What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Well it's 1:21am and windy as fuck raining and a thunder storm ....I heard my wife's phone ring and that's never good this late ......long story short ,,,it was her mom saying her fence fell over in the wind and the neighbors big ass dogs are all up in her yard and the fence is now beating the new siding on her house ......so guess who got to get outta bed and come fix this huge cluster fuck ????? Any guesses

For those of you who guessed reddan1981 that's wrong ...first off he has no testicles and his dad won't allow him out of the hot tub for some strange reason ...

For those of you who guessed me ...that's correct because I have testicles and that's a must for fixing fences in a brutal storm ....

Seriously though it took me over a fucking hour to brace this fence back up ....it's a 7 foot fence and about 40 feet of it was down .....thankfully the neighbor dude helped and I had some lumber at my house ....so it's done but what a cluster fuck ....so much for BBQ and a good nights rest .....well I'm guna go get dry take a Vicodin for the first time in forever and smoke a doobie before I go back to sleep ......good night guys ---Inda


Well-Known Member
I am falling in love with my baby moms sister.

I have to confess that before the inevitable ahit storm to come in the next few weeks.

Can handle her liqour(tick)
She has pets(tick)
She is mildly attractive ;)(tick)
Has serious mental and addiction issues(quad tick)
Hates my taste in music(tick)
Doesn't know I am going to fall in love for those reasons(NO, she called me an emotional wreck)

@Gary Goodson she pulled a goodson and shook her head at me :(

It's all gravy till you fall inlove for all the wrong reasons.

I think it's more a happy feeling not love

Im not sure.



Well-Known Member
I am falling in love with my baby moms sister.

I have to confess that before the inevitable ahit storm to come in the next few weeks.

Can handle her liqour(tick)
She has pets(tick)
She is mildly attractive ;)(tick)
Has serious mental and addiction issues(quad tick)
Hates my taste in music(tick)
Doesn't know I am going to fall in love for those reasons(NO, she called me an emotional wreck)

@Gary Goodson she pulled a goodson and shook her head at me :(

It's all gravy till you fall inlove for all the wrong reasons.

I think it's more a happy feeling not love

Im not sure.

This "happy feeling" you are experiencing, sure sounds like it could really complicate your life even more bro. Sounds crazy!

But then again, the penis sure does a good job of complicating a dudes life regardless.


Well-Known Member
This "happy feeling" you are experiencing, sure sounds like it could really complicate your life even more bro. Sounds crazy!

But then again, the penis sure does a good job of complicating a dudes life.
It happens all the time and then my heart gets crushed.

I get all feelsy and weak hearted very easy. I pretend to be hateful and full of spite but I am a big softy ^.^