Stunted growth


Hello everyone , i am a noob but i try to learn as much as i can and want to learn more and get tips, My setup 300 watt cfl dual spectrum mammoth lite 40x40x120 VKO100 fan , Carbon filter ventilation , Now i have 1 auto speed bud and 2 auto sweet tooths in the tent females , the problem is i had like 8 ph or more at start so i bought ph- and control it at 6.5 ph when i water , they look healthy and very fresh but for some reason they stop grow they are like 10 - 12 cm above the soil , i use the gold label special mix soil , good ventilation in my room i have the window open and the temp is 22 - 24 . please help me anyone i threw 3 off my previous plants becouse of this and i am clueless , the sweet tooths are 15 days , and the auto sp bud is 6 days . Sorry for my bad english hope you understand what i write thanks. 3-4 cm from lamp on a 24/0 cycle . And the 3 other plants i had before grew a little bit more until they stop growing it was 1 northern lights auto fem 1 fem jack herrer and 3 auto sweet tooths in same pot. 2 of my plants that are 15 days have an ph of 7.8 the 5 old have ph of 6.5 that one is doing great so far . One of the leaves of the biggest tooth is brown/yellow at the edge not much but its there . Help please would appriciate it.


Sorry i had to take pictures in a hurry i barrow it from a friend . the one with little yellow leafes ontop is 17 days the other one with dots on the leaves are 15 days and the little one is 8 days.



the yelllow came after i added ph also the dots on the leaves 1 day after but they were stunned for 2 - 3 days before that , okey the temp is 24


i fed the 2 older ones 3 days ago with soil and root , no i had realy high ph 8 or more so i used ph-


Well-Known Member
the yelllow came after i added ph also the dots on the leaves 1 day after but they were stunned for 2 - 3 days before that , okey the temp is 24
Same thing happened to me...added too much ph down...shocked my plant it turned yellow, got spots,then..she died...r.i.p.


i kind ahave the cfl 300 watts just 3 -4 cm over the plants do you think this is to close ? i use soil , maybe i should buy hydro setup and start over seems much less complicated with a hydro


Okay now iam realy confused , i flushed the entire soil and lower ph on it to 6.5 and then put the one with 2 mugs in the pot and OFC the soil is already at 7.8 ... litthefrog when your plant died how did you know ? iam starting to think they are dead they just lie there no growth almost 5 days now .


Well-Known Member
Okay now iam realy confused , i flushed the entire soil and lower ph on it to 6.5 and then put the one with 2 mugs in the pot and OFC the soil is already at 7.8 ... litthefrog when your plant died how did you know ? iam starting to think they are dead they just lie there no growth almost 5 days now .
When mine died it was really fast, over night. They wilted and twisted and that was it, I have a pic here. This is what it looked like a few hours after I added ph down.IMG_1186.JPG


IM4satori Okey that was my suspection aswell i saw some pictures about Defs on leafes , the iron cant come trough bcs of the high ph ? I gave 2 older ones half amount of soil and root nutes once 2 days ago and i noticed the leafes rising abit before that they looked kinda sad but no growth after either ..


Liththefrog , woow so fast :/ , i hope this does not happend to me to , but i kinda already accepted if it does will be second time if so i toss my fems :( , if they dont recover i had a thougt and i need help what u think , if i get a hydrosystem and use hydro/coco 60/40 mix with itsd a 12 liter pot with 10 liter autowater tank and spaces for plants in that 12 liter pot would that be better maybve more success ? , or i found something called airpots they look pretty dope was thinking about the oxygen they deliver trough the holes was thinking a 20 liter pot and that also hydro , idk realy what to do what u think i should do right now , i am very frustrated need help ..


Well-Known Member
they'll recover

stop adding nutes

they shouldn't need food yet

the soil has all it needs (or should) for several weeks

just water with plain water and the proper PH (add 1/4 tsp per gallon Epsom salt only )

next time start in small pots with potting soil not a hot mix