Ok little fella, I'll grace you with some badly needed attention that'll hopefully end your incessant pining for me. You seem to
not be able to differentiate between being considered physically/'legally'
disabled and actually being a 'ward' of the state/collecting a disability
hard, pooey, I mean really stretch the limits of your intellect (LOL).....what sort of unfortunate situation might a person or persons be involved in that would result in, say, a windfall of cash or what is known as 'lifetime compensation'? Go ahead, take a minute and really
think on it. For a financial guru such as yourself that has mastered the penny/silver trade, it should be a cinch.
Never been the
brightest bulb, eh pooey?
other personal business/creeeeepy obsessions to tend to, sweetheart? Maybe you'd like to REALLY lose what's left of your mind/dignity (very little, at this point) and look at some pics of my home, property, bank statements, etc.?
Matter of fact, can we hear more about
@UncleBuck 's mortgages and personal life? ...What about
@tangerinegreen555 's facial hair and/or how you most certainly did NOT vote a senile fascist into office?
You should feel flattered that I honored your obsession with a thorough reply. I'll now take my leave from interacting with you/fueling your envy psychosis. Feel free to reply with "nice meltdown" or some other stock response. Also, get some
professional help, eh?
Seriously though; why are you even
- mad; insane.
"a deranged gunman"
synonyms: insane, mad, disturbed, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, irrational;