to what does this soul get out of it.
I wouldn't want to watch the entire human race die.
Not much use in living if ur floating through the universe alone whether your dick works or not.

Took the words rite outta my mouth...

But il still answer .

When I was 12 I would have said yes ......I'm still on the fence ,,just because floating around space for eternity smoking doobies with the possibility of aliens or other life finding me and molesting me does sound pretty fun ......but il have to say no ......I wouldn't wana watch my kids and other family members die off.....I'm hoping im long gone before the kids and wife .....I'm a softy I know .
Would you be hungry though I guess is what I want to know. Floating in space for billions of years is all in good fun but fuck the munchies dude, fuckem.
Ya .......I'm not liking this pill idea ..especially now that you make me realize going to quick stop is outta the question while having the munchies ........I guess il just stay mortal .

You saved me ....I had the pill and a glass of water........woooooo that was close .