
Well-Known Member
800k illegal voters was reported on washington times and breitbart references them. I did not read about it on breitbart.

Check the news lately. Many states are reporting hundreds of thousands of dead people on voter rolls and 1000s of illegals on voter rolls.

Plus there are the videos of people describing how they bus people from location to location to vote illegally.
Gee Pie, the Washington Times? Who owns that? Oh yeah, Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Which is not necessarily an indictment, they actually publish real news too. But when you find yourself referencing it as a source you are in the land of quoting Reader's Digest in a thesis. Find a better source.

It is funny to see Donald's hand move and see your knee-jerk support of whatever is going through his weak, paranoid mind.


Well-Known Member
What is this obsession with the alleged 800K illegal voters? How do we know they actually voted? How did they get a personalized ballot, necessary to vote (at least in Calif)? I'm much more concerned about the dead voters, they'd be ghosts and I don't have a proton pack to defend myself
Dead voters don't vote, not even fraudulently. This is fact. There are plenty of examples of deceased or people who have moved out of the area still on voting rolls. There are practically no examples of those names showing in the vote-count. This is a fake issue. This is all about a voter suppression and a national identification card. Once Trump's team assembles their alt facts, they will introduce in congress a legislation for required registration for a national identification card. Then they will make it as hard as possible for Democrats to register. This is the only way Trump and Republicans can maintain power once the recession they trigger takes hold.


Well-Known Member
What is this obsession with the alleged 800K illegal voters? How do we know they actually voted? How did they get a personalized ballot, necessary to vote (at least in Calif)? I'm much more concerned about the dead voters, they'd be ghosts and I don't have a proton pack to defend myself


Well-Known Member
Ok little fella, I'll grace you with some badly needed attention that'll hopefully end your incessant pining for me. You seem to not be able to differentiate between being considered physically/'legally' disabled and actually being a 'ward' of the state/collecting a disability check.
Think hard, pooey, I mean really stretch the limits of your intellect (LOL).....what sort of unfortunate situation might a person or persons be involved in that would result in, say, a windfall of cash or what is known as 'lifetime compensation'? Go ahead, take a minute and really think on it. For a financial guru such as yourself that has mastered the penny/silver trade, it should be a cinch.

Never been the brightest bulb, eh pooey?

Any other personal business/creeeeepy obsessions to tend to, sweetheart? Maybe you'd like to REALLY lose what's left of your mind/dignity (very little, at this point) and look at some pics of my home, property, bank statements, etc.?
Matter of fact, can we hear more about @UncleBuck 's mortgages and personal life? ...What about @tangerinegreen555 's facial hair and/or how you most certainly did NOT vote a senile fascist into office?

You should feel flattered that I honored your obsession with a thorough reply. I'll now take my leave from interacting with you/fueling your envy psychosis. Feel free to reply with "nice meltdown" or some other stock response. Also, get some professional help, eh?
Seriously though; why are you even here?

  1. mad; insane.
    "a deranged gunman"
    synonyms: insane, mad, disturbed, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, irrational;
View attachment 3887943
So you get to park up front to spend your disability.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The Washington times quoted what trump said, not a verifiable fact.
Breitbart said 800,000 and in the same article it was stated that trump extrapolated that number incorrectly from a study. The academics that wrote the study even said his conclusions are false.
It's cute that you call me a lazy bum, I'm sure you feel very satisfied by your life and contribution to society. You don't want to start a name calling match with me dear, I will feel guilt for making you cry.
Pretty sure the study said it was 800k. Millions of dead voters left on rolls with people bussing around groups with fake ids could definitely have happened.

Ballot stuffing prob happened in detroit. No harm checking it out hand in hand with state to make sure no dead or illegal are registered.

Do you really think I am calling you a lazy bum? Im just teasing. Hence the lol.

Really tho a simple google search for washington times and 800k would be easy.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the study said it was 800k. Millions of dead voters left on rolls with people bussing around groups with fake ids could definitely have happened.

Ballot stuffing prob happened in detroit. No harm checking it out hand in hand with state to make sure no dead or illegal are registered.

