Trump signs executive orders to advance Keystone XL, Dakota Access pipelines


Well-Known Member
Exactly. So instead of donating hundreds of millions of dollars to big oil companies who don't need the fucking money, use it for tax breaks for consumers who help lead us into an energy neutral ecosystem.

Obviously you being pension means you can only get the Model 3 65D. But hey, it's a Tesla.

Or go Oprah style.... "You get a Tesla! You get a Tesla!"
The funny thing the dumb shits don't realise is the only thing red states generally have going for them is shitloads of empty space (and minds, but that's beside the point).

If we updated the national grid from "barely functional" to "modern", they set up solar/wind and sold the electricity then they could probably be the richest state in the union.

If New Mexico (for example) embraced solar it could feed most of the domestic energy needs of the entire country.


Well-Known Member
I would probably buy a Tesla if it wasn't $90.000.00. Its sounds nice and all but can YOU afford it. I worked on pipelines good union jobs and I'm for northern Minnesota were the iron is dug so its a win win for this area ! OK I just read about a 35.000.00 Tesla thats not to bad but I would rather have a Hellcat lol.
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Well-Known Member
The funny thing the dumb shits don't realise is the only thing red states generally have going for them is shitloads of empty space (and minds, but that's beside the point).

If we updated the national grid from "barely functional" to "modern", they set up solar/wind and sold the electricity then they could probably be the richest state in the union.

If New Mexico (for example) embraced solar it could feed most of the domestic energy needs of the entire country.
the only problem is getting the energy where it needs to go.

if only we could build some sort of a "line" to "pipe" the electricity from one place to the other.

meh, pipe dreams.


Well-Known Member
I would probably buy a Tesla if it wasn't $90.000.00. Its sounds nice and all but can YOU afford it. I worked on pipelines good union jobs and I'm for northern Minnesota were the iron is dug so its a win win for this area ! OK I just read about a 35.000.00 Tesla thats not to bad but I would rather have a Hellcat lol.

I use to work at the Mintac mine back in the late 70's in central shop. Can't remember how many cutting edges for dozers and road graders etc we would replace in a month but yeah they all came from Japan. Imagine that we're digging taconite to make steel but yet our own company (US Steel) was sourcing heavy steel parts from overseas due to cost. So my guess that sort of shit won't change.


Well-Known Member

I use to work at the Mintac mine back in the late 70's in central shop. Can't remember how many cutting edges for dozers and road graders etc we would replace in a month but yeah they all came from Japan. Imagine that we're digging taconite to make steel but yet our own company (US Steel) was sourcing heavy steel parts from overseas due to cost. So my guess that sort of shit won't change.
Not one bit. And will likely increase in outsourced materials in the coming years.


Well-Known Member

I use to work at the Mintac mine back in the late 70's in central shop. Can't remember how many cutting edges for dozers and road graders etc we would replace in a month but yeah they all came from Japan. Imagine that we're digging taconite to make steel but yet our own company (US Steel) was sourcing heavy steel parts from overseas due to cost. So my guess that sort of shit won't change.
nice ass. you got a brother?



Well-Known Member
if they garden naked too there's always work to be done here.
If they garden naked I'm gouging out my own eyeballs. The oldest is 10 yrs my senior the next is 5 yrs older and 1 is 2 yrs younger I'm 60 so if you like that sort of thing I guess I could make a few calls