MI new era cannabis regulations


(n) “Usable marihuana” means the dried leaves, flowers, plant resin, or extract of the marihuana plant, but does not include the seeds, stalks, and roots of the plant.

(o) “Usable marihuana equivalent” means the amount of usable marihuana in a marihuana-infused product that is calculated as provided in section 4(c).

(((((o) Specifically defines Usable Marihauna Equivalent as 'USABLE MARIHUANA'.))))

4. Protections for the Medical Use of Marihuana.

(b) A primary caregiver who has been issued and possesses a registry identification card is not subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for assisting a qualifying patient to whom he or she is connected through the department’s registration process with the medical use of marihuana in accordance with this act. The privilege from arrest under this subsection applies only if the primary caregiver presents both his or her registry identification card and a valid driver license or government-issued identification card that bears a photographic image of the primary caregiver. This subsection applies only if the primary caregiver possesses marihuana in forms and amounts that do not exceed any of the following:

(1) For each qualifying patient to whom he or she is connected through the department’s registration process, a combined total of 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana and usable marihuana equivalents.

(2) For each registered qualifying patient who has specified that the primary caregiver will be allowed under state law to cultivate marihuana for the qualifying patient, 12 marihuana plants kept in an enclosed, locked facility.

(3) Any incidental amount of seeds, stalks, and unusable roots.

(c) For purposes of determining usable marihuana equivalency, the following shall be considered equivalent to 1 ounce of usable marihuana:

(1) 16 ounces of marihuana-infused product if in a solid form.

(2) 7 grams of marihuana-infused product if in a gaseous form.

(3) 36 fluid ounces of marihuana-infused product if in a liquid form.

(e) There is a presumption that a qualifying patient or primary caregiver is engaged in the medical use of marihuana in accordance with this act if the qualifying patient or primary caregiver complies with both of the following:

(1) Is in possession of a registry identification card.

(2) Is in possession of an amount of marihuana that does not exceed the amount allowed under this act. The presumption may be rebutted by evidence that conduct related to marihuana was not for the purpose of alleviating the qualifying patient’s debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition, in accordance with this act.

(o) A primary caregiver shall not transfer a marihuana-infused product to any individual who is not a qualifying patient to whom he or she is connected through the department’s registration process.

Sec. 4a. (1) This section does not apply unless the medical marihuana facilities licensing act is enacted. (* 4209 ofcorse passed)

(2) A registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including, but not limited to, civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for any of the following:

(a) Transferring or purchasing marihuana in an amount authorized by this act from a provisioning center licensed under the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

(b) Transferring or selling marihuana seeds or seedlings to a grower licensed under the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

(c) Transferring marihuana for testing to and from a safety compliance facility licensed under the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

Sec. 4b. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) to (4), a qualifying patient or primary caregiver shall not transport or possess a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle. ((This is a no ifs and or buts statment. there are very limited exceptions to what is deemed an "ALLOWABLE TRANSFER" of any infused product"

(2) This section does not prohibit a qualifying patient from transporting or possessing a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle if the marihuana-infused product is in a sealed and labeled package that is carried in the trunk of the vehicle or, if the vehicle does not have a trunk, is carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle. The label must state the weight of the marihuana-infused product in ounces, name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name of the person from whom the marihuana-infused product was received, and date of receipt.

(3) This section does not prohibit a primary caregiver from transporting or possessing a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle if the marihuana-infused product is accompanied by an accurate marihuana transportation manifest and enclosed in a case carried in the trunk of the vehicle or, if the vehicle does not have a trunk, is enclosed in a case and carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle. The manifest form must state the weight of each marihuana-infused product in ounces, name and address of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, destination name and address, date and time of departure, estimated date and time of arrival, and, if applicable, name and address of the person from whom the product was received and date of receipt. (aka if you the CG did not make it yourself)

(4) This section does not prohibit a primary caregiver from transporting or possessing a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle for the use of his or her child, spouse, or parent who is a qualifying patient if the marihuana-infused product is in a sealed and labeled package that is carried in the trunk of the vehicle or, if the vehicle does not have a trunk, is carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle. The label must state the weight of the marihuana-infused product in ounces, name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name of the qualifying patient, and, if applicable, name of the person from whom the marihuana-infused product was received and date of receipt.