Do you really think I am calling you a lazy bum? Im just teasing. Hence the lol.

Really tho a simple google search for washington times and 800k would be easy.
Fuck the truth though, right?

Alt facts are so fab


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the study said it was 800k. Millions of dead voters left on rolls with people bussing around groups with fake ids could definitely have happened.

Ballot stuffing prob happened in detroit. No harm checking it out hand in hand with state to make sure no dead or illegal are registered.

Do you really think I am calling you a lazy bum? Im just teasing. Hence the lol.

Really tho a simple google search for washington times and 800k would be easy.
first of all, you're saying 800,000 voted illegally. trump says 3-5 million.

are you calling your savior a liar?

second, if 800,000 people voted illegally, this election is illegitimate.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the study said it was 800k. Millions of dead voters left on rolls with people bussing around groups with fake ids could definitely have happened.

Ballot stuffing prob happened in detroit. No harm checking it out hand in hand with state to make sure no dead or illegal are registered.

Do you really think I am calling you a lazy bum? Im just teasing. Hence the lol.

Really tho a simple google search for washington times and 800k would be easy.
Go do your hair or something. Have a tea party with cheese pizza


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the study said it was 800k. Millions of dead voters left on rolls with people bussing around groups with fake ids could definitely have happened.

Ballot stuffing prob happened in detroit. No harm checking it out hand in hand with state to make sure no dead or illegal are registered.

Do you really think I am calling you a lazy bum? Im just teasing. Hence the lol.

Really tho a simple google search for washington times and 800k would be easy.
There has to be a study before you can call it a study. And the whole study, too. Not just cherry picked parts from it. So, tell us, what study are those rags referring to? Politifacts can't find it. I can't find it. So, where is it? Did it burn up when Trumps pants caught on fire? Was it in his pocket at the time? Did @Big_Lou 's dog eat it because he was bored? LOL.

Donald Trump's Pants on Fire claim that millions of illegal votes cost him popular vote victory

As we’ve previously noted, conspiracy-minded websites — notably Alex Jones’ InfoWars — have posted articles claiming that 3 million votes in the presidential election were "cast by illegal aliens." We rated that False.

As evidence of its claim, InfoWars’ headline referred to a report from and tweets from Gregg Phillips, whose Twitter profile says he’s the founder of VoteStand, a voter fraud reporting app.

However, there is no report from, and Phillips told PolitiFact he is not affiliated with that website. Tweets by Phillips on Nov. 11 and Nov. 13 said that "we have verified more than 3 million votes cast by non-citizens" and that Phillips had "completed analysis of database of 180 million voter registrations. Number of non-citizen votes exceeds 3 million. Consulting legal team."

Phillips has not responded to PolitiFact’s queries for additional information. He told us previously that he has chosen not to release more information because he is still working on analyzing the data and verifying its accuracy. Phillips would not say what the data is or where it came from, or what methodology he used. He said he would release the information publicly once he is finished.

Yes, I'm making fun of you @Flaming Pie . The funniest line in the Politifact article is the quote from Phillips: "He said he would release the information publicly once he is finished."



Well-Known Member
There has to be a study before you can call it a study. And the whole study, too. Not just cherry picked parts from it. So, tell us, what study are those rags referring to? Politifacts can't find it. I can't find it. So, where is it? Did it burn up when Trumps pants caught on fire? Was it in his pocket at the time? Did @Big_Lou 's dog eat it because he was bored? LOL.

Donald Trump's Pants on Fire claim that millions of illegal votes cost him popular vote victory

As we’ve previously noted, conspiracy-minded websites — notably Alex Jones’ InfoWars — have posted articles claiming that 3 million votes in the presidential election were "cast by illegal aliens." We rated that False.

As evidence of its claim, InfoWars’ headline referred to a report from and tweets from Gregg Phillips, whose Twitter profile says he’s the founder of VoteStand, a voter fraud reporting app.

However, there is no report from, and Phillips told PolitiFact he is not affiliated with that website. Tweets by Phillips on Nov. 11 and Nov. 13 said that "we have verified more than 3 million votes cast by non-citizens" and that Phillips had "completed analysis of database of 180 million voter registrations. Number of non-citizen votes exceeds 3 million. Consulting legal team."

Phillips has not responded to PolitiFact’s queries for additional information. He told us previously that he has chosen not to release more information because he is still working on analyzing the data and verifying its accuracy. Phillips would not say what the data is or where it came from, or what methodology he used. He said he would release the information publicly once he is finished.

Yes, I'm making fun of you @Flaming Pie . The funniest line in the Politifact article is the quote from Phillips: "He said he would release the information publicly once he is finished."




Well-Known Member
I searched. It's just about the same article at breitbart

Inconclusive and misusing data from the report to fit the alt-right narrative. The writer of the report even stated in this article (like the breitbart one) that this did not mean wide spread voter fraud and that trump was wrong. This article has zero evidence of voter fraud.

Why can't Some trump supporters just admit that they bought into a lie and it has been proven false? It's mind-bottling.



Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the study said it was 800k. Millions of dead voters left on rolls with people bussing around groups with fake ids could definitely have happened.

Ballot stuffing prob happened in detroit. No harm checking it out hand in hand with state to make sure no dead or illegal are registered.

Do you really think I am calling you a lazy bum? Im just teasing. Hence the lol.

Really tho a simple google search for washington times and 800k would be easy.
Pretty sure you're a retard..pretty sure..I heard..more than likely..some say..retard.

Did you vote? I doubt it because you'd know how ridiculous your statements are, freak show.

Juan Gomez, Miami is not going to go through the trouble and expense of assuming the identity of Schlomo Bernstein, Boca Raton who passed away at age 105, just to cast one (1) vote or any votes.

What he does do is, obtain a SS number so he can work and not be detected because our immigration system is hopelessly broken. He pays taxes from his threadbare wage that he will never benefit from..he gets a place to live and car to drive that he shares with 5 others from his country, drivers license to drive that car and if we're really lucky, car insurance. He's trying to forge a better life in a place where others are doing same. He just wants that chance. He keeps to himself and others within his culture and pretends his English is limited for fear of detection from questioning whites..on his off days he takes pride in being well dressed in clean new clothes like everyone else in America as it is a symbol, a badge of honor and totally worth swimming through the Rio Grande where he made his pass over.
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Well-Known Member
Pretty sure you're a retard..pretty sure..I heard..more than likely..some say..retard.

Did you vote? I doubt it because you'd know how ridiculous your statements are, freak show.

Juan Gomez, Miami is not going to go through the trouble and expense of assuming the identity of Schlomo Bernstein, Boca Raton who passed away at age 105, just to cast one (1) vote or any votes.

What he does do is, obtain a SS number so he can work and not be detected because our immigration system is hopelessly broken. He pays taxes from his threadbare wage that he will never benefit from..he gets a place to live and car to drive that he shares with 5 others from his country, drivers license to drive that car and if we're really lucky, car insurance. He's trying to forge a better life in a place where others are doing same. He just wants that chance. He keeps to himself and others within his culture and pretends his English is limited for fear of detection from questioning whites..on his off days he takes pride in being well dressed in clean new clothes like everyone else in America as it is a symbol, a badge of honor and totally worth swimming through the Rio Grande where he made his pass over.
That's not giving enough credit to the mentally handicapped. Most I've met are all about inclusion and acceptance; not the shit she's pedalling. She's mentally ill, for sure. Probably borderline personality disorder which, undiagnosed, can lead to a lot of misdirected hate at people or groups of people.
Juan Gomez sounds cool though, I'd like buy him a beer. And hope to fuck assholes like trump and her don't kick him out of the country on some misguided power trip to make America white again.


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna get on food stamps and medicaid so i can afford kayaking trips too.
She had money to take a trip? Was it reported to Department of Family Services?

That is something of value which needs to be reported as part the financial statement you make for food stamps. Withholding that kind of information is a violation and subject to having your food stamps denied in addition to what they already gave you.

They put your face on food stamp deadbeat page..I'm pretty sure you don't believe me, just google 'food stamp violators'.