wake up Mr.. more involved than you think...or know...
look around..
care less about a multi trillion dollar deal..I doubt that!!!! THEY WANT THIS MORE THAN YOU KNOW..for reasons you dont seem to understand.
Theres way way more to this deal..

" BM and MMAR growers have been doing the same shit " you really dont get it ...

since when has BM or MMAR designed poison to spray on their meds??? riddle me that one...
or genetically change a strain to be ALL THEIRS in order to react havoc on other deals as they go... its a long road of cash eh lol wake up and follow it.

I can tell you, it is a stretch what you are saying, when I had put together my since withdrawn MMPR app, they had a section that said if you can vet your case as to why a chemical would work, they would list it. Had nothing to do with the big companies. It had more to do with the Cannabis monologue that came out from the AHP that suggested safe limits.

I know people would like to make a conspiracy out of everything but it is just not there, Cannabis is small fries to them, if and when they get into it, it will be like 0.1% of what they do.
They are talking global domination via the food chain, they can careless about Cannabis. They all know they have no real way to control it, they know seeds are easy to get and Cannabis grows wild almost every place on the planet. Not easy to control. All the land that Monsanto bought in Norcal is for crop testing. Like I said at this point in history they are not involved, I would know about that like I said a good friend of mine is a big time plant breeder of soy beans for them, they would know if Cannabis was in the "Pipeline" (no pun).

The only thing they did Cannabis related was buy some land, and that land can be used for anything not just Cannabis. And even if and when they do grow it, it will be growing it for testing chemicals and fertilizers on, now for end sale. No one not even LP's would buy into terminator Cannabis because it makes no sense. The Cannabis community is too established, guys are making big moves already with out Monsanto involved. it is too late, sure some big money will try, but most will fail.

Cannabis is sort of like the internet, you can not really put that Cat back in the bag. Not with out causing a lot of problems.
News to me...... Dip a bud in iso and try to smoke it, hahaha! Ban hammer IMO!!
Ban Hammer???? who do you think you are? this is not miss info, this is what a lot of BM growers have done and still do. This is no lie, they dip it, let it dry then ship it to Ontario for the fools out here to consume. They also tumble it, they also spray it with all kids of harsh shit to ensure crop success.
I need to be banned for telling it like it is? Who are you anyways? I have never seen you post before........ Are you one of them new Rats on this site?
wrongful information isnt a reason for a ban.

2+2= 10
doesnt mean its ban worthy

Thanks Sunni, I appreciate that. But also I would like to point out that this is not wrong info, this is truth, Cannabis that gets shipped to Ontario from BC 8 times out of 10 has been stepped on in some form or fashion. I have heard Growers say "Heck they all have cancer anyways, who gives a shit" so yeah that is what it is.
I can tell you, it is a stretch what you are saying, when I had put together my since withdrawn MMPR app, they had a section that said if you can vet your case as to why a chemical would work, they would list it. Had nothing to do with the big companies. It had more to do with the Cannabis monologue that came out from the AHP that suggested safe limits.

I know people would like to make a conspiracy out of everything but it is just not there, Cannabis is small fries to them, if and when they get into it, it will be like 0.1% of what they do.
They are talking global domination via the food chain, they can careless about Cannabis. They all know they have no real way to control it, they know seeds are easy to get and Cannabis grows wild almost every place on the planet. Not easy to control. All the land that Monsanto bought in Norcal is for crop testing. Like I said at this point in history they are not involved, I would know about that like I said a good friend of mine is a big time plant breeder of soy beans for them, they would know if Cannabis was in the "Pipeline" (no pun).

The only thing they did Cannabis related was buy some land, and that land can be used for anything not just Cannabis. And even if and when they do grow it, it will be growing it for testing chemicals and fertilizers on, now for end sale. No one not even LP's would buy into terminator Cannabis because it makes no sense. The Cannabis community is too established, guys are making big moves already with out Monsanto involved. it is too late, sure some big money will try, but most will fail.

Cannabis is sort of like the internet, you can not really put that Cat back in the bag. Not with out causing a lot of problems.
we are talking about two different things here as I thought..
You guys are worried about the wrong things.... SMH. Bottom line if you grow Cannabis chances are you are buying nutes to feed your plants. All the nutes are the same shit different packaging (more or less) it is all just chemical salts. Gh, is no diff then advanced or remo or h&g etc etc.... Just saying.

I think we are more likly to die from some shit Donald Trump gets us into then by food or Cannabis from Monsanto. Just saying.
once metals get in your plant..they stay there...
nuff said..
they already are trying pattent strains...
Monsanto is in the industry already
If you think that they are not interested in a product that will see them make billions done the right way for them.. think again.
You guys are worried about the wrong things.... SMH. Bottom line if you grow Cannabis chances are you are buying nutes to feed your plants. All the nutes are the same shit different packaging (more or less) it is all just chemical salts. Gh, is no diff then advanced or remo or h&g etc etc.... Just saying.

I think we are more likly to die from some shit Donald Trump gets us into then by food or Cannabis from Monsanto. Just saying.

So are you equating nutrient salts to chemicals like Roundup and the thousands of other toxic things our governments allow to be used on the products we consume?

Mon$atan and companies like them have the domination of the worlds foods and drugs as their goal. Anyone who denies that has their head in the sand and for them to reach that goal they have to stomp on anyone who gets in their way. From small farmers they can sue out of existence to large companies making competing products they can just buy out and get rid of. Micro$oft and all sorts of other evil corporations have used the same tactics for over 100 years.

When you make a blanket statement like "80% of pot coming to Ontario from BC is stepped on in some way" you totally destroy any trust I might have in the credibility of anything else you claim to know the "facts" about.

But also I would like to point out that this is not wrong info, this is truth, Cannabis that gets shipped to Ontario from BC 8 times out of 10 has been stepped on in some form or fashion. I have heard Growers say "Heck they all have cancer anyways, who gives a shit" so yeah that is what it is.
Ban Hammer???? who do you think you are? this is not miss info, this is what a lot of BM growers have done and still do. This is no lie, they dip it, let it dry then ship it to Ontario for the fools out here to consume. They also tumble it, they also spray it with all kids of harsh shit to ensure crop success.
I need to be banned for telling it like it is? Who are you anyways? I have never seen you post before........ Are you one of them new Rats on this site?

you know this how????

WELCOME to the forum Freddie.
Sorry the whole LP game turned into a giant cluster f--k and you as well as many others got caught up in ...

Frankly....I can not imagine what it would be like for me...if I had waited even a couple of weeks....when initially registering
I'm sure that had I would have soured the use of Cannabis....for me..permanently .
How many people who...may have not been the partying type....that went out on a limb and tried mmj....for whatever was ailing them...
only to have it work for them...and then turn into the fiasco that would eventually become known as the MMPR.../ACMPR.
They risked outing themselves to their employer/family/friends/neighbours/the police/criminal element etc.....
the risked losing employment/family/friends/freedom/anonymity/money or risked being accused of diversion,drug dealing,of being a pothead/druggie/freak.

They also took the brunt of the negative connotation that is usually associated with smoking marijuana
For sure.....they had their personal information displayed in a large envelope window, for the local post office workers/ and anyone else whose eyes may have had the chance of coming in contact with said envelope window.
Leaving them to fend for themselves on a personal , local , level and any of the possible scenarios you can dream up.....
I first I didn't think it was really gonna be that big a deal....but I live in a very small town ,,,like under 200....and news travels fast...
leaving me to have to defend myself....or risk being broken into again....that's right...AGAIN.

Most likely even with legalization....I will be wearing a "bullseye" on my back for some time to come.
So , regardless of how careful you have been, or are in tell... how was I to defend against health Canada leaking my personal information ,
or a nasty ass neighbour...trespassing to take pictures, over a fence, that's set back,4 or 5 feet from the property prevent anyone from looking in...
Then taking these pictures and showing them around the mostly the low life types...but to also some friends of mine....who told me
all about it.....and offered to go to court should I want to sue her...for her negligence...
She also brought the pictures to court....and tried to sue me....since she feared that my plants would...(Wait for
over seed her entire back yard....causing her to have an unwanted crop...of mj....lofl
leaving her at risk of being hurt or people coming to steal said over seeded crop.
I kid you not.....anyways the judge saw thru her money grab....and told her he did not even want to look at pictures....nor hear her story thru to its end.
That was judge #1.
Now in the second.. court case#2, involving this crazy assed neighbour...which was us bringing... her up on a "peace bond",,,since no matter what... she just could not be civil or just.. even quiet ...would have worked...Instead she would attack me...personally every time I was outside..each time becoming more and more brazen....and moving closer to a physical attack..which I could see was coming...
Her eyes were even.....crazy....for lack of a better word.
So how long until I was going to be getting shot or the back... while weed whacking ??
WELCOME to the forum Freddie.
Sorry the whole LP game turned into a giant cluster f--k and you as well as many others got caught up in ...

Frankly....I can not imagine what it would be like for me...if I had waited even a couple of weeks....when initially registering
I'm sure that had I would have soured the use of Cannabis....for me..permanently .
How many people who...may have not been the partying type....that went out on a limb and tried mmj....for whatever was ailing them...
only to have it work for them...and then turn into the fiasco that would eventually become known as the MMPR.../ACMPR.
They risked outing themselves to their employer/family/friends/neighbours/the police/criminal element etc.....
the risked losing employment/family/friends/freedom/anonymity/money or risked being accused of diversion,drug dealing,of being a pothead/druggie/freak.

They also took the brunt of the negative connotation that is usually associated with smoking marijuana
For sure.....they had their personal information displayed in a large envelope window, for the local post office workers/ and anyone else whose eyes may have had the chance of coming in contact with said envelope window.
Leaving them to fend for themselves on a personal , local , level and any of the possible scenarios you can dream up.....
I first I didn't think it was really gonna be that big a deal....but I live in a very small town ,,,like under 200....and news travels fast...
leaving me to have to defend myself....or risk being broken into again....that's right...AGAIN.

Most likely even with legalization....I will be wearing a "bullseye" on my back for some time to come.
So , regardless of how careful you have been, or are in tell... how was I to defend against health Canada leaking my personal information ,
or a nasty ass neighbour...trespassing to take pictures, over a fence, that's set back,4 or 5 feet from the property prevent anyone from looking in...
Then taking these pictures and showing them around the mostly the low life types...but to also some friends of mine....who told me
all about it.....and offered to go to court should I want to sue her...for her negligence...
She also brought the pictures to court....and tried to sue me....since she feared that my plants would...(Wait for
over seed her entire back yard....causing her to have an unwanted crop...of mj....lofl
leaving her at risk of being hurt or people coming to steal said over seeded crop.
I kid you not.....anyways the judge saw thru her money grab....and told her he did not even want to look at pictures....nor hear her story thru to its end.
That was judge #1.
Now in the second.. court case#2, involving this crazy assed neighbour...which was us bringing... her up on a "peace bond",,,since no matter what... she just could not be civil or just.. even quiet ...would have worked...Instead she would attack me...personally every time I was outside..each time becoming more and more brazen....and moving closer to a physical attack..which I could see was coming...
Her eyes were even.....crazy....for lack of a better word.
So how long until I was going to be getting shot or the back... while weed whacking ??

do you have security cams set up????

WELCOME to the forum Freddie.
Sorry the whole LP game turned into a giant cluster f--k and you as well as many others got caught up in ...

Frankly....I can not imagine what it would be like for me...if I had waited even a couple of weeks....when initially registering
I'm sure that had I would have soured the use of Cannabis....for me..permanently .
How many people who...may have not been the partying type....that went out on a limb and tried mmj....for whatever was ailing them...
only to have it work for them...and then turn into the fiasco that would eventually become known as the MMPR.../ACMPR.
They risked outing themselves to their employer/family/friends/neighbours/the police/criminal element etc.....
the risked losing employment/family/friends/freedom/anonymity/money or risked being accused of diversion,drug dealing,of being a pothead/druggie/freak.

They also took the brunt of the negative connotation that is usually associated with smoking marijuana
For sure.....they had their personal information displayed in a large envelope window, for the local post office workers/ and anyone else whose eyes may have had the chance of coming in contact with said envelope window.
Leaving them to fend for themselves on a personal , local , level and any of the possible scenarios you can dream up.....
I first I didn't think it was really gonna be that big a deal....but I live in a very small town ,,,like under 200....and news travels fast...
leaving me to have to defend myself....or risk being broken into again....that's right...AGAIN.

Most likely even with legalization....I will be wearing a "bullseye" on my back for some time to come.
So , regardless of how careful you have been, or are in tell... how was I to defend against health Canada leaking my personal information ,
or a nasty ass neighbour...trespassing to take pictures, over a fence, that's set back,4 or 5 feet from the property prevent anyone from looking in...
Then taking these pictures and showing them around the mostly the low life types...but to also some friends of mine....who told me
all about it.....and offered to go to court should I want to sue her...for her negligence...
She also brought the pictures to court....and tried to sue me....since she feared that my plants would...(Wait for
over seed her entire back yard....causing her to have an unwanted crop...of mj....lofl
leaving her at risk of being hurt or people coming to steal said over seeded crop.
I kid you not.....anyways the judge saw thru her money grab....and told her he did not even want to look at pictures....nor hear her story thru to its end.
That was judge #1.
Now in the second.. court case#2, involving this crazy assed neighbour...which was us bringing... her up on a "peace bond",,,since no matter what... she just could not be civil or just.. even quiet ...would have worked...Instead she would attack me...personally every time I was outside..each time becoming more and more brazen....and moving closer to a physical attack..which I could see was coming...
Her eyes were even.....crazy....for lack of a better word.
So how long until I was going to be getting shot or the back... while weed whacking ??

Yea definitely set up a little camera and catch her in the act, what a crazy bitch.
WELCOME to the forum Freddie.
Sorry the whole LP game turned into a giant cluster f--k and you as well as many others got caught up in ...

Frankly....I can not imagine what it would be like for me...if I had waited even a couple of weeks....when initially registering
I'm sure that had I would have soured the use of Cannabis....for me..permanently .
How many people who...may have not been the partying type....that went out on a limb and tried mmj....for whatever was ailing them...
only to have it work for them...and then turn into the fiasco that would eventually become known as the MMPR.../ACMPR.
They risked outing themselves to their employer/family/friends/neighbours/the police/criminal element etc.....
the risked losing employment/family/friends/freedom/anonymity/money or risked being accused of diversion,drug dealing,of being a pothead/druggie/freak.

They also took the brunt of the negative connotation that is usually associated with smoking marijuana
For sure.....they had their personal information displayed in a large envelope window, for the local post office workers/ and anyone else whose eyes may have had the chance of coming in contact with said envelope window.
Leaving them to fend for themselves on a personal , local , level and any of the possible scenarios you can dream up.....
I first I didn't think it was really gonna be that big a deal....but I live in a very small town ,,,like under 200....and news travels fast...
leaving me to have to defend myself....or risk being broken into again....that's right...AGAIN.

Most likely even with legalization....I will be wearing a "bullseye" on my back for some time to come.
So , regardless of how careful you have been, or are in tell... how was I to defend against health Canada leaking my personal information ,
or a nasty ass neighbour...trespassing to take pictures, over a fence, that's set back,4 or 5 feet from the property prevent anyone from looking in...
Then taking these pictures and showing them around the mostly the low life types...but to also some friends of mine....who told me
all about it.....and offered to go to court should I want to sue her...for her negligence...
She also brought the pictures to court....and tried to sue me....since she feared that my plants would...(Wait for
over seed her entire back yard....causing her to have an unwanted crop...of mj....lofl
leaving her at risk of being hurt or people coming to steal said over seeded crop.
I kid you not.....anyways the judge saw thru her money grab....and told her he did not even want to look at pictures....nor hear her story thru to its end.
That was judge #1.
Now in the second.. court case#2, involving this crazy assed neighbour...which was us bringing... her up on a "peace bond",,,since no matter what... she just could not be civil or just.. even quiet ...would have worked...Instead she would attack me...personally every time I was outside..each time becoming more and more brazen....and moving closer to a physical attack..which I could see was coming...
Her eyes were even.....crazy....for lack of a better word.
So how long until I was going to be getting shot or the back... while weed whacking ??
You need a lion......upload_2017-1-31_5-53-4.jpeg
you know this how????

I have watched guys tumble it, I have heard guys talking about the dip. This is o joke, and that is not including the fact they use spray for pest.
So are you equating nutrient salts to chemicals like Roundup and the thousands of other toxic things our governments allow to be used on the products we consume?

Mon$atan and companies like them have the domination of the worlds foods and drugs as their goal. Anyone who denies that has their head in the sand and for them to reach that goal they have to stomp on anyone who gets in their way. From small farmers they can sue out of existence to large companies making competing products they can just buy out and get rid of. Micro$oft and all sorts of other evil corporations have used the same tactics for over 100 years.

When you make a blanket statement like "80% of pot coming to Ontario from BC is stepped on in some way" you totally destroy any trust I might have in the credibility of anything else you claim to know the "facts" about.

Well I do not care about your "Trust" I am not looking for your trust, I am point out truth, if you do not want to listen or care, then I do not care. This info is for people who buy BC bud, or commercial bud in general. I have seen it, there are even guys on youtube who brag about tumbling it, they show you the damn tumbler machines.
I had a 2 year window I could only get my hand on BC bud, I got sick from that weed. I used to get lung infections all the fucing time. Soon as I started growing again and only buying from growers I know the infections stopped, but of course that is not proof enough, but I can tell you the cannabis is tamped with. And now with this rosin crazy and shatter crazy, it is even more tempting to dilute the Cannabis. ' hey weed not getting you high any more? buy this expensive ass rosin or shatter, by the way it has all the THC that should to be in your dope." lol
Like I said you do not have to trust me, I am not trying to sleep with you. but if you do care then buyer beware....... Unless you grow your own you will never 100% know what is in or on it.
So are you equating nutrient salts to chemicals like Roundup and the thousands of other toxic things our governments allow to be used on the products we consume?

Yes the salts are from the petrol chemical industry, they are used to feed plants or they are used in chemical weapons for war. It all comes from the same place/factories. So how is that any diff from "Monsanto"