(5) For purposes of determining compliance with quantity limitations under section 4, there is a rebuttable presumption that the weight of a marihuana-infused product listed on its package label or on a marihuana transportation manifest is accurate.

(6) A qualifying patient or primary caregiver who violates this section is responsible for a civil fine of not more than $250.00.

So to be clear here, what you are arguing is LEO is going to just ignore the manifesto with the missing bud on it? That has no label, no date, no destination, no departure or arrival times?
The law saying it does not have to be included is not there. So they will say it didn't say we can ignore it, and I dont make the law...

But, we should rest easy because you think they are not going to say, "Looks like we need to investigate you more to make sure you're not breaking the rules."? Against the last 8 yrs of experience, we should have faith LEO in Michigan are going to NOW all of a sudden Follow the fucking MMM ACT? lmao
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Iam sorry. I was wrong. Zips are gonna stay 2 to 400 bucks for decades. Your fine. Invest in as much as this as you want. Its going to stay in the quasi legal realm forever. ..just legal enough to not really.get hassled. But still make a killing. The perfect situation for regular folks...damn near forever.
Ha good one. It's hard to predicted how long we have left but the end is near for sure. GW pharmaceuticals along with our own government are filing pattons already. CBD is already a single compound medication under Patton already. AG will be taking over one day there will be us who still grow a few plant's like tomatoes in our yard. Just like the guy who makes his own beer or wine be spends more to make it than it would cost him to buy some but he loves the art
Where does it say that?
Read the Law.

point is, where does it say you have to?

thanks for the reprint, I see it says manifests required when transporting to and from a dispensary, to and from a licensed grower.
thats it man, no cg to patient manifesto for buds.
dont lose credibility by using fear to get your point across. Please keep up the good fight. No reason to make shit up , this is for commercial entities, and you know this.
point is, where does it say you have to?

thanks for the reprint, I see it says manifests required when transporting to and from a dispensary, to and from a licensed grower.
thats it man, no cg to patient manifesto for buds.
dont lose credibility by using fear to get your point across. Please keep up the good fight. No reason to make shit up , this is for commercial entities, and you know this.
Word. Tim needs to chill. Look at what resto and beourbud did for abrogate last year. They honestly pissed me off so much and pushed such a hard line, that i didnt sign. Wanted nothing to donwith the aggressive tactics. Looks like that demeanor rubbed off a bit. Haha
Ha good one. It's hard to predicted how long we have left but the end is near for sure. GW pharmaceuticals along with our own government are filing pattons already. CBD is already a single compound medication under Patton already. AG will be taking over one day there will be us who still grow a few plant's like tomatoes in our yard. Just like the guy who makes his own beer or wine be spends more to make it than it would cost him to buy some but he loves the art
Thank you broseph...you see the big picture.
Seeing the forum growers hammer out specific details about the gig as it plays out now. Mere details...and really an abstraction to the big picture. To all of us/you/we ...who were here before there was an internet forum...yall know of which i speak. Shout out to the cats that were in there all deep like even before Overgrow.com. Holding shit down. Doing that thang and making green backs literally grow on trees. Who took the risk. Who saw it fer what it really was. And who talked about legalization then but had no clue how it would all play out now. Amen bros and sisters. ...Amen.
Word. Tim needs to chill. Look at what resto and beourbud did for abrogate last year. They honestly pissed me off so much and pushed such a hard line, that i didnt sign. Wanted nothing to donwith the aggressive tactics. Looks like that demeanor rubbed off a bit. Haha

So you prefer jail?
Word. Tim needs to chill. Look at what resto and beourbud did for abrogate last year. They honestly pissed me off so much and pushed such a hard line, that i didnt sign. Wanted nothing to donwith the aggressive tactics. Looks like that demeanor rubbed off a bit. Haha

You can be "DOWN" with Jail, or you can be down with ending Jail for Pot...

Only you can make that choice. That is not Our Hard Line. We are not the ones trying to lock you up for having pot. You seem to be confused about who is using these "Aggressive Tactics".
You can be "DOWN" with Jail, or you can be down with ending Jail for Pot...

Only you can make that choice. That is not Our Hard Line. We are not the ones trying to lock you up for having pot. You seem to be confused about who is using these "Aggressive Tactics".
Goodluck luck, Tim. You guys will need it. You know, you straight ignored me last year when I sent offers to help. No need to pose silly questions and imply stupidity on me. But maybe you're right....I'm confused about something alright....I'm confused why you'd use the insult line on a forum member. I'm your easiest signature and you throw shade my way for pleading with you to use civility. Wow. Hey man, I'll say it again, you can't rage against people, you can't get offended, you can't get snide. Every conversation is a chance to plant a seed (get a signature). It might nor grow today, but it won't grow at all if you get offended and come out hard. So yeah, I am confused. Why the attitude? Why silly and insulting questions? Do you like jail, Tim? Do you think we should go to jail for a plant? You seemed confused about who your potential supports are because you're not acting like you get it. Again, good fucking luck.
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Fozze, I am not 'raging' on people. I may be pointing out the ugly facts of the situation we are facing in the state, but that is not "raging".
Far too many seem to draw the conclusion someone is arguing, raging, or being otherwise rude or insulting because the comments they made digs at the hard and ugly parts of the problems. We have to be able to talk about brass tacks, without being offended for talking about brass tacks.

Black and White text is the worst type of communications on matters like these unless you want to write a novel.
I apologize if I ignored you last year. It was not my intent. I was on 4 or more different websites, email, facebook, twitter, and the phone about 18 hrs a day. That did not include posting to said forums/websites, driving across the state and the UP multiple times. As well as trying to raise funds to cover minimum the expenses of the campaign, do the State-required financial reports, coordinate with petitioners and events going on all over the state, answer questions etc. I am only one person and have been asking for people to help me.

I was also dealing with the loss of my Mom just before we kicked the campaign off, and I am the Executor of her will. And I still have a 23 yr old daughter that is High Functioning SSD/Autism. Thankfully her issues are very minimal, but still, have to be a parent.
So, You'll have to forgive me if I seem a little short from time to time, or if I didn't realize you or others were trying to extend a hand. I must not have read the message, comment or just forgot about reading them if I did. It could be possible.
I tried to not miss anyone wanting to help, but I am sure it happened.
Even though I also did a nightly radio program on BTR and pushed it here, on FB, and the other social media sites opening myself up to anyone for 2 hours a day or night, 5 days a week for over a year... Again, sorry if I seem a little short, but I think I have done all I could to be open to people. Should I have to knock on your door next?

This is why I put the phone number out so people could call me and we could use our voice and actually communicate, opposed to chicken peck text replies back and forth, missing 95% of the actual conversation we need to be having.
It is why I tried to have some meetings where people wanted them, and I or the campaign had the funds to afford them. No offense, but people need to stop waiting for an invitation to get involved with ending Cannabis Prohibition. Be the one to reach out Directly to me. I am very approachable I assure you. If everyone is waiting for someone else, it'll take another 80 yrs.

I am not raging dude. I am just calling things like I see them. They are ugly and people need to see the club they are about to be beat over the head with, or the are really going to be hurt. No easy way to discuss that man.

I would much rather speak to you on phone, or skype etc, as we can actually talk to each other.

but these forums are great for chit chatting and BSing about our cannabis use. but for having beneficial conversations about the "Politics of Pot", not so much imo. So instead of trying to read between the lines, My phone is open and on most of the time.

Let us use our voices so we can actually have a conversation. Skype is good cuz we can see if we choose. I will be starting a new abrogate skype line and will put that contact info up soon. Text-based communications are like chiseling on the cave walls unless you're a novelist, and we don't have that kind of time.

Just look around at society and look how far we have digressed since everyone Texts at each other instead of Speaks to eachother.

That is for anyone and everyone.
(989) 600 4760. 10am to 11pm any day of the week

I promise you, Im not the asshole I play on the internet. lol
Even if I didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
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Word, Tim. I appreciate your words here. I recall your personal issues the last go around. I completely understand, man. I honestly apologize as that whole situation slipped my mind. My condolences again, brother. I know youre not an asshole, tim. I'll reach out in time. Got your update on the other page. I stand by my statement that petitioners need to be kind and keep a civil line going, but yeah, the forums are for sure a different arena....forgive my use of words. I hope you get what I'm saying though.

Thanks for putting yourself out there, man. No matter, I'll always have made respect for you for that!
You can be "DOWN" with Jail, or you can be down with ending Jail for Pot...

Only you can make that choice. That is not Our Hard Line. We are not the ones trying to lock you up for having pot. You seem to be confused about who is using these "Aggressive Tactics".
You BB and resto don't seem to realize just because the law is aggressive doesn't mean you can do anything short of throwing people in jail and not be aggressive. You guys push and push and don't support any other measures and expect us to drop everything and support you. Doesn't work that way.
You BB and resto don't seem to realize just because the law is aggressive doesn't mean you can do anything short of throwing people in jail and not be aggressive. You guys push and push and don't support any other measures and expect us to drop everything and support you. Doesn't work that way.

Well said. The answers always lie in the middle somewhere. Not at the opposite ends like we as people like to argue.
Here's my 2 cents.

It needs to stay out of corporate hands!
They will make it a gmo game and destroy all who get in there way.

Marbrol buds in a box sounds cool but in all reality they will bastardize the product and make it cancerous within 20 years..

Tabacco isn't as bad for you as the plant without all the shit that's sprayed on it, like Plutonium 234 and all that other shit!

Then there's profit for us little growers who are able to grow and sell peer to peer.

It's a legitimate home business that can support you.. but not if corporations take over.
Well..for the future, for those who wish to make a living still growing cannabis..you better start that degree now, because i know many people think, oh ill get a job i got years of experience, well..you wont be competing for that top spot when the competition has degrees in botany,horticultural science and green house management. Now get to it lol
Here's my 2 cents.

It needs to stay out of corporate hands!
They will make it a gmo game and destroy all who get in there way.

Marbrol buds in a box sounds cool but in all reality they will bastardize the product and make it cancerous within 20 years..

Tabacco isn't as bad for you as the plant without all the shit that's sprayed on it, like Plutonium 234 and all that other shit!

Then there's profit for us little growers who are able to grow and sell peer to peer.

It's a legitimate home business that can support you.. but not if corporations take over.

sounds right, but you're a few years behind in this ideal I fear
When it goes corporate produce the best and you'll always have clientel. My patients think I'd win the cup hands down. Not that I would just that the stuff I produce is that good and they'd go no where else. Hand crafted "stuff" always draws a bigger dollar value than mass produced crap. I've talked about moving if things get bad and my patients jaws dropped. $200/oz isn't a bad price if you can serve more than 5. Plus the costs are going to be comparable with all the regulation. As long as it's considered a farm product you can sell clones and buds at the end of your driveway. We just have to make it like food. Corporations havent stopped farmers mkts and local produce, it's just that people choose different and like the convenience of a store. You can't take away peoples choice because you want MJ to stay a cottage industry. Some people WANT to buy a pack of Marblo Blunts. Not me but this divide and conquer thing works both ways. You don't stick up for peoples rights to do as they wish and they won't stick up for yours. Divide and conquer